생명의 말씀/W.Trotter9 The Great Prophetic Question: Is the Millennium, or Christ's Advent, to be expected first? Paper 9 of 20 'Plain Papers on Prophetic and Other Subjects'. W. Trotter. This is, in truth, the Great Prophetic Question. All other questions as to prophetic interpretation may be regarded as subordinate to this one. Nearly all serious christian people are agreed in expecting a long period of universal peace and blessedness on earth .. 2009. 9. 4. Israel's Restoration Introductory to Millennial Blessedness. Paper 8 of 20 'Plain Papers on Prophetic and Other Subjects'. W. Trotter. Ere we enter on the direct consideration of this subject, it may be well to observe, that there are predictions in the Old Testament of an event long since accomplished, viz, the return from Babylon of a remnant of the Jews after a captivity of seventy years. Some, who have not examined the subject, suppose that all the pr.. 2009. 9. 2. Israel's Future Restoration. Paper 7 of 20 'Plain Papers on Prophetic and Other Subjects'. W. Trotter. Our inquiry into Israel's past history and present state, conducted us to some of the closing statements of the New Testament on this subject. Their "house left to them desolate" — their city and temple doomed to utter destruction — "the kingdom of God taken from them, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits th.. 2009. 9. 1. Israel in the Past and Present. Paper 6 of 20 'Plain Papers on Prophetic and Other Subjects'. W. Trotter. It has been remarked, in The Doom of Christendom, that "when Christendom, the wild olive, shall have been for its non-continuance in God's goodness cut off, the natural branches are again to be graffed into their own olive tree; and that, as far as human instrumentality is to be employed in that work, they are to be the in.. 2009. 8. 30. Christ and the Church Paper 5 of 20 'Plain Papers on Prophetic and Other Subjects'. W. Trotter. The responsibilities and the doom of Christendom were what last occupied us. But within the sphere to which the name of Christendom attaches, there exists that which is unspeakably precious to God the Father, and to the Lord Jesus Christ. What is that of which we thus speak? It is THE CHURCH OF GOD. The true portion, the .. 2009. 8. 28. The Doom of Christendom or, Why are the Judgments Coming? Paper 4 of 20 'Plain Papers on Prophetic and Other Subjects'. W. Trotter. A solemn question this, and one that had need bring into solemn, prayerful exercise, the conscience of each one who considers it. The Lord grant us to discern the answers he has so plainly written in His holy word. First, it is not because judgment is His delight. Let God be true, but every man a liar. "Say unto them, As I.. 2009. 8. 27. The Coming Crisis and Its Results Paper 3 of 20 'Plain Papers on Prophetic and Other Subjects'. W. Trotter. Scripture testimony to approaching judgments was what last engaged our attention. As to these judgments, three things may be affirmed. First, They introduce the Millennium. Secondly, They are the precursors or accompaniments of Christ's second appearing. Thirdly, They are connected with a total change of dispensation. Each.. 2009. 8. 26. Approaching Judgments W. Trotter. It is possible, that a few years ago these words would have secured more instant and earnest attention than at present. When famine was stalking through the sister kingdom, and pestilence following at its heels — when, even in this country, the trading part of the community were beset with embarrassments, and the working classes suffering from want — when, on the continent, thron.. 2009. 8. 24. The Heavenly Hope The Heavenly Hope; or, What is the Hope of the Christian? and What is the Hope of the Church? Paper 1 of 20 'Plain Papers on Prophetic and Other Subjects'. W. Trotter. (Morrish, new edition, revised.) "We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts." — Pe.. 2009. 8. 22. 이전 1 다음