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by Topic/결혼과가정(Marriage and the Home)10

너무 행복한 한 재미교포 부부 어느 사회든 각기 나름대로 장단점이 있기 마련입니다. 재미 교포의 경우도 자연히 미국사회의 장점을 누릴 수 있는 반면에 단점의 고충도 함께 겪어야 합니다. 그 대표적인 고통으로 “Empty net syndrome"(빈 둥지 증상)을 아주 일찍부터 오랫동안 겪어야 한다는 것을 들 수 있습니다. 자식이 독립해 나가.. 2011. 7. 13.
신자가 이혼해선 안 되는 진짜 이유 (창 2:22) “여호와 하나님이 아담에게서 취하신 그 갈빗대로 여자를 만드시고 그를 아담에게로 이끌어 오시니” (창 2:22) 하나님이 인간을 각기 특성과 신체구조가 다른 남자와 여자 두 성(性)으로 만든 까닭은 이 땅을 거룩하게 다스리는 일에 서로 동역하라는 뜻입니다. 그래서 둘이 하나가 될 수 있도록 당신.. 2011. 5. 16.
신자는 아이들을 어떻게 키울 것인가? “예수는 그 지혜와 그 키가 자라가며 하나님과 사람에게 더 사랑스러워 가시더라.” (눅 2:52) 세상 사람은 자녀가 출생하면 남녀가 만나 교제하고 결혼하여 맺게 된 사랑의 열매라고만 봅니다. 당연히 그 아이는 오직 자기들만의 자식입니다. 신자에게도 아이들은 사랑의 열매이자 자기 자식인 것만은.. 2010. 7. 7.
Light in Our Dwellings or, The Christian's Family Relationships on Earth, as Reflecting His Heavenly Ones. being lectures on Ephesians 5: 21 — 6: 9 Julius Anton Von Poseck. "And there was a thick darkness in all the land of Egypt three days . . . . but all the children of Israel had light in their dwellings" Exodus 10: 22-23. Preface. A brother in the Lord sometime ago remarked to me, how little, in writings and ora.. 2010. 7. 7.
To the Parents of My Grandchildren Meditations on Some Parents of the Bible for Christian Parents By a grandfather — G. C. Willis. Third Edition August 1996 Bible Light Publishers, P.O. Box 442, Fo Tan, New Territories, Hong Kong. ISBN 962-7458-14-8 Preface To Christian Parents, Beloved in the Lord: I think I may address you thus, as these pages are only meant for those who belong to Him, and that bond makes us all one family: .. 2010. 7. 7.
"Thou and thy house." C. H. Mackintosh. Preface. Nothing can be more truly beneficial for the soul than to be brought under the searching power of the word of God, — to have our treacherous hearts examined by its sure light, and all our ways fairly tested by its holy precepts. “The law of the Lord is perfect." It is God's means of effectually dealing with His people, and accomplishing in them the purposes of His .. 2010. 7. 7.
Households F. A. Hughes. MAR/APR 1976 Houses and households occupy a very large place in the Scriptures — they are mentioned well over 2,000 times. Thus they are evidently of great importance in the mind of God. The dwellings of men where, apart from divine intervention, darkness and moral distance from God exists, are portrayed. Blessed indeed to observe the results of God's movements in grace and mercy.. 2010. 7. 7.
Encouragement for Parents. F. B. Hole. (Extracted from Scripture Truth Vol. 18, 1926, page 180.) To be a parent is no light thing in any case. To be a Christian parent is an even more serious and responsible thing, as is doubtless realized by those of our readers who stand in such a relationship. Here are, let us suppose, Christian parents with young children. As they gaze upon their loved little ones they realize that th.. 2010. 7. 7.
The Christian Household The Christian Household. and the Relative Duties. E. Dennett. PREFATORY. The reader will find in this little volume a simple exposition of the Scriptural teaching concerning the connection between the believer and his household, and also concerning what are termed the relative duties. The importance of the exhibition of Christian life in the home is generally admitted; but, as a matter of fact,.. 2009. 8. 24.
Reflections on Mixed Marriages J. N. Darby. <16020E> 171 [The following remarks were made on a particularly solemn instance, where a young sister (converted in 1853) fell into the snare of accepting an offer of marriage made by a worldly man. This she had contrived to conceal from the assembly of Christians where she lived; but a delay, which arose out of seemingly accidental circumstances, gave occasion to a brother's.. 2009. 8. 22.