by Topic/영벌(Eternal Punishment)5 Eternal Punishment v Universalism an Annihilationism. John 3: 36. C. H. Mackintosh. I have been thinking a good deal of late, on the last verse of the third chapter of John. It seems to me to furnish a most powerful answer to two of the leading heresies of this our day, namely, Universalism on the one hand, and Annihilationism, on the other: "He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life; and he that believeth not the Son, shall not see life; .. 2010. 3. 11. Future Punishment: Its Character and Duration. F. B. Hole. There is no point within the whole compass of Divine truth where human thoughts and opinions are of any value. But at no point is it more necessary to rigidly exclude them than from the solemn subject which is now to occupy us. Immediately the punishment of sin is in question we are all of us alert and inclined to make our voices heard. We are none of us disinterested spectators, but.. 2010. 3. 11. Eternal Punishment. W W Fereday. HOW MAN WAS MADE. We have two things here: First, the formation of the body; then the impartation of life by the inbreathing of God. Man has, in consequence of this, a character of life within him that is not possessed by the lower creatures of God's hand. He holds a very special place in God's universe. Angels are spirits; beasts, etc., have soul and body; man is distinguished from.. 2010. 3. 11. Scriptural Enquiry as to the Doctrine of Eternal Punishment contained~ Scriptural Enquiry as to the Doctrine of Eternal Punishment contained in J. P. Ham's theological tracts. J. N. Darby. <07004E> 40 I beg my reader who may not know Greek not to suppose that I have any thought of unsettling his mind as to the plain English words in scripture. My object is just the contrary. In the English Bible, there are no doubt defects, as in every human work. I have fou.. 2009. 8. 24. Brief Scriptural Evidence on the doctrine of Eternal Punishment~ Brief Scriptural Evidence on the doctrine of Eternal Punishment, for plain people. J. N. Darby. <07001E> 1 The doctrine of everlasting punishment having been much called in question, and the minds of the simple shaken, and the faith of some overthrown (though I have been occupied with the subject, more at large, for some time back, with the purpose of writing on it), I have thought it wel.. 2009. 8. 22. 이전 1 다음