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by Topic/교회(The Church)53

헌금의 기본 원칙 "성도를 위하는 연보에 대하여는 내가 갈라디아 교회들에게 명한 것 같이 너희도 그렇게 하라 매주일 첫날에 너희 각 사람이 이를 얻은 대로 저축하여 두어서 내가 갈 때에 연보를 하기 않게 하라 내가 이를 때에 너희의 인정한 사람에게 편지를 주어 너희의 은혜를 예루살렘으로 가지고 가게 하려니.. 2011. 8. 10.
수박보다는 포도가 되라. (고전 12:12-13) “몸은 하나인데 많은 지체가 있고 몸의 지체가 많으나 한 몸임과 같이 그리스도도 그러하니라. 우리가 유대인이나 헬라인이나 종이나 자유자나 다 한 성령으로 세례를 받아 한 몸이 되었고 또 다 한 성령을 마시게 하셨느니라.” (고전 12:12-13) 한국인들의 뇌리에는 “뭉치면 살고 헤어지면 죽는다.”.. 2010. 7. 13.
The Church F. A. Hughes. MARCH 1963 The Church (1) The words "church" and "churches" are mentioned some 120 times in the New Testament, and the same original word, meaning "a calling out" is used. The only exception is in Acts 19: 37 where the expression "Robbers of churches" is a compound word in the Greek. Quite obviously the subject is one of great interest to the Inditer of the New Testament — the Ho.. 2009. 11. 17.
One Loaf: One Body. F. B. Hole. (Extracted from Scripture Truth Vol. 49, 1986-8, pages 33-7.) When saints endeavour to walk according to the truth of the church as set forth in Scripture, and thus come together in practical fellowship according to the apostolic pattern, we must not expect that they will be left in peace. The adversary of God and His people is too watchful and untiring for that. More to be feared th.. 2009. 11. 17.
Assembly Principles F. B. Hole. Editor's Introduction Mr. Frank B. Hole's Assembly Principles has been chosen as Volume Four of the Christian Update Series because of its logical, complete and unique approach to the truth of the Assembly — the true Church of God composed of all believers of this dispensation. The truth of the Assembly as presented in Scripture is almost lost today as far as the masses of God's d.. 2009. 11. 17.
Is the Church of God an Organization or an Organism? L M Grant. Read Exodus 18. Exodus 18 has sometimes been used as an argument to justify a practice in the Church of appointing people to certain places of responsibility and dignity so that operations might proceed more smoothly. Does the Spirit of God have any such intention in recording the advice of Jethro, and Moses accepting this advice without question? There was a friendly spirit between J.. 2009. 11. 17.
"The church which is His body." W. W. Fereday. (Extracted from Truth for the Last Days, Vol. 1, 1900, page 119.) My present purpose is to consider briefly the work of the Holy Spirit in the formation of the Church of God — the body of Christ. "By one Spirit are we all baptised into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit" (1 Cor. 12: 13). The Bapti.. 2009. 11. 17.
The Step I Have Taken. Letters To A Friend On Taking His Place with So-Called "Brethren." by Edward Dennett (edited 1974, R. P. Daniel.) EXPLANATORY: The following letters, by permission of the friend to whom they are addressed, were not sent until they had been printed. When his loving remonstrance first arrived, I intended to reply immediately, but since I received many similar letters and personal inquiries, I have.. 2009. 11. 17.
Hindrances to Fellowship Letters to a Friend E. Dennett. The following letters are basic and simply written. Their character, as well as the ground taken in them, was determined by the position of the friend to whom they are addressed. We hope they may be useful to those who are just beginning to inquire into the ground and necessity for separation from wrong religious positions. May the Lord, in His abounding grace, co.. 2009. 11. 16.
The Bride, the Lamb's Wife Rev. 19: 7, 8; Rev. 21: 1-9 Reading with G. Davison Our subject is the Assembly as called by these two characteristic titles, "the Bride" and "the Wife". Some time ago a request was made that we look into the matter together to see what the distinction is between these two titles. It may be that in our great appreciation of the love of Christ for His own, and in dwelling so much upon the though.. 2009. 11. 13.
The Body Acts 2. Reading with G. Davison Our subject for this series of readings is THE BODY, one of the aspects in which the Assembly is viewed as the result of the work of Christ upon the cross, and His present session at the right hand of God in glory. We know that the Spirit has come down from Christ in glory to form the Body in this world, hence we are beginning our readings in this chapter. In Act.. 2009. 11. 13.
The Church Eph. 5: 27; 1 Peter 1: 19; Rev. 21: 2, 3; Rev. 22: 3. G. Davison. May 1958 We do well, beloved, ever to keep in mind that all the blessing we have been brought into began with the work of our Lord Jesus Christ; and that foundation, as we have read in 1 Peter 1: 19, is based upon the shedding of His precious blood. Peter speaks of the basis of that redemption as "the precious blood of Christ." H.. 2009. 11. 9.
Assembly Order and Privileges 1 Corinthians 1: 4-10, 17. G. Davison Sept/Oct 1971 Most of us will be departing this weekend and going to our local gatherings, and it might therefore be worth our while to ask ourselves, in the light of what has been before us — viewing the assembly of God in its public and universal setting — how are we to work out locally the particular features that have been before us in these meeting.. 2009. 11. 9.
The Pattern of the House. Ezek. 43: 10-12: Acts 2. Hamilton Smith. Address given at Aberdeen, Wednesday Evening, September 13th, 1922. While we have been together reference has been made to that wonderful scripture, Ephesians 5 which tells us that "Christ loved the Church and gave Himself for it, that He might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word that He might present it to Himself a glorious Chu.. 2009. 11. 9.
Gleanings on the Church. Hamilton Smith. Table of Contents Foreword Section 1, Outside the Camp Introduction Outside the Camp Section 2, In the Last Days Introduction Part 1, Philadelphia The Presentation of Christ to Philadelphia The Character and Power of Christ The Unchanging Attitude of Christ No Reproof, But A Word of Warning A Word of Encouragement Part 2, Laodicea The Presentation of Christ to Laodicea The Lord's.. 2009. 11. 9.
The Christian Company. John 15: 9-16. Hamilton Smith. As we listen to the Lord's gracious words, recorded in John 13 and John 14: telling of His service for believers in feet-washing, to keep us in communion with Himself; telling us that He has gone to prepare a place for us in the Father's house; that He is coming again to receive us unto Himself in the glory, and that between His going away and coming again for us,.. 2009. 11. 4.
Short Papers on the Church. Hamilton Smith. (also published as 'Perspectives on the True Church') 1. The Church Prophetically Announced Matt. 16: 1-18; 18: 15-20 2. The Church in Actual Existence Acts 1-9 3. The Church in the Counsels of God Ephesians 1; 2: 1-10 4. The Church in the Ways of God Ephesians 2: 11-22 5. The Church as Administered by Paul Ephesians 3 6. The Church as the House of God According to the Mind of G.. 2009. 11. 4.
The Bride of the Lamb. Hamilton Smith. Contents INTRODUCTION Chapter One CHRIST AND HIS BRIDE Chapter Two THE BRIDE IN THE COUNSELS OF GOD Chapter Three THE CALL OF THE BRIDE THE BRIDE OF THE LAMB INTRODUCTION Every instructed believer is aware that the Church — or Assembly of God — is composed of all believers united to Christ in the glory by the Holy Spirit on earth. Further, that the Church came into being at .. 2009. 10. 28.
What is a Meeting of the Assembly? Heb. 11: 11, 12; Matt. 18: 15-20; 1 Cor. 14: 23-33. H. L. Rossier. The Assembly. Before answering the above question, it is well to recall briefly what the Assembly is according to the Word. The Assembly, or Church, is composed of all the redeemed of the present dispensation — from Pentecost to the Lord's return. In this sense all the saints of this dispensation, whether they are still here be.. 2009. 10. 28.
The Church. Ephesians 1: 2. C. H. Mackintosh. We have in these chapters three distinct points, viz., first, the purpose of God; secondly, the development of that purpose; and, thirdly, the result of that purpose. It is a thought full of blessedness and comfort to the heart, that it is with God and His deep purposes of grace we have to do, and not with human circumstances. Faith apprehends this; it looks aw.. 2009. 10. 28.
"There is one body" Psalm 93; 1 Corinthians 3: 16; 1 Corinthians 6: 19 C. H. Mackintosh. These scriptures set forth a truth which I believe to be of cardinal importance to every one of us, individually as well as corporately: the Church as a whole is the temple of God; and every believer is made such as really, as literally, as absolutely as the temple of old in which God dwelt, only, of course, in a different way.. 2009. 10. 28.
The Discipline of the Assembly — its Ground, Nature, and Object. C. H. Mackintosh. "Thy testimonies are very sure: holiness becometh Thy House, O Lord, for ever" Ps. 93: 5. Here we have, plainly set before us, the real ground of discipline in the assembly. The place of God's presence must be holy: "Be ye holy, for I am holy." It is not upon the miserable principle of "stand by thyself, I am holier than thou." No, thank God,.. 2009. 10. 28.
Gathered unto His Name: A letter somewhat revised and enlarged. W. Kelly. My Dear Brother, I am but one of many who are praying the Lord to make Him your first object in your service of His name. There are far more who, if they knew the circumstances, would join in this, and not least some who are very devoted in the gospel work. But they justly feel that it is Christ who gives every thing and every one due measure of .. 2009. 10. 28.
"Unto my name." Matt. 18: 20. W. Kelly. (BT. Vol. N5, p.296.) It is humbling and grievous when a servant of the Lord gives up any truth of God which he had not only held but advocated publicly, then doubted, and finally denies, from mere sentiment wresting scripture to popular error. Such is the character of "Gathering in the Name of the Lord Jesus." The friend who sent me the tract regards its writer as the b.. 2009. 10. 28.
The Unity of the Spirit, and what it is to keep it. Being notes of a lecture delivered in 1882 by W. Kelly. Third Edition 'The unity of the Spirit.' Ephesians 4: 3. It is needless for one to insist at length on that which is sufficiently plain to every Christian reader — the importance which God attaches to keeping the unity of the Spirit. It is true that 'endeavouring' fails to give the real force of the word employed by the Spirit of God. 'E.. 2009. 10. 28.
Unity of the Church in Inspired History. W. Kelly. UNITY ACCORDING TO THE APOSTLE JOHN. The great truth and privilege of unity appears prominently in the Gospel of John and in the Epistles of Paul; but it is viewed in a different way by these two eminent servants of the Lord, by each subordinately to the purpose which the inspiring Spirit of God had in the work given them respectively to do. In the writings of both, unity supposes and.. 2009. 10. 28.
God's Principle of Unity. W. Kelly. [A New Edition being called for, the only change worth mentioning is in the induction to absurdity, given in pages 34 and 37 of the First Edition, which is now simplified. Reconsideration adds strength to my sense of the deep evil, however cloaked, of professing truth which there is no serious thought of acting upon or of suffering for. Better never to have known the divine will than .. 2009. 10. 28.
"The Unity of the Spirit" Ephesians 4: 1-3. W. Kelly. (This document is abridged by about 20%. That which is omitted is history and examples, but their removal also unbalances the article. The original document is the file: unity_sp.doc. It is also suggested that the file: dochrist.doc — 'The Doctrine of Christ and Bethesdaism' be read. Compiler) The Need for Diligence The importance which God attaches to keeping the .. 2009. 10. 28.
One Body and One Spirit W. Kelly. The will of God is that His church should be one, not in spirit merely, but also in an embodied form, so as to exhibit its unity in each place, and its unity throughout the world (John 11: 52; 17: 11, 21; Acts 2: 11; Rom. 12; 1 Cor. 1; 10; 12; Eph. 2; 4; 1 Tim. 3: 15). This He will accomplish in perfection at the coming of Christ (John 17: 21, 23; Eph. 5: 27; Heb. 12: 23; Rev. 19: 7; .. 2009. 10. 28.
The Church of God, Lectures on. W. Kelly. SYNOPSIS. LECTURE 1. ONE BODY. Difference of God's dealings with His people in the past and present dispensations, 1; Adam, 2; Abraham, 3; Israel as a nation, 5; death and resurrection of Christ introduce a new thing, 6; the body composed of Jew and Gentile, 7; the cross, showing the complete ruin of man removes the barrier to God's free action, 8; God's thoughts set upon.. 2009. 10. 28.