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by Topic/하나님(God)6

숨바꼭질 도사 하나님 (행 17:24-27) “우주와 그 가운데 있는 만유를 지으신 신께서는 천지의 주재시니 손으로 지은 전에 계시지 아니하시고 또 무엇이 부족한 것처럼 사람의 손으로 섬김을 받으시는 것이 아니니 이는 만민에게 생명과 호흡과 만물을 친히 주시는 자이심이라. 인류의 모든 족속을 한 혈통으로 만드사 온 땅에 거하게 하.. 2011. 3. 21.
God With Us. God For Us. God In Us. Matt. 1. 21-23; Rom. 8: 31-34; 1 John 3: 24. John Alfred Trench. Article 10 of 19 from 'Truth for Believers' Volume 1. (New and Enlarged Edition 1906.) These passages are linked together naturally for all our hearts, and I may say divinely. We find in them God with us, God for us, and God in us; lastly, we get the fullest, deepest result of all this manifestation of God in privilege — where we.. 2009. 8. 26.
The Glory of God and the Father's Purpose James McBroom. (Extracted from Scripture Truth Vol. 26, 1934, page 88.) It is a conception worthy of the blessed God that He will one day have the whole universe filled with love and light and glory in and through the MAN of His right hand. Even now it captivates the hearts of all who have drank from the river of His grace. It is fitting that the humbled Christ, should be glorified, and that the.. 2009. 8. 26.
The Knowledge of God's Ways Romans 11: 25-29. F. A. Hughes. SEPT/OCT. 1967 Recent incidents in the Near East have raised questions as to how far these happenings are related to God's thoughts for His earthly people. There is no intention, in this short paper, of entering into prophetic details; its object is to call attention to the fact that the believer, as indwelt by the Spirit of God, and as having recourse to the Scri.. 2009. 8. 26.
What God is — God is Love E. Dennett Publisher: Morrish. 1 John 4: 7-12. I am sure, beloved friends, that, in reading the Bible, you have noticed that it only contains two subjects — what man is, and what God is. They may be presented in different ways and aspects, but in their essence it is simply the unfolding of the heart of man and the heart of God. And it is impossible to conceive a greater contrast : it is the co.. 2009. 8. 24.
God in His Essence and Attributes J. N. Darby. <32001E> 1 What is fundamental in speaking of attributes, is inherent in the very term itself. It is not the being in its essential nature, even though always found there, but what is rightly attributed to the being as such; and in speaking of God this is not without importance; and the difference will be found very simple. Attributes are relative; hence God, who is absolute, .. 2009. 8. 22.