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생명의 말씀/G.Davison9

"Behold the man" Jer. 5: 1, 2; Zech. 6: 12-15; John 5: 6-9; and John 19: 5. G. Davison. Nov 1960 As these Scriptures came before me I was impressed with the fact that each of them stands in relation to Jerusalem, the divine centre, the centre of God's earthly people; the only city on earth that God calls a holy city. Whilst there was defilement and failure in God's people, yet Jerusalem never ceased, in the eyes.. 2009. 9. 4.
Assembly Order and Privileges 1 Corinthians 1: 4-10, 17. G. Davison Sept/Oct 1971 Most of us will be departing this weekend and going to our local gatherings, and it might therefore be worth our while to ask ourselves, in the light of what has been before us — viewing the assembly of God in its public and universal setting — how are we to work out locally the particular features that have been before us in these meetings.. 2009. 9. 2.
Answers to Correspondents by G. Davison Extracted from "Precious Things" - Mar. 56 to Oct. 1964 NUMBERS 4: 16 MAR/APR 1956-1 KINGDOM OF GOD & KINGDOM OF HEAVEN JULY/AUG 1956-2 "THE FIRST, OLD AND NEW MAN" NOV/DEC 1956 -4 "THE LORD'S TABLE & THE LORD'S SUPPER" JAN. 1957-6 JUDGMENT OF SIN AND USE OF NATURAL GIFTS MARCH 1957-7 1 TIMOTHY 1: 20 APRIL 1957-8 GAMBLING JUNE 1957-9 LUCK OR CHANCE JULY 1957-10 MATTHEW 18: 10 AUG... 2009. 9. 1.
Alpha and Omega G. Davison. Jan 1963 The two words at the head of this article represent the first and last letters in the Greek alphabet, the equivalent of A and Z in the English language. In using these words of Himself as divine titles the Lord Jesus would convey to us that He is the One who ever voices divine communications for the guidance of His people in this world. If we look further into the book of Re.. 2009. 8. 30.
From Adam to Christ 1 Cor. 15: 45-49; Eph. 4: 20-25. G. Davison. Jan/Feb/Mar 1964 In our meetings we often speak of the "transfer from Adam to Christ," and I have in mind to give an outline of the truth which this remark entails. That it does aptly describe the work of the Spirit in our souls there is no doubt, and we may be helped to see the bearing of this from the two passages we have read. First, in 1 Corinthia.. 2009. 8. 28.
The Threefold Witness 1 John 5: 5-12. G. Davison. May 1962 These verses give us John's last reference to the Spirit in his epistle, and we see, above all else, that the Spirit of God is the living Witness in our souls of the divine things which have been engaging us as together. Hence in verse 6, speaking of the Son of God in whom we have believed, he says "this is He that came by water and blood, even Jesus Christ; .. 2009. 8. 27.
Two Tenth Deals Leviticus 23: 9-17; Leviticus 24: 5-7. G. Davison. April 1958 While we do not find one reference to the truth of the body of Christ in the Old Testament, we do find references to the company of whom this great mystery is true; and so, from these Old Testament Scriptures, I wish to follow what has already been said, that Christ will stamp His features on every family brought into blessing in the .. 2009. 8. 26.
Two Official Glories G. Davison BEING NOTES OF READING ON HEB. 8 AND 9. MINISTRY FROM THE "SCRIPTURAL QUARTERLY" JAN. 1941 Hebrews 8 In this chapter we have the Lord presented in two of His official glories; first as the Minister of the Sanctuary, then as the Mediator of the better Covenant. As the Minister of the Sanctuary we learn that Christ has gone in to God. Then as the Mediator of the better Covenant, He prep.. 2009. 8. 24.
George Davison George Davison was born into a Christian household in North Shields, Northumberland. However it was into his 20's before he became a believer. After leaving school he served an apprenticeship as a Coppersmith in the local shipyard. His interests as a young man centred around horse racing and billiards. The night that he was converted he was on his way to South Shields to play in a billiards cham.. 2009. 8. 22.