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생명의 말씀/A.B.Simpson

The glory of the Lord shall be thy rereward

by 복음과삶 2009. 11. 17.

He comes by our side as our helper. More than that, He comes to dwell within us, to be the life in our blood, the fire in our thought, the faith within us, both in inception and consummation. Thus He becomes not only the recompense of the victor, but the resources of the victory. He is the Captain, the Overcomer and the Rear Guard in our lives. The help that relieved us on that particularly troubled morning-it was of Him. He lifts our eyes up unto Himself and delivers us from apathy, from discontent and from fears. He is always the helper in this heavenly competition and will be the great reward in all the ages to come. If our life is hidden with Him we shall have to go through the same trials that He went through, but we shall not find them too hard. If we but take Him fully as the strength of our life, and our all in all, we shall be able to lay aside all the hindering things that press upon us day by day. I have overcome, overcome, Overcome for thee. Thou shalt overcome, overcome, Overcome thro' Me.