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생명의 말씀/A.W.Pink110

The Parable of the Dragnet The Prophetic Parables of Matthew 13 Chapter 7: THE PARABLE OF THE DRAGNET. "Again the kingdom of heaven is like unto a net, that was cast into the sea, and gathered of every kind" (Matthew 13:47-50) We have previously pointed out that it is of first importance to carefully note the manner and method in which these seven parables are arranged, for their order supplies a key to their interpretat.. 2011. 5. 25.
The Ordained Lamp The first part of this Psalm records a series of prayer-petitions; from verse 11 to the close are a number of great and precious promises relating to David and his family in the type, but mainly and ultimately to Christ and His New Testament church in the antitype. Let the reader constantly bear in mind this important principle and fact, namely, that everything in the Old Testament Scriptures t.. 2011. 5. 25.
THE NOAHIC COVENANT Noah is the connecting link between "the world that then was," which "being overflowed with water, perished," and the earth which now is "reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men" (2 Pet. 3:6, 7). He lived upon both, was preserved from the awful judgment which swallowed up the former, and given dominion over the latter in its pristine state. A period of sixtee.. 2010. 11. 18.
The Nature of Christ's Salvation Misrepresented by the Present-day ~ The Nature of Christ's Salvation Misrepresented by the Present-day "Evangelist." The nature of Christ's salvation is woefully misrepresented by the present-day "evangelist." He announces a Savior from hell rather than a Savior from sin. And that is why so many are fatally deceived, for there are multitudes who wish to escape the Lake of fire who have no desire to be delivered from their carnali.. 2010. 11. 18.
The Narrow Way The second half of Matthew 7 forms the applicatory part of that most important discourse of our Lord’s, known as "the Sermon on the Mount." One leading design of the Sermon was to show the spiritual nature and wide extent of that obedience which characterizes the true subjects of Christ’s kingdom, and which obedience is absolutely necessary for the enjoyment of that ultimate state of blesse.. 2010. 11. 18.
THE MESSIANIC COVENANT I. We have designated this final covenant "the Messianic" rather than "the Christian" or "the New" covenant, partly for the sake of alliteration and partly for the sake of emphasis. Before we consider its special nature and contents, we must first bridge the interval that elapsed between the making of the Davidic covenant and the commencement of the Christian era—an interval of approximately .. 2010. 11. 18.
모든 죄악을 극도로 혐오하시는 하나님 하나님은 거룩하시기 때문에 모든 죄악을 미워하신다. 그는 자신의 계명에 따르는 모든 것을 사랑하시나, 그에게 반역하시는 모든 것을 미워하신다. 그의 말씀은 이를 명백히 하고 있다. “대저 패역한 자는 여호와의 미워하심을 입거니와”(잠 3:32) 또 다시 이르기를 “악한 꾀는 여호와의 미워하시는 것이라”(잠 15:26) 그런고로, 하나님은 죄를 벌하셔야만 한다. 죄는 그의 미워하심을 받으며 따라서 그의 징벌을 초래한다. 신은 종종 죄인을 용서하신다. 그러나, 죄를 용서하지는 않는다. 또한 죄인은 신의 징벌을 대신한 구속자의 공로에 의해서만, 용서받는다. 왜냐하면, “피흘림이 없은즉 사(赦)함이 없느니라”(히9:22) “여호와는 투기하시며 보복하시는 하나님이시니라 여호와는 보복하시며 진노하시되, 자기를 거스.. 2010. 11. 17.
광야를 허락하신 목적 "모세가 홍해에서 이스라엘을 인도하매 그들이 나와서 수르 광야로 들어가서 거기서 사흘 길을 행하였으나 물을 얻지 못하고" (출 15:22) 하나님께서 그 백성들을 선별하여 이끌어 내신 후 그들로 '보혈'로 구속함을 받아 깨끗하게 된 하나님을 숭배하는 자로 가까이 두시는 일뿐만 아니라, 그들로 약속된 기업으로 들어가기 전에 광야를 통과하게 하시는 일 역시 하나님의 무궁하신 지혜에 속한 일이다. 첫째로, 광야의 시련과 시험은 우리의 심령의 사악함과 고칠 수 없는 육신의 부패를 나타나게 해 주며 또한 우리들 속에 있는 '숨은 교만'을 제거하므로 겸손하게 만들어 이 경험을 통하여 기업의 땅으로 들어가는 그 자체마저도 역시 오직 지극하신 은혜에 의한 일임을 입증하게 함으로써 우리의 합당하지 못함, 정말 '아무 선.. 2010. 10. 26.
아더 핑크(Arthur W. Pink, 1886-1952) 아더 핑크 출생 : 1886년 04월 11일 사망 : 1952년 07월 15일 출생지 : 영국 노팅햄 성별 : 남자 직업 : 신학자 1886년 영국 노팅햄에서 태어나 미국으로 건너가 무디 성경학원에서 공부했다. 그는 성경연구에 일생을 바치도록 하나님께 보내심을 받았던 말씀의 사람, 성경의 사람이었다. 순회 성경연구교사로 일했는데 특히 미국의 전역과 호주에서 많은 사역을 감당하였다. 그는 사후에 그의 문서 - 성경연구서 - 들이 하나님의 사람들의 주목을 받기 시작했다. 로이드 죤즈, 캠벨 몰간과 함께 영국에 주신 하나님의 복된 말씀의 대사역자로 꼽히게 되었다. 그는 영국, 미국, 호주 등에서 그의 소명을 감당했고, 말년에 가까울 때쯤 해서는 영국으로 돌아와 (Studies in the Seriptures).. 2010. 10. 25.
인간의 좌절, 하나님의 위로 (시 42:5) "내 영혼아 네가 어찌하여 낙심하며 어찌하여 내 속에서 불안해하는가? 너는 하나님께 소망을 두라. 그가 나타나 도우심으로 말미암아 내가 여전히 찬송하리로다." (시42:5) 시편 기자가 이렇게 말할 때에 그의 영혼은 침체되었고, 그의 마음은 무거웠습니다. 다윗의 삶을 보면 슬프고 우울한 일이 많았습니다. 새 사냥 하듯이 다윗을 추격하였던 사울 왕의 박해, 믿었던 친구인 아히도벨의 배반, 압살롬의 반역, 그리고 다윗의 죄들에 대한 기억은 강인한 다윗을 압도시키고도 남음이 있었습니다. 다윗도 따져 보면 우리와 성정(性情)이 같은 사람이었습니다. 그는 항상 산(山) 정상의 기쁨만 누리지 않았습니다. 그는 때때로 우울과 침체의 늪에서 고통하였습니다. 그러나 다윗은 절망하지 않았고, 자신의 슬픔에 사로잡히지도 않.. 2010. 10. 25.
The Meaning of "KOSMOS" in John 3:16 It may appear to some of our readers that the exposition we have given of John 3:16 in the chapter on "Difficulties and Objections" is a forced and unnatural one, inasmuch as our definition of the term "world" seems to be out of harmony with the meaning and scope of this word in other passages, where, to supply the world of believers (God’s elect) as a definition of "world" would make no sens.. 2010. 10. 5.
The Longsuffering of God "How wondrous is god's patience with the world today. On every side people are sinning with a high hand. The Divine law is trampled under foot and God Himself openly despised. It is truly amazing that he does not instantly strike dead those who so brazenly defy Him. Why does He not suddenly cut off the haughty infidel and blatant blasphemer, as He did Ananias and Sapphira? Why does He not cause.. 2010. 10. 5.
The Impotency of the Human Will Does it lie within the province of man’s will to accept or reject the Lord Jesus as Saviour? Granted that the Gospel is preached to the sinner, that the Holy Spirit convicts him of his lost condition, does it, in the final analysis, lie within the power of his own will to resist or yield himself up to God? The answer to this question defines our conception of human depravity. That man is a fa.. 2010. 10. 5.
The Hope of His Calling What is meant by "the hope of His calling"? This is really a double question: What is meant by the word hope in this passage, and what is meant by His calling? In Scripture hope always respects something future, and signifies far more than a mere wish that it may be realized. It sets forth a confident expectation that it will be realized (Ps. 16:9). In many passages hope has reference to its ob.. 2010. 10. 5.
The Holiness of God Because God is holy, acceptance with Him on the ground of creature-doings is utterly impossible. A fallen creature could sooner create a world than produce that which would meet the approval of infinite Purity. Can darkness dwell with Light? Can the Immaculate One take pleasure with "filthy rags" (Isa. 64:6)? The best that sinful man brings forth is defiled. A corrupt tree cannot bear good frui.. 2010. 10. 5.
The Great Giver "He that spared not His own Son but delivered Him up for us all how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?" (ROMANS 8:32). The above verse supplies us with an instance of Divine logic. It contains a conclusion drawn from a premise; the premise is that God delivered up Christ for all His people, therefore everything else that is needed by them is sure to be given. There are many e.. 2010. 9. 4.
The Gospel of Satan Satan is the arch-counterfeiter. As we have seen, the Devil is now busy at work in the same field in which the Lord sowed the good seed. He is seeking to prevent the growth of the wheat by another plant, the tares, which closely resembles the wheat in appearance. In a word, by a process of imitation he is aiming to neutralize the Word of Christ. Therefore, as Christ has a Gospel, Satan has a go.. 2010. 9. 4.
The God of Jacob This divine title—“The God of Jacob”—is found at least fourteen times in the Old Testament, and in addition, three times we read of “The mighty God of Jacob.” Such frequent repetition argues a deep significance, and suggests valuable lessons to be learned. We never read of the God of Moses, the God of Joshua, or the God of Solomon. Why then has God identified Himself with Jacob? Wha.. 2010. 9. 4.
The Eye of Faith "I have heard of Thee by the hearing of the ear: but now mine eye seeth Thee" (Job 42:5). What did Job signify by this? Obviously his words are not to be understood literally. No, by employing a common figure of speech, he meant that the mists of unbelief (occasioned by self-righteousness) had now been dispelled, and faith perceived the being of God as a glorious and living reality. ("Mine eyes.. 2010. 9. 4.
THE EVERLASTING COVENANT The Word of God opens with a brief account of creation, the making of man, and his fall. From later Scripture we have no difficulty in ascertaining that the issue of the trial to which man was subjected in Eden had been divinely foreseen. “The Lamb slain (in the purpose of God) from the foundation of the world” (Rev. 13:8) makes it clear that, in view of the Fall, provision had been made by.. 2010. 9. 4.
The Divine Rememberer "Who remembered us in our low estate: for His mercy endureth forever" (Psa. 136:23). "Who remembered us." This is in striking and blessed contrast from our forgettings of Him. Like every other faculty of our beings, the memory has been affected by the Fall and bears on it the marks of depravity. This is seen from its power to retain what is worthless and the difficulty encountered to hold fast .. 2010. 9. 4.
THE DAVIDIC COVENANT In this chapter we shall attempt little more than to point out the connecting links between the Sinaitic and the Davidic covenants. The various covenants recorded in the Old Testament, as we have previously stated, mark the principal stages in the development of God’s purpose of mercy toward our fallen race. Each one brought to light some further aspect of truth, and that, in keeping with par.. 2010. 9. 4.
The Cure for Despondency When the Psalmist gave utterance to these words, his spirit was dejected and his heart was heavy within him. In the checkered career of David there was not a little which was calculated to sadden and depress: the cruel persecutions of Saul, who hunted him as a partridge upon the mountains, the treachery of his trusted friend Ahithophel, the perfidy of Absalom, and the remembrance of his own sin.. 2010. 9. 4.
The Cross and Self Ere developing the theme of this verse let us comment on its terms. “If any”: the duty enjoined is for all who would join Christ’s followers and enlist under His banner. “If any will”: the Greek is very emphatic, signifying not only the consent of the will, but full purpose of heart, a determined resolution. “Come after Me”: as a servant subject to his Master, a scholar his Teache.. 2010. 9. 4.
The Covenant Allegory The last eleven verses of Galatians 4 are far from being free of difficulties appears from the diverse expositions of the commentators. Nor will the limited space now at our disposal allow us to enter into as full an elucidation as could be wished, nor permit the pausing now and again to furnish collateral proofs for what is advanced, as would be our desire. Brevity has its advantages, but it d.. 2010. 9. 4.
THE COVENANT ALLEGORY Those of our readers who are particularly interested in the divine covenants would be disappointed if we closed our lengthy comments thereon and ignored the last eleven verses of Galatians 4, and therefore we feel it necessary to devote a chapter to their consideration. That this passage is far from being free of difficulties appears from the diverse expositions of the commentators, for scarcel.. 2010. 9. 4.
The Christian's Assurance "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God to them who are the called according to His purpose." (ROMANS 8:28). How many of God's children have, through the centuries, drawn strength and comfort from this blessed verse. In the midst of trials, perplexities, and persecutions, this has been a rock beneath their feet. Though to outward sight things seemed to work aga.. 2010. 7. 7.
The Christian in Romans 7 In this chapter the apostle does two things: First, he shows what is not and what is the Law’s relation to the believer—judicially, the believer is emancipated from the curse or penalty of the Law (7:1-6); morally, the believer is under bonds to obey the Law (vv. 22, 25). Secondly, he guards against a false inference being drawn from what he had taught in chapter 6. In 6:1-11 he sets forth .. 2010. 7. 7.
The Blessed Man “Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful” (Psa. 1:1). We have been much impressed by the fact that the wondrous and precious Psalter opens with the word “Blessed,” and yet a little reflection shows it could scarcely begin with any other. As most of our readers are doubtless aware, “P.. 2010. 7. 7.
The Beatitudes and Christ Our meditations upon the Beatitudes would not be complete unless they turned our thoughts to the person of our blessed Lord. As we have endeavored to show, they describe the character and conduct of a Christian, and as Christian character is nothing more or less than being experimentally conformed to the image of God's Son we must turn to Him for the perfect pattern. In the Lord Jesus Christ we.. 2010. 7. 7.