Do you know the mistake you may be making? You may be saying: "It is not possible for me to be good; no one ever was perfect, and it is no use for me to try." I agree with the first sentence, "No one ever was perfect." But I cannot agree with the second, "There is no use in trying." There is a divine righteousness available to you. I don't mean merely that which pardons your sins-I believe that, too, but I mean far more. I mean the righteousness that comes into your soul and unites itself with the fibers of your being. I mean Christ-your life, your purity-who makes you feel as He feels, think as He thinks, love as He loves, hate as He hates, and [partake] of the divine nature. That is God's righteousness-that the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, not by us but in us. it is not our hands and feet merely, but our very instincts, our very desires, our very natures springing up in harmony with His own. Have you received Him? He will come and fulfill all right things in you if today you will open your heart.
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