by Topic/선거(Election)2 The election of grace F. B. Hole. (Extracted from Scripture Truth Vol. 15, 1923, page 106.) The Scriptural doctrine of election, if it be taken up in a merely intellectual way, is beset with many difficulties. It appears on the surface of things to come into instant collision with the equally Scriptural doctrine of man's responsibility to God. In the past, great schools of opinion have been formed around both doctrin.. 2009. 8. 24. Elect . . . unto obedience F. B. Hole. (Extracted from Scripture Truth Vol. 40, 1959-61, page 149.) It is a fact in which we may ever rejoice that we "are not under the law, but under grace" (Rom. 6: 14). Yet that fact does not absolve us from a life of obedience, as, the succeeding verses, in Romans 6, plainly show. Our unconverted lives were marked by the yielding of our members as servants, that in their varied lusts w.. 2009. 8. 22. 이전 1 다음