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생명의 말씀/J.McBroom9

Creation and New Creation James McBroom (Extracted from Scripture Truth Vol. 33, 1941, page 102 & 118.) The word creation is often used in Scripture for the vast universe of which our Lord was the maker and is the upholder (John 1: 3; Col. 1: 16; Heb 1: 2), but it is sometimes used to describe the earth only. Proverbs 8 speaks of the creation of the earth in some detail, and it is evident that it was one of the later wor.. 2009. 9. 4.
The Coming of the Heir J. McBroom. (Extracted from Scripture Truth Vol. 36, 1948-50, page 209.) In Luke 2: 1 we read, "There went out a decree from Caesar Augustus, that all the world should be taxed." This decree had a result of which he had no conception. It has been said that, "In whatever conferred dignity and power he had no rival and no check;" and again, "Whilst in enjoyment of this pre-eminence, the Roman Empe.. 2009. 9. 2.
The Four Gospels. James McBroom. (Extracted from Scripture Truth Vol. 25, 1933, page 175.) The four holy Gospels stand alone. They present Him who is the glorious Luminary to the whole moral universe, just as the sun is the light of the solar system. They shew us One who stands alone in His divine glory. They show us a life that could not have been imagined or invented by any man, and such is the glory of that li.. 2009. 9. 1.
The Beauty of the Lord James McBroom. PART 1. It is sweet to linger in thought around the PERSON of our Lord. Whatever variety of ministry may be called for this is always acceptable; it is indeed the finest of the wheat. A settled conviction possesses the heart and fills the affections in such a way that while occupied with that which must ever be beyond us there is at the same time the holy winsomeness of spiritual.. 2009. 8. 30.
Fine Twined Linen James McBroom. "And they shall make the ephod of gold, of blue, and of purple, of scarlet, and fine twined linen with cunning work." — Exodus 28: 6. Part 1. If the first four things mentioned in the above verse speak of the glories of the Son of God, Personal, Moral and Official, covering a very wide field; the fine linen into which these things were wrought, or dyed, speaks of the Man Christ .. 2009. 8. 28.
Scarlet. James McBroom. "And they shall make the ephod of gold, blue, purple, scarlet, and fine twined linen, with cunning work " (Ex. 25: 6). Looking closely at those "five words," which contain something of the glories of our Lord, we are reminded of what is said in another place, viz., that the world itself could not contain the books which might be written on such a theme. A Saviour who, on the one h.. 2009. 8. 27.
Purple "And they shall make the ephod of gold, blue, purple, scarlet, and fine twined linen" (Ex. 28: 6). J McBroom Part 1 The person of our Lord Jesus Christ presents such an infinite variety of beauty and glory that we can never reach its end. And nowhere in the Old Testament is the plenitude of that beauty and glory more in evidence typically than in the complex character of these priestly robes. W.. 2009. 8. 26.
Blue James McBroom. Introductory There is but one mind in heaven, and that is the acknowledgment of the worth of the Lamb that was slain. "Him hath God exalted"; to Him hath Jehovah said, "Sit on my right hand till I make thy foes thy footstool." The whole intelligence of heaven is occupied in discovering all the glories of the Person and work of the Son. Here then, is heavenly-mindedness; it can onl.. 2009. 8. 24.
James McBroom He came to a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ as a young man. He was a miner and was illiterate. It is said that, when he was saved, with the first week´s wages he bought a Bible, with his second wage he bought a concordance and with these he proceeded to teach himself to read and write. His writings reveal the progress he made, that he had a very capable mind and the good use to whic.. 2009. 8. 22.