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생명의 말씀/A.B.Simpson

That I might finish my course with joy

by 복음과삶 2009. 11. 17.

This is a most serious thought, this thought of finishing our work. There is nothing in the Christian life quite so sad as unfinished work. As I look over the work of God, I see strewn all along the way this curse of incompleted work. The book of Judges tells us of five hundred years of declension because God's people did not complete their work when they were in possession of Canaan. They conquered Jericho; they conquered 31 kingdoms; they divided the land among 12 victorious tribes; but they left here and there little strongholds that were not subdued-little tribes that could not or would not be driven out-and it was not long until they brought Israel under subjection and neutralized all the work of Joshua's conquest. Consider the ministry of Elijah. Never has the world seen anything more sublime than his victory on Carmel. But who has not grieved at his reaction on the following day when, at the shaking of a woman's finger, he fled into the desert and left the field in possession of God's enemies. It is not enough to go on for a while. It is the last step that wins. May God put on our hearts this thought, that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry, which I have receive of the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God.