생명의 말씀/Charles G. Finney5 Can Two Walk Together Except They Be Agreed? Amos iii. 3. "Can two walk together except they be agreed?" In the holy Scriptures, we often find a negative thrown into the form of an interrogation. The text is an instance of this kind; so that we are to understand the prophet as affirming that two cannot walk together except they be agreed. For two to be agreed, implies something more than to be agreed in theory, or in understanding; for we.. 2011. 3. 21. Breaking Up the Fallow Ground Break up your follow ground for it is time to seek the Lord till He come and rain righteousness upon you. Hos. 10:12. The Jews were a nation of farmers, and it is therefore a common thing in the scriptures to refer for Illustrations to their occupation, and to the scenes with which farmers and shepherds are familiar. The prophet Hosea addresses them as a nation of backsliders; he reproves them .. 2011. 3. 21. Ability And Inability 'And Joshua said unto the people, Ye cannot serve the Lord: for He is a holy God.['] [Joshua 24:19] In this discussion, I shall I. POINT OUT THE DISTINCTION BETWEEN THE DIFFERENT KINDS OF ABILITY AND INABILITY TO OBEY THE LAW OF GOD, WHICH HAVE BEEN INSISTED ON BY DIFFERENT CLASSES OF PHILOSOPHERS AND DIVINES. II. SHOW THAT THIS DISTINCTION IS NONSENSICAL. III. WHAT IS INTENDED BY THE LANGUAGE .. 2011. 3. 21. Bound to Know Your True Character TEXT.--"Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves"-- 2 CORINTHIANS xiii. 5. IN speaking from this text I design to pursue the following order: I. Show what is intended by the requirement in the text. II. The necessity of this requirement. III. The practicability of the duty enjoined. IV. Give some directions as to the manner of performing the duty. I. I am to show wh.. 2009. 9. 4. Any One Form of Sin Persisted In is Fatal to the Soul "Whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point is guilty of all." -- James 2:10. "He that is unjust in the least, is also unjust in much." -- Luke 16:10. In speaking from these words, I inquire, I. What is it to persist in sin? 1. To persist in sin is not to abandon it. If a person should only occasionally, under the force of temptation, fall into a sin, any form of sin, and sh.. 2009. 9. 2. 이전 1 다음