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생명의 말씀/Martyn-Lloyd Jones5

God or Mammon IN our analysis of verses 19-24 we have seen that our Lord first of all lays down a proposition or a commandment, "Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth ... but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven." In other words, He tells us that we are so to live in this world, and so to use everything we have, whether our possessions, or gifts, or talents, or propensities, that we shall be la.. 2009. 9. 26.
Faith On Trial: The Problem Stated THE GREAT VALUE of the Book of Psalms is that in it we have godly men stating their experience, and giving us an account of things that have happened to them in their spiritual life and warfare. Throughout history the Book of Psalms has, therefore, been a book of great value for God's people. Again and again it provides them with the kind of comfort and teaching they need, and which they can fi.. 2009. 9. 26.
Christian and Non-Christian HERE WE COME TO A dramatic and almost an abrupt statement. The Apostle has been describing the kind of life which is lived by the "other Gentiles", the kind of life that these Ephesians Christians themselves used to live - the life still being lived by those of their compatriots and fellows who had not believed the gospel of Jesus Christ. And having finished his description he suddenly turns, a.. 2009. 9. 26.
Breadth, Length, Depth, Height We now come to the actual petition which was offered by the Apostle for the Ephesians. It is that, having been rooted and grounded in love, they may be fully able to comprehend with all saints "what is the breadth, and the length, and the depth, and the height, and to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge". We must remind ourselves that we are dealing, not with our love to God and to.. 2009. 9. 26.
A Living Hope Of The Hereafter AT THE VERY beginning of his letter the apostle Peter bursts forth into this mighty and magnificent doxology. After a very brief salutation he suddenly breaks forth in these thrilling and powerful words. In so doing the apostle was not doing anything unique. He was doing what all the early Christians did, what all the writers of the New Testament epistles invariably do. The moment they mention t.. 2009. 9. 2.