생명의 말씀/C.H.Mackintosh130 기도집회에서의 기도(3)-명확함 명확함의 중요성 우리 주님은 매우 적은 사람들, 가장 적은 모임인 두 사람의 모임일지라도 그곳에 오십니다. 물론 이 약속은 열두명, 스무명, 혹은 수백명에게도 적용됩니다. 중요한 것은 우리가 구하고 받을 것을 완전히 납득하며 철저하게 동의하는 것입니다. "내가 또 너희에게 이르노니 구하라 그러면 너희에게 주실 것이요 찾으라 그러면 찾을 것이요 문을 두드리라 그러면 너희에게 열릴 것이니 구하는 이마다 받을 것이요 찾는 이가 찾을 것이요 두드리는 이에게 열릴 것이니라"(눅 11:5-10) 우리가 누가복음 11장에서 배우는 것은 무엇입니까? 첫째로, 그 말씀은 우리에게 우리의 기도가 분명해야 함을 가르치고 있습니다. "벗이여 떡 세덩이를 내게 빌리라". 여기에서 분명한 필요가 느껴지고 표현되었으며, 마음과 생.. 2010. 5. 24. Inside the Veil, Outside the Camp. Hebrews 10; Hebrews 13: 9-16. C. H. Mackintosh. The power of our path — of our walk in this world, is the understanding, through the Holy Ghost, of our identification with Christ in all our ways, and our being set in the world to manifest Him, not merely to know that we have salvation, and the purging of our consciences through His most precious blood. The testimony of a Christian bears this c.. 2010. 5. 24. The Prisoner of Hope. Zechariah 9: 12. C. H. Mackintosh. There are two leading principles in the soul of the Christian, which make God the special object. These are "faith and hope." There is a marked distinction, and yet an intimate connection, between these two principles. Faith takes what God has given; hope expects what He has promised. Faith rests in holy tranquility in God's statements about the past; hope goes.. 2010. 5. 24. The Love of Jesus. C. H. Mackintosh. In looking at Revelation 1: 5, 6, we can trace the following actings of love: first, love thinks of its objects. This marks the motive in operation to be unaffectedly pure, for when the heart regales itself by meditating on its object, it seeks not to be noticed, to be praised or exalted for thinking of its object; its reward is found in the very thought itself — a reward, a .. 2010. 5. 24. The Lord Our Shepherd. Luke 15: 1-7. C. H. Mackintosh. It is ever soothing to the spirit to ponder the character of the Lord Jesus as our Shepherd, in whatever aspect of that character we view Him; whether as "the good Shepherd," laying down His life for the sheep; or "the great Shepherd," coming up out of the grave, having, in the greatness of His strength, deprived death of its deadly sting, and the grave of its vic.. 2010. 5. 24. Law and grace Exemplified. Deut. 21: 18-21, Luke 15: 11-32. C. H. Mackintosh. In looking through the various laws and ordinances of the Old Testament, we cannot fail to observe the intense spirit of holiness which they breathe; the most trifling ordinance, apparently, was calculated to impress Israel with a sense of holiness. God's presence in their midst was ever to be the spring of holiness and separation to His people... 2010. 5. 24. Jesus Risen. John 20. C. H. Mackintosh. Deep and varied as are the necessities of the soul, they are all met by the death and resurrection of Christ. If it be a question of sin that affects the soul, the resurrection is the glorious proof of the complete putting away of it. The moment I see Jesus at the right hand of God, I see an end of sin; for I know He could not be there if sin was not fully atoned for. .. 2010. 5. 24. Jacob Alone With God. Genesis 32: 24-32. C. H. Mackintosh. In tracing the history of Jacob, and in contemplating his natural character, we are again and again reminded of the grace expressed in those words, "Jacob have I loved." The question why God should love such a one, can only receive for an answer the boundless and sovereign grace of Him who sets His love upon objects possessing nothing of worth in themselves, .. 2010. 5. 24. A Word on Christian Intercourse. 1 Corinthians 10: 31. C. H. Mackintosh. It is most needful, when about to offer a word of admonition, to set forth the proper ground on which such a word can be received. The New Testament abounds in admonition, warning, and exhortation; but it clearly lays down the truth as to the position in which the believer is set, before ever he is called to listen to such things; and unless we understand .. 2010. 5. 24. False Worship. Leviticus 10: 1-11. C. H. Mackintosh. In meditating upon the ordinances of the Mosaic ritual, one thing in particular strikes the mind, viz., the remarkably jealous way in which God fenced Himself round from the approach of man, as such. It is salutary for the soul to ponder this. We are in great danger of admitting into our minds an element of unholy familiarity when thinking of God, which the .. 2010. 5. 24. God in Everything C. H. Mackintosh. Nothing so much helps the Christian to endure the trials of his path as the habit of seeing God in everything. There is no circumstance, be it ever so trivial or ever so commonplace, which may not be regarded as a messenger from God, if only the ear be circumcised to hear, and the mind spiritual to understand the message. If we lose sight of this valuable truth, life, in many i.. 2010. 5. 24. Words of Counsel. C. H. Mackintosh. Prefatory Note. The following little paper was never intended for publication. It was written expressly and exclusively, for two very dear and valued friends. A brother whom I greatly love and esteem, happening to see it, urged me to give it to him, with a view to publication. I demurred; but my friend so earnestly pressed me to allow him to print it, that I gave way. May the L.. 2010. 5. 24. The Church. Ephesians 1: 2. C. H. Mackintosh. We have in these chapters three distinct points, viz., first, the purpose of God; secondly, the development of that purpose; and, thirdly, the result of that purpose. It is a thought full of blessedness and comfort to the heart, that it is with God and His deep purposes of grace we have to do, and not with human circumstances. Faith apprehends this; it looks awa.. 2010. 5. 24. Fifteenth Letter to a Friend. C. H. Mackintosh. (Extracted from Things New and Old, Vol. 18.) My Beloved Friend, The year 1848 was a testing time for all who professed to occupy the ground of Brethren. In the summer of that year, a question was raised as to whether we were really gathered on the ground of the unity of the body, or merely as independent or fragmentary congregations, having a measure of acquaintance and sympat.. 2010. 5. 24. 기도집회에서의 기도(2)-약속 마태복음 18장의 놀라운 약속 그렇다면 기도의 도덕적 조건들은 무엇입니까? 이에 대해 우리는 성경만을 위대하고 유일한 판정관으로 삼아야 합니다. 마태복음 18장 19절을 열어보면, "진실로 다시 너희에게 이르노니 너희 중에 두 사람이 땅에서 합심하여 무엇이든지 구하면 하늘에 계신 내 아버지께서 저희를 위하여 이루게 하시리라". 이 말씀의 참된 능력은 "너희 중에 두 사람이...합심하여" 즉, 한 목소리를 낸다는데 있습니다. 거기에는 거슬리는 말투도, 부조화의 요소도 결코 없어야 합니다. 우리는 사도행전 1장에서 초기 사도들의 모습을 볼 수 있습니다. "여자들과 예수의 모친 마리아와 예수의 아우들로 더불어 마음을 같이하여 전혀 기도에 힘쓰니라" 우리도 그렇게 해야만 하지 않습니까? 불행히도 우리 가운데는 .. 2010. 5. 19. 기도집회에서의 기도(1)-진실성 기도의 기초는 "너희가 내 안에 거하고 내 말이 너희 안에 거하면 무엇이든지 원하는 대로 구하라 그리하면 이루리라"(요 15:7)는 말씀과 "사랑하는 자들아 만일 우리 마음이 우리를 책망할 것이 없으면 하나님 앞에 담대함을 얻고 무엇이든지 구하는 바를 그에게 받나니 이는 우리가 그의 계명들을 지키고 그 앞에서 기뻐하시는 것을 행함이라"(요일 3:21, 22)라는 놀라운 말씀 안에 제시되어 있습니다. 그리고 히브리서를 기록한 사도가 그리스도인의 기도에 주의를 기울였을 때 "우리를 위하여 기도하라 우리가 모든 일에 선하게 행하려 하므로 우리에게 선한 양심이 있는 줄을 확신하노니"(히 13:18)라고 함으로 자신의 부탁에 대한 도덕적인 기초를 제시하였습니다. 우리는 성경에서 기도에 관련된 두가지 필수 요소인 .. 2010. 5. 6. Unity: What is it? And am I confessing it? Leviticus 24 and Ephesians 4: 4. A lecture by C. H. Mackintosh. I suppose, beloved brethren, there is not one of us, whatever may have been our experience, whether our course has been long or short, who is not impressed with the unspeakable importance of having the truth of God distinctly before us, and not only before our minds, but in our hearts, as a divine reality — something influential a.. 2010. 4. 29. The True Ground of Peace. "When I see the blood, I will pass over you." Ex. 12: 13. C. H. Mackintosh. The blood on the lintel secured Israel's peace. There was nothing more required in order to enjoy settled peace, in reference to the destroying angel, than the application of the blood of sprinkling. God did not add anything to the blood, because nothing more was necessary to obtain salvation from the sword of judgment. .. 2010. 4. 29. Communion with God: What is it? Amos 5: 4, 5. C. H. Mackintosh. We are ever in danger of being led astray by using a style of phraseology beyond our actual experience. Every religious denomination has a number of expressions peculiar to itself, and one is liable to adopt such, without being able, practically, to enter into their meaning. Hence the importance of bearing in mind that Christianity is not a mere set of expressions.. 2010. 4. 29. The Blind Man, and the Pharisees who said "We see." John 9. C. H. Mackintosh. The moral effect of the mission of Christ is strikingly presented in John 9: 39 in this deeply interesting chapter. "And Jesus said, For judgment I am come into this world, that they which see not might see; and that they which see might be made blind." The work which He had just performed upon the blind man may be regarded as a very beautiful illustration of this state.. 2010. 4. 29. 재림에 대한 세 가지 사실 이 진리의 세 가지 사실에 모든 사람의 운명이 달려 있습니다. 신약성경을 읽는 진지한 독자라면 다음과 같은 엄숙하고도 진지한 세 가지 사실들이 제시되어 있는 것을 발견하게 될 것입니다. 첫째, 하나님의 아드님이 이 세상에 오셨다가 하늘로 돌아가신 일. 두 번째, 성령님이 이 땅에 오셨다가 지금까지 계신 일. 그리고 세 번째, 주 예수님이 다시 오실 것이라는 사실이 그것입니다. 이 세 가지는 신약 성경에 계시되어 있는 위대한 주제들로서, 우리는 그 세 가지 각각이 이중적인 의미를 가지고 있는 것을 발견하게 됩니다. 즉 한편으로는 세상에 대해, 또 한편으로는 교회에 대해 서로 다른 의미를 가지고 있다는 것입니다. 전체로서의 세상에 대한 것과 세부적으로 각각 회심하지 못한 남자, 여자, 그리고 아이들에 대한 .. 2010. 4. 28. 권위와 권능 C. H. 매킨토시 만약 교회사 가운데 사람들이 자신들의 행로에 대한 하나님의 권위와 그 행로를 뒤따르는 하나님의 권능을 갖는 것이 절대로 필요한 순간이 있다면 지금이 바로 그 순간입니다. 오늘날 너무나 많은 의견의 대립과 불일치와 학파의 대립과 분파 간의 논쟁이 있으며, 그 결과 우리는 지금 모든 면에서 균형을 잃고 알지 못하는 곳으로 끌려가는 위험에 처해있습니다. 그러나 한편으로는 또한 동일한 문제에 있어서 단일한 눈을 가지고 그리스도의 영광을 바라보며 하나님의 말씀을 모든 일에서 유일한 권위로 간주하는 사람들을 봅니다. 배우지 못한 사람들이 해야 할 일은 무엇일까요? 이 모든 것에도 불구하고 어떻게 잘 해나갈 수 있을까요? 인간의 의견이라는 폭풍우치는 대양(大洋)의 사나운 동요로부터 멀리 떨어져 있.. 2010. 4. 26. 공중 앞에서나 각 집에서나 "유익한 것은 무엇이든지 공중 앞에서나 각 집에서나 꺼림이 없이 너희에게 전하여 가르치고"(행 20:20) 위의 구절은 바울이 에베소 장로들에게 한 고별인사에서 인용한 것입니다. 이 구절은 매우 암시적이며, 교사의 일과 장로들의 일 사이의 친밀한 관계를 분명하게 보여주고 있습니다. 복된 사도는 다음과 같이 말합니다. "유익한 것은 무엇이든지 공중 앞에서나 각 집에서나 꺼림이 없이 너희에게 전하여 가르치고". 주목할만 한 사실은 바울은 사도였을 뿐 아니라 복음전도자(evangelist)와 목자(pastor, '목사'. 오늘날 일반적인 의미인 '목사'와 구별하기 위해 본 글에서는 '목자'로 번역하여 사용함-편집주)와 교사(teacher)도 겸했었다는 것입니다. 에베소서 4:11에서 보듯이 목자와 교사는 밀접.. 2010. 4. 19. The Two Musts. John 3. C. H. Mackintosh. In our Lord's discourse with Nicodemus He twice makes use of the word "must" — a word of immense depth and moral power in both cases. Let us ponder it for a few moments; for, though but a word of one syllable, it contains a volume of most precious evangelical truth in whichever light we view it. 1. And first, then, we read, "Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must b.. 2010. 4. 12. The Throne and the Altar. Isaiah 6: 1-8. C. H. Mackintosh. In this sublime passage of Scripture we notice two prominent objects, namely, the throne and the altar; and, moreover, we perceive the action of these two objects upon the soul of the prophet. The entire scene is full of interest and instruction. May we gaze upon it aright! "In the year that king Uzziah died, I saw also the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and l.. 2010. 4. 12. A Risen Saviour. Luke 24. C. H. Mackintosh. The period during which our blessed Lord lay in the tomb must needs have proved a dark and bewildering moment to many of those who looked for redemption in Israel. It would demand a calm, clear and vigorous faith to raise the heart above the heavy clouds which gathered just then upon the horizon of God's people, and it does not appear that many possessed such a faith a.. 2010. 4. 12. Restoration Genesis 35. C. H. Mackintosh. The words "Arise, go up to Bethel" contain a great practical truth to which we desire to call the reader's attention. It has been well remarked by some one that "God, in His dealings with us, always keeps us up to the original terms." This is true; but some may not exactly understand it. It may, perhaps, savour of the legal element. To speak of God as keeping us up .. 2010. 4. 12. The Remnant — Past and Present. C. H. Mackintosh. It is at once interesting, instructive, and encouraging to trace through Scripture the history of what is called "The Remnant." We may remark at the outset that the fact of there being a remnant proves the failure of the ostensible witness or professing body, whether Jewish or Christian. If all were faithful there would, of course, be no moral ground for a remnant, nothing to d.. 2010. 1. 20. The Passover in Egypt. Exodus 12. C. H. Mackintosh. The Passover celebrated in Egypt is the well-known type of Christ averting from His people the judgement which overtakes the ungodly. The destroying angel passed through the land of Egypt, and smote the firstborn in every house. Israel escaped by the death of the lamb, and by that alone. The blood sprinkled on the door-post told the destroyer that the sentence of de.. 2010. 1. 20. Legality and Levity C. H. Mackintosh. Feeling, as we trust we do, in some little measure our responsibility to the souls of our readers, as well as to the truth of God, we desire to offer a brief but pointed word of warning against two opposite evils which we can plainly see working among Christians at the present moment. These are legality on the one hand, and levity on the other. As to the first of these evils, w.. 2010. 1. 20. 이전 1 2 3 4 5 다음