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생명의 말씀/A.B.Simpson365

A.B. Simpson A.B. Simpson 1843 - 1919 Albert Benjamin Simpson was a Canadian preacher, theologian, author, and founder of The Christian and Missionary Alliance (C&MA), an evangelical protestant denomination with an emphasis on global evangelism. In December 1873, at age 30, Simpson left Canada and assumed the pulpit of the largest Presbyterian church in Louisville, Kentucky, the Chestnut Street Presbyterian.. 2010. 10. 7.
"Himself" "There is one God, and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus, who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time." 1 Timothy 2:5,6 "I am crucified with Christ: neverthless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me." Galatians 2:20 I wish to speak.. 2010. 1. 6.
[Who] always causeth us to triumph Every victor must first be a self-conqueror. But the method of Joshua's victory was the uplifted arm of Moses on the mount. As Moses held up his hands, Joshua prevailed; as he lowered them, Amalek prevailed. It was to be a battle of faith and not of human strength. The banner that was to wave over the discomfited foe was Jehovah-nissi. This, too, is the secret of our spiritual triumph. If we ar.. 2010. 1. 6.
[We are not] sufficient of ourselves to think any thing as of ourselves Not sufficient-all sufficient. These two expressions are the complement of each other. Together they are the key to an effective Christian life. The discovery and full conviction of our utter helplessness is the constant condition for spiritual supply. The aim of the Old Testament, therefore, is ever to show man's failure; that of the New, to reveal Christ's sufficiency. He has all things for u.. 2010. 1. 6.
Your life is hid Some Christians rise in larger proportion than is becoming. They can tell, and others can tell, how many souls they bring to Christ. Their labor seems to crystallize and become its own memorial. Other Christians seem to blend so completely with their fellow workers that their individuality can scarcely be traced. Yet, this is the most Christlike ministry of all, for even the Master Himself does.. 2010. 1. 6.
Your heavenly Father knoweth ye have need Christ makes no less of our trust for temporal things than He does for spiritual things. He places much emphasis upon it. Why? Simply because it is harder to trust God for material needs. In spiritual matters we can fool ourselves and think that we are trusting when we are not; but we cannot do so about rent and food and the needs of our bodies. They must come or our faith fails. It is easy to .. 2010. 1. 6.
Ye shall receive power There is power for us if we have the Holy Spirit. God wants us to speak to men so that they will feel it, so that they will never forget it. God means every Christian to be effective, to make a difference in the actual records and results of Christian work. God put each of us here to be a power. There is not one of us but is an essential wheel of the machinery and can accomplish all that God ca.. 2010. 1. 6.
ye shall live The Holy Spirit is the only one who can kill us and keep us dead. Many Christians try to do this disagreeable work themselves, and they are going through a continual crucifixion but can never accomplish the work permanently. This is the work of the Holy Spirit, and when we really yield ourselves to the death, it is delightful to find how sweetly He can execute the sentence. They tell us that by.. 2010. 1. 6.
Ye know not what manner of spirit ye are of Someone has said that the most spiritual people are the easiest to get along with. When one has a little of the Holy Spirit it is like "a little learning, a dangerous thing." But a full baptism of the Holy Spirit and a really disciplined established and tested spiritual life makes one simple, tender, tolerant, considerate and childlike. James and John, in their early zeal, want to call down fir.. 2010. 1. 6.
Ye cannot serve God and mammon Jesus does not say you cannot very well serve God and mammon. Rather, He says you cannot serve two masters at all. If you try, you will surely end up serving only one. The person who thinks he or she is serving God a little is deceived. He or she is not serving God. God will not have that service. The devil will monopolize the person before long. A divided heart loses both worlds. Saul tried it.. 2010. 1. 6.
Ye are the light of the world We are called the lights of the worldlight bearers, reflectors, candlesticks, lamps. We are to be kindled ourselves, and then we will burn and give light to others. We are the only light the world has. The Lord could come down Himself and give light to the world, but He has chosen differently. He wants to send it through us, and if we do not give it the world will not have it. God does not put .. 2010. 1. 6.
Ye are not your own What a privilege that we may consecrate ourselves! What a mercy that God will take such worthless creatures! What rest and comfort lie hidden in those words, "Not your own." We are not responsible for our salvation, not burdened by our cares, not obliged to live for our interests, but altogether His. We are redeemed, owned, saved and kept in the strong, unchanging arms of His everlasting love. .. 2010. 1. 6.
Ye are not in the flesh, but in the spirit A spiritual man is not so much a man possessing a strong spiritual character as a man filled with the Holy Spirit. So the apostle Paul said: Ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. The glory of the new creation, then, is not only that it recreates the human spirit, but that it fits it for the abode of God Himself, and makes it dependent upon the.. 2010. 1. 6.
Ye are complete in him In Jesus we are now complete. Even as the architect's model is planned and prepared and completed in his office, so the perfect pattern of the life of holy service, for which Jesus has redeemed and called us, is now in Him in heaven. But now it must be formed in us and transferred to our earthly lives, and this is the Holy Spirit's work. He takes the gifts and graces of Christ and brings them i.. 2010. 1. 6.
Words For Discouraged Workers Last week we listened to the words of encouragement from the old Prophet Haggai, as he spake to the band of captives who were restoring the temple of God in Jerusalem. About the same time there was another prophet named Zechariah, a young man, who perhaps at this time was just beginning his prophetic ministry, whose voice was also associated by the Lord with Haggai's in this ministry of help. I.. 2010. 1. 4.
will draw all men unto me A true and pure Christian life attracts the world. Men and women find no inducement whatever in the lives of mediocre Christians to interest them in practical religion, but they may be won at once by a true and victorious example. Men of the world tend to step directly into a life of entire consecration rather than into the intermediate state which is usually presented to them by the witnessing.. 2010. 1. 4.
Whosoever will save his life shall lose it First and foremost Christ teaches resurrection and life. The power of Christianity is life. It brings us not merely law, duty, example, with high and holy teaching and admonition; it brings us the power to follow the higher ideal and the life that spontaneously does the things commanded. And it is not only life, but resurrection life. It begins with a real crisis, a definite transaction, a poin.. 2010. 1. 4.
Whosoever therefore shall humble himself You will never have a humble heart until it is born from above, from the heart of Christ. For man has lost his own humanity and unfortunately too often has a wicked heart. God wants us, as Christians ' to be simple, human, approachable and childlike. The Christians who we know and love best, and who are nearest to the Lord, are the most simple. Whenever we grow stilted we are fit only for a pic.. 2010. 1. 4.
Whosoever abideth in him sinneth not What becomes of our old nature when we are sanctified? Many people are unduly concerned to know if it can be killed outright and seem to desire a sort of certificate of its death and burial. It is enough to know that it is outside and Christ is in us. It may show itself again, and even knock at the door and plead for admittance, but it is forever outside while we abide in Him. Should we step ou.. 2010. 1. 4.
Wholly Sanctified "And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit, soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Faithful is he that calleth you who also will do it" (I Thess. 5:23, 24). The prominence given to the subject of Christian life and holiness is one of the signs of our times and of the coming of the Lord Jesus. No thoughtful person can .. 2010. 1. 4.
Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Who shall separate us from-the love of Christ? After all the possible obstacles and enemies have been mentioned, one by one, the triumphant answer comes: In all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us (v. 37). Our trials will be turned to helps; our enemies will be taken prisoners and made to fight our battles. Like the weights that keep the tall pendulum clock going,.. 2009. 12. 30.
Who hath despised the day of small things The oak comes out of the acorn, the eagle out of that little egg in the nest, the harvest out of the seed. Thus the glory of the coming age is coming out of the Christ-life now, even as the majesty of His kingdom was all wrapped up that night in the baby in Bethlehem. Let us take Jesus for our total lives. Let us be united to His person and His risen body. Let us know what it is to say, The bod.. 2009. 12. 30.
Wherefore receive ye one another 0ur text sets forth a sublime principle, and it will give sublimity to all of life. It is stated elsewhere in similar language, Whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus (Colossians 3:17). This is our high calling, to represent Christ and act in His behalf and in His character and spirit under all circumstances and toward all persons. "What would Jesus do?" is a sim.. 2009. 12. 30.
Whereas thou hast been forsaken and hated God loves to take the worst of lost men and make them the most magnificent memorials of His redeeming love and power. He loves to take the victims of Satan's hate and the most fearful examples of his power to destroy and use them to illustrate and illuminate the possibilities of divine mercy and the creativity of the Holy Spirit. He loves to take the things in our own lives that have been the w.. 2009. 12. 30.
where thou makest thy flock to rest at noon Beloved, do you not long for God's quiet, the inner chambers, the shadow of the Almighty, the secret of His presence? Your life has been, perhaps, all driving and doing; or perhaps straining, struggling, longing and not obtaining. You long for rest! you long to lie down close to His heart and know that you have all in Him, that every question is answered, every doubt settled, every interest saf.. 2009. 12. 30.
Where is the way where light dwelleth Jewels, in themselves, are valueless unless they are brought into contact with light. If they are put into certain positions they will reflect the beauty of the sun. There is no beauty in them otherwise. The diamond that is stored in a dark gallery or remains down in the deep mine displays no beauty whatever. What is it but a piece of charcoal, a bit of common carbon, unless it becomes a medium.. 2009. 12. 30.
When ye pray, believe that ye receive Consecration is entered into by an act of faith. We are to take sanctification as a gift from God, believing and confessing that we have it. We must step out on it firmly. We must let the devil also know we have it. When once we tell the Lord, boldly, "I am yours, "He answers back from the heavenly heights, "You are Mine, and the echoes go ringing down through all our lives, "Mine!" "Yours!" If.. 2009. 12. 30.
When ye go, ye shall not go empty When we are really emptied He delights to fill us with Himself and the Holy Spirit. it is very precious to be conscious of nothing good in ourselves; but are we also conscious of His great goodness? We may be ready to admit our own disability' but are we as ready to admit His ability? There are many Christians who can say, "I am not sufficient of [thyself) to think any thing as of [myself]; . ... 2009. 12. 30.
When he saw the multitudes he was moved He is able to be touched with the feeling of our infirmities (Hebrews 4:15). The word "touched" is very expressive. It means that our troubles are His troubles, and that in all our afflictions He is afflicted. It is not a sympathy of sentiment, but a sympathy of suffering. There is in this thought abundant help for the tired heart. It is the foundation of Christ's Priesthood, and God meant that.. 2009. 12. 30.
Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, he will give it you Two men go to the bank cashier, both holding in their hands a piece of paper. One is dressed expensively and presents a gloved and jeweled hand. The other is a rough, unwashed workman. The first is rejected with a polite sentence; the second receives a thousand dollars over the counter. What was the difference? The one presented a worthless name; the other handed in a note endorsed by the presi.. 2009. 12. 29.