생명의 말씀/John MacArthur16 "Reasons People Lack Assurance" (3) Part 3 2 Peter 1:5-11 by John MacArthur All Rights Reserved Tonight I want to spend our time in the lesson from the Word of God, completing what I had hoped to complete last Sunday evening. And so I invite you, if you will, to turn back to the text, that is the basic text for our study, 2 Peter chapter 1. And in this wonderful chapter we are embarking upon the section in verses 5 through 11. The.. 2010. 1. 25. "Reasons People Lack Assurance" (2) Part 2 2 Peter 1:5-11 by John MacArthur All Rights Reserved Let me draw you back to 2 Peter, in the time we have, briefer than usual tonight, 2 Peter chapter 1. We have begun a study of this great epistle, and in particular, the first eleven verses. In these first eleven verses, Peter is speaking of the matter of our salvation. As we come in to verses 5 through 11, he is concerned about making c.. 2010. 1. 25. "Reasons People Lack Assurance" (1) Part 1 2 Peter 1:5-11 by John MacArthur All Rights Reserved Well tonight we have the great privilege of embarking upon a wonderful study of a very special text of Scripture, 2 Peter chapter 1 verses 5 and following. So open your Bible, if you will. Tonight we're not going to really have a sermon but rather this is going to be a lesson. I want to teach you some things that I hope will be helpful .. 2010. 1. 25. Worried About Terrorists? Since the attacks on September 11, I’ve been anxious—even afraid. How can I be content when I’m worried the terrorists will strike again, perhaps where I live? by John MacArthur Copyright 2007, Grace to You. All rights reserved. Used by permission. Government officials warn another attack on the United States appears likely and despite their best efforts to protect, none of us is guarante.. 2010. 1. 20. Can God Bless America? (Selected Scriptures) Copyright 2002 by John F. MacArthur, Jr. All rights reserved. This sermon has recently been made into a book and available as a 99 page hardcover: "Can God Bless America?" Obviously over the last number of weeks we have on Sunday nights been addressing issues that are on our minds and hearts at this time in our nation when we had been subjected to terrorists' attacks. I'm .. 2010. 1. 4. What's Wrong with America (Romans 1:18-32) Copyright 1993 by John F. MacArthur, Jr. All rights reserved Tonight we are going to be considering a subject that I think is on all of our hearts. I want, as I always would want to do--to take you to the Word of God and not just give you some kind of political, or theological, philosophical speech. I want to address the subject of, "What's Wrong with America." In order to do t.. 2010. 1. 4. ALTAR CALLS I noted for you earlier, in 1 Corinthians, chapter 2, Paul shunned manipulative oratory. He didn't do like many preachers do today. He wasn't into manipulating his crowd, he says in chapter 2, verse 1, of 1 Corinthians, "I didn't come with superiority of speech" (that's oratorical ability), I didn't come to bowl you over with my oration, I didn't come with "wisdom." He says, verse 4, "My messag.. 2010. 1. 4. Rich Results of Jesus' Ascension Well, as we turn our thoughts toward the Lord’s table and toward the wonderful work of Christ on the cross and through His resurrection, I want to direct us a little bit ahead. We have certainly through the years considered the crucifixion of Jesus Christ in numerable ways. We have considered His resurrection as well. But there is an event that follows His death and resurrection that is rarel.. 2009. 12. 30. The Biblical View on Abortion Part 1 & 2 Copyright 1993 by John F. MacArthur, Jr. All rights reserved. PART 1 As we come this morning to the matter of abortion, before I take you into the scriptures and we look more closely at to what the Bible has to say, it is probably fitting for us to get some kind of a grasp on the issue itself. So, I want to address that, if I may, for a moment. What I am going to say to you may sound .. 2009. 12. 29. The Master's Men - Part 5 by John MacArthur All Rights Reserved (A copy of this message on cassette tape may be obtained by calling 1-800-55-GRACE) Matthew 10:4b Tape GC 2276 Let me invite you to turn with me in your Bible to the tenth chapter of Matthew this morning for our study of the Word of God. Matthew chapter 10. In our progressing through this marvelous, marvelous gospel that opens the New Testament we have been.. 2009. 12. 17. The Master's Men - Part 4 by John MacArthur All Rights Reserved (A copy of this message on cassette tape may be obtained by calling 1-800-55-GRACE) Matthew 10:3c-4a Tape GC 2275 Turn in your Bible with me to the 10th chapter of Matthew, Matthew chapter 10. In the wonderful ongoing experience of studying the Gospel of Matthew we have come to chapter 10. The chapter begins with an introduction of the twelve disciples, and.. 2009. 12. 17. The Master's Men - Part 3 by John MacArthur All Rights Reserved (A copy of this message on cassette tape may be obtained by calling 1-800-55-GRACE) Matthew 10:3b Tape GC 2274 Matthew chapter 10. And we have the happy privilege these days, as we go through the gospel of Matthew, of focusing in this tenth chapter on the Master’s men. Those very special individuals who were chosen by our Lord to be His disciples. Later t.. 2009. 12. 17. The Master's Men - Part 2 by John MacArthur All Rights Reserved (A copy of this message on cassette tape may be obtained by calling 1-800-55-GRACE) Matthew 10:3a Tape GC 2273 Turn with me in your Bible to Matthew chapter 10.. .Matthew chapter 10. I don't know about you, but we have missed so much, the joy of teaching through Matthew in the last month as we've been digressing and am excited about getting back this mornin.. 2009. 12. 17. The Master's Men - Part 1 by John MacArthur All Rights Reserved (A copy of this message on cassette tape may be obtained by calling 1-800-55-GRACE) Matthew 10:2 Tape GC 2272 Open your Bible, if you will, with me and let's turn to Matthew chapter 10.. .Matthew chapter 10. As we continue to progress through the gospel of Matthew and Matthew unfolds to us the majesty of the King, the Lord Jesus Christ, we find ourselves in.. 2009. 12. 17. Peter: A Lesson In Leadership by John MacArthur All Rights Reserved (A copy of this message on cassette tape may be obtained by calling 1-800-55-GRACE) Matthew 10:2 Tape GC 2271 This morning, again, we come to the tenth chapter of Matthew. I would draw your attention to that chapter, Matthew chapter 10. We have the happy, happy privilege today of looking at the chapter which details for us the sending of the twelve Apostles.. 2009. 12. 17. The Messengers of the King by John MacArthur All Rights Reserved (A copy of this message on cassette tape may be obtained by calling 1-800-55-GRACE) Matthew 10:1 Tape GC 2270 With great joy this morning we come to the 10th chapter of Matthew. In our ongoing study of this marvelous, thrilling account of our Lord’s life and ministry, we find ourselves beginning a new section, a new dimension, as we enter the 10th chapter.. 2009. 12. 17. 이전 1 다음