생명의 말씀/W.Kelly16 Joel Lectures on the Minor Prophets. W. Kelly. "The word of Jehovah that came to Joel the son of Pethuel." Like Hosea, Joel is one of the earliest prophets (being earlier even than Jonah), but differs essentially in this, that whereas the former looks at the whole people, the latter was led of God to restrict himself to that portion which outwardly clave to the house of David as we.. 2013. 1. 11. Hosea. Lectures on the Minor Prophets. W. Kelly. The prophecy of Hosea naturally divides itself into two principal divisions with minor sections. The first consists of Hosea 1, 2, and 3; the second, of the rest of the book. Within these greater divisions, however, we have distinct parts. The first chapter presents the prophet with his ministry "in the days of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, an.. 2012. 10. 24. The Minor Prophets — Preface. Lectures Introductory to the Study of the Minor Prophets. W. Kelly. Preface. It seems due to the reader that he should be apprised that the following remarks on the Twelve Minor Prophets were not so formally delivered in the shape of lectures as those which compose the companion volume that appeared in the beginning of this year, on the Five Books of Moses. Lectures indeed the.. 2012. 10. 9. Lectures Introductory to the Books of Kings. Bible Treasury New Series Vol. 8, No. 15 March 1911 etc. 1 Kings 1 - 8. The books of First and Second Samuel show us the failure of the priesthood, and, in consequence, when a state of evident shame and dishonour overspread the face of Israel, the heart of the people desired a king, to the disparagement of the prophets that judged Israel whom the Lord had raised up in extraordinary grace. But, .. 2011. 8. 19. 2 Samuel Lectures Introductory to the Study of the Earlier Historical Books of the Old Testament. 2 Samuel 1 - 12. We have seen the sorrowful circumstances out of which arose the first desire to have a king in Israel, and the remarkable fact that, although it was a sin, God nevertheless did not put the people back into the condition in which they had been before they sought in this to be like the nation.. 2011. 8. 19. 1 Samuel Lectures Introductory to the Study of the Earlier Historical Books of the Old Testament. 1 Samuel 1-8. The first Book of Samuel (or of Kings as with some) brings before us that great change for which the Book of Ruth was a preparation, and in order to which the Spirit of God closed it with the generations until they come down to David. It is sufficiently plain to the simplest reader that Saul o.. 2011. 8. 19. Ruth. From: Lectures Introductory to the Earlier Historical Books of the Old Testament. W. Kelly. That the book of Ruth stands most fitly in the place where it is actually found must have been felt by the spiritual mind. Indeed it is apparent to every attentive reader of Scripture; for by outward marks it clearly belongs to the place where God has presented it to us. As to the time of what is brought.. 2011. 7. 19. Judges., Lectures on the book of. W. Kelly. Also in 'Lectures Introductory to the Earlier Historical Books of the Old Testament.' Introductory Note The Book of Judges has a specially instructive value, which is an important spiritual help for our times. The history records repeated instances of Jehovah's deliverances of His chosen people after their successive acts of disobedience to His precepts and departure from His worship... 2009. 9. 3. Joshua W. Kelly. Lectures Introductory to the Study of the Earlier Historical Books of the Old Testament. LONDON: W. H. BROOM, 25, PATERNOSTER SQUARE. 1874. PREFACE. The volume before the reader has been long delayed through more than usual press of other work on the author. Even late as it now is (for the lectures were delivered some years ago), less has been done than is desirable in the way of deve.. 2009. 9. 2. Deuteronomy. W. Kelly. Lectures Introductory to the Pentateuch. Deut. 1 - 16. In examining Exodus, Leviticus, and Numbers, we have found what may be called an abstract typical system. That is, we see in them a number of institutions laid down by Jehovah, the pattern of which was shown in the mount. These figures Moses was inspired to give as a whole to the people, entirely apart from the question whether th.. 2009. 9. 1. Numbers W. Kelly. Lectures Introductory to the Pentateuch. Numbers 1- Numbers 11: 1-10. It is impossible to look at this book ever so cursorily without feeling the difference of the atmosphere from that of Leviticus. And this is so much the more striking because it cannot be fairly doubted by a believer that they were both the production of the same inspired author. Nothing therefore illustrates more c.. 2009. 8. 30. Leviticus W. Kelly. Lectures Introductory to the Pentateuch. Leviticus 1-15. The book of Leviticus has its own character quite as manifestly as Genesis or Exodus. Its peculiar feature is that from its very starting-point it is the revelation of what God saw in Jesus Christ our Lord, the typical application which grace made of Him and His work to souls, to a people and their land. It is the most complete .. 2009. 8. 28. Exodus W. Kelly Lectures Introductory to the Pentateuch. Exodus 1-18 There is hardly a book of the Old Testament that stands out in more decided contrast with the book of Genesis than the one which follows it most closely. And this is the more striking, because God employed the same inspired writer to give us both, as well as others. One of the most salient features of the book of Genesis is the varie.. 2009. 8. 27. Genesis W. Kelly. Lectures on the Pentateuch. Genesis 1-11. There is one characteristic of divine revelation to which attention may be profitably called as a starting point. We have to do with facts. The Bible alone is a revelation of facts, and, we can add (not from the Old Testament, but from the New), of a person. This is of immense importance. In all pretended revelations it is not so. They give yo.. 2009. 8. 26. Introduction to the Pentateuch W. Kelly. Lectures Introductory to the Study of the Pentateuch. Preface. The Lectures which follow were delivered in London, during the month of May, 1870, and corrected from notes taken in shorthand, with additions. It may be painful to some that so much notice is taken of sceptical assaults on the Pentateuch. My object, however, is not only to promote the direct edification of the Christians w.. 2009. 8. 24. Biography of William Kelly Introductory William Kelly first saw the light when England was beginning to recover from the Napoleonic wars. The Battle of Waterloo lay only five years behind. Napoleon himself had just died at St. Helena. The least estimable character that ever occupied the British throne had but recently succeeded to it, and demands were everywhere rising for reform and popular liberty. The Home Secretary, A.. 2009. 8. 22. 이전 1 다음