생명의 말씀/M.R.DeHaan


복음과삶 2012. 2. 19. 19:58




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To that host of believers who long for

a greater power in Christian service,

and are seeking the maximum of

victory over self and sin, willing to

present their bodies a living sacrifice to

God, this volume is prayerfully dedicated.





FOR years I have not been satisfied with the general interpretations given of Hebrews six and ten, which chapters seem to be of a highly controversial nature. Then one day it was my privilege to talk to my dearly beloved friend, Dr. M. R. DeHaan, about the interpretation of these two chapters; and his analysis as he gave it to me then, encouraged my own thinking along the same line.


I have read, with great interest, the manuscript of our brother on the Book of Hebrews, in which I believe he sets forth clearly, distinctly and thought-provokingly, an analysis of the book to which all of us should take heed.


Could it be that we have dodged the dear teaching of the Judgment Seat of Christ, because some have taught concerning it that it is some sort of purgatory? Frankly, I have had the word “purgatory” thrown in my face numerous times when setting forth what the Scriptures teach on the subject of the Judgment Seat of Christ.


But the extreme position held by some is no reason for us to back off and ignore the subject. I feel that the correct view of the Judgment Seat of Christ is the basis for purification among God's people, and a teaching which needs to be emphasized.


I am happy for this dissertation on Hebrews, setting forth clearly this allimportant doctrine of God's discipline of His children. I believe the right understanding of this subject will give us a right understanding of the appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ, which in turn will make 1 John 3:3 a much more weighty verse. I quote, “And every man that has this hope in him purifies himself, even as he is pure.” I am praying that this book will be instrumental in opening the eyes of many wayward Christians, causing them to prepare in the right sense for the return of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Theodore H. Epp, Director,

Back to the Bible Broadcast






THIS volume is not designed to be an exhaustive exposition of the Book of Hebrews. Instead, it is intended to be an overall view of the central teaching of the book. The heart of this epistle and the key to its correct interpretation we believe is found in chapter five.


“For when for the time ye ought to be teachers, ye have need

that one teach you again which be the first principles

of the oracles of God; and are become such as have need

of milk, and not of strong meat. For every one that useth

milk is unskilful in the word of righteousness: for he is

a babe. But strong meat belongeth to them that are of

full age, even those who by reason of use have their

senses exercised to discern both good and evil.”

(Hebrews 5:12-14)


These Hebrew Christians had stopped short of a victorious and fruitful life, and were sorely tempted to become legalistic and to neglect their salvation. They are, therefore, admonished to “go on to perfection” (maturity), lest they harden their hearts and come to a place where it is impossible for them to be renewed again unto repentance, but become unfruitful castaways to suffer loss at the Judgment Seat of Christ. To prevent this from happening, the writer reminds them of the sacrifice of Christ in their behalf, of the presence of the High Priest in heaven, and the power of the solid meat of the Word to enable them to gain the victory and the crown. If this does not induce them to a yielding and surrender to His will, He warns them of the chastening which they are inviting, and finally, if chastening is despised, the Lord may judge them by setting them aside, or visiting them with death, to be judged at the Judgment Seat of Christ.


We realize that this interpretation is not the popular or traditional one, but we have long been convinced that these Hebrews were not mere professors who had gone along with the Spirit to the very threshold of salvation, and then had gone back before they were actually saved. The description of these Hebrews indicates they were truly born again, and the fruits they had borne in the past classify them as genuine believers. To apply to ourselves those portions of the epistle which speak of the blessings, and then apply the judgments (Hebrews 6 and 10) to the poor Hebrews is just as inconsistent as to apply the glorious prophecies of Israel's future glory and restoration in the Old Testament to the Church, and leave the judgments and curses for poor Israel. We believe the Book of Hebrews is written for and to believers, to remind all of us that GRACE carries responsibilities and we cannot live loose, carnal, unseparated lives and expect to escape the results when “the Lord shall judge His people.” The background of Hebrews is the Judgment Seat of Christ.


These messages were first given over two coast-to-coast networks of radio stations, and are reproduced much as they were given at that time. They cover only the mountain peaks of Hebrews and the main theme, and are not meant to be an exhaustive treatment of this important book. If reading this volume causes you to turn to the Book of Hebrews, and prompts you to restudy it, even if it be for the purpose of refuting the foregoing interpretation, we shall be grateful. If it drives you to the Word to see if these things are so, then, whether we agree or not, it will be a blessing. We need not all agree, but if we disagree, let us not be disagreeable in our disagreements. With a prayer that these studies may stimulate us all to “search the Scriptures,” in a sincere desire to know His will, we send forth this volume.


“That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro,

and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the

sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they

lie in wait to deceive; But speaking the truth in

love, may grow up into Him in all things,

which is the head, even Christ:”

(Ephesians 4:14-15)



Grand Rapids, Michigan











1. Saved—or Half Saved

2. Neglecting Our Salvation

3. The Goal of Salvation

4. Lower than the Angels

5. All Out—but Not All In

6. Carcasses in the Wilderness

7. The Rest of Labor

8. The Second Blessing

9. Gaining the Crown

10. Babes in Christ

11. The Sin unto Death

12. God’s Castaways

13. The Heavenly Priesthood

14. The Price of Discipleship

15. Law and Grace

16. Falling from Grace

17. God Will Judge His People

18. The Triumph of Faith

19. The Rewards of Faith

20. You Are Being Watched

21. Disciplined for Service

22. Afterward

23. Your Report Card

24. Be Ye Separate

25. The Fruit of Our Lips

Appendix: The Judgment Seat of Christ.