by Topic/목회(Ministry)2 On Ministry. (From a letter.) W W Fereday (from the Bible Treasury Vol. 20, page 63.) One cannot do too much for so blessed a Master; indeed when one pauses to consider the riches and magnificence of His grace toward us, the desire is naturally fervent to serve Him, and to serve Him abundantly. And it is well-pleasing to Him. How refreshing it must be to His heart to see souls in this cold selfish world willing to spend and .. 2009. 8. 24. The Ministry and the Minister W W Fereday From the Bible Treasury Vol. N1, page 284 etc. It is on my mind to dwell a little upon the ministry of Christ as it is presented to us in the Second Epistle to the Corinthians. The manner of presentation in Corinthians differs greatly from that in Ephesians. In the latter epistle we have the mystery unfolded of Christ and the church, and our heavenly blessings in association with Chr.. 2009. 8. 22. 이전 1 다음