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묵상/Daily Devotion

"The JOY of Prayer"

by 복음과삶 2010. 8. 27.

Scripture Text: "Even them will I bring to my Holy mountain, and make them joyful in my house of prayer, their burnt offerings and their sacrifices shall be accepted upon mine altar, for mine house shall be called a house of prayer." Isaiah 56:7 (KJV)

So far this week we have been speaking about prayer and we have had several write in and say how God has spoken to them through these devotionals. You know why that is my friend? It has nothing to do with me - it's about fellowship with the Father. It is His greatest desire to fellowship with you.

When I was putting together my thoughts for today's devotional - the Lord impressed upon me to tell some dear sister out there the following:

I can see you sitting in your kitchen by the window and you're crying because you don't know what you're going to do.

Now let me tell you that He hasn't shared with me "what" you're struggle is - but merely to tell you  through this devotional today that He has been waiting in the wings for you to come to Him. You feel as though you cannot come to Him, but when you do, and when you surrender your trial over to Him, He's going to take care of it for you. But He can't do it until you ask Him in. Isn't that Great! You know who you are my friend, do not wait... God has this situation under control.

Today I would like to talk a little bit about the "JOY" of prayer.

Osella and I have always enjoyed our children. We wanted to be with them - in fact, we couldn't wait to see them in the evenings. We had the "Joy of The Lord" in our home and it overflowed into every part of our relationship.

Were our children always perfect and always do everything we told them to? No. In fact, they did a couple things that really disappointed mom and dad. Were we perfect parents all the time and someone our children could always be proud of? I'm sure that we weren't and in later years - once or twice, we've been told just how they felt. But we still have the Joy of The Lord in our family relationship! Our children KNOW where we stand, and they try to live their lives in a Godly manner and we love them all and we thank God for them.

That same joy and love has permeated our relationship with our grandchildren. We have 14 grandchildren (one on the way), and two of our grandchildren have lived with us most of their lives: Jacob(5) and Annabelle(3).

Jacob is a fiery little red-head who has been a true challenge, and a sponge for knowledge. Annabelle spends most of her time trying to get hugs from grandpa, and to make us all smile. What a blessing!

The other night, the two grandchildren and their mama, Carrie, Osella and I, decided to go fishing. My, My, does little Jacob ever love to go fishing.

On the way down to the lake, (about) 15 miles away... little Jacob began to just say, "Hallelujah...", "Hallelujah...", "Hallelujah..."

He was saying it over and over as he looked out the car window and I said, "Oh, little Jacob, you don't know how that pleases grandpa, to hear you praising God in that way." He replied, "Grandpa, What does Hallelujah really mean?" Quite a question for a 5 year old, and I sort of broke. You see, we had just gone through one of the most horrific times in all of our lives. Their Uncle Charley, my wife's brother, had just been shot and killed for no rhyme or reason - just a few days before that. We had all been through the ringer on this one with sleepless nights calling out to God for protection - and for answers. Saint Joseph is a little town of 70,000 people yet all of a sudden this year - there have been 6 murders, and someone very close to us - one of the kindest and gentlest men I have ever known - was shot dead. And here's my little Jacob who is normally... well, I'll just say he's a normal 5 year old boy... is softly and so sweetly saying, "Hallelujah...", Hallelujah...".

I was happy to tell little Jacob that the word "Hallelujah" was an exclamation of "JOY and Praise". A song of thanksgiving to God. He said, "Oh...", and then he began to say it over again and again very softly and then almost as though he was singing it and friend - what had been a very long and difficult week was being washed in the "JOY" of the Lord. 

Isaiah 56:7 says "Even them will I bring to my Holy mountain, and make them joyful in my house of prayer, their burnt offerings and their sacrifices shall be accepted upon mine altar, for mine house shall be called a house of prayer."

In Revelation 8:3 we read:

"And another angel came and stood at the altar, having a golden censer; and there was given unto him much incense, that he should offer it with the prayers of all saints upon the golden altar which was before the throne."

Oh my friend it brings "JOY" to God our Father to hear our prayers of Joy and Thanksgiving. He longs for and looks forward to "fellowship" with us. Just as He walked in the garden with Adam and Eve and communicated with them, He longs to walk with and to communicate with you and I. 

Our family has been changed forever by the tragedy we have faced. We could choose to be bitter and to want the worst possible revenge to be wielded upon the person who took away our friend; our brother; a daddy; grandpa; and soon to be a husband again, but Oh "Hallelujah...",  "Hallelujah..." "Hallelujah..."

Oh my friend... I know why little Jacob loved to say it and I loved so much to hear it. There is a connection that is instantly opened from your heart to God's ear when you come to Him in the "JOY" of prayer. Can you say it? Try it and see what happens to you in your spirit today. You may have times that you can say nothing else... but  when you say "Hallelujah..." all of Heaven pays attention and then answers with exultant praise to the Father.

Oh friend, there is nothing you are going through today that God cannot handle. Did you hear me sister? Did you hear me brother? You may not see it or almost even believe it right now you are so devastated, but I can assure you that it works! Come to him "as a little child" this morning - and experience the "JOY" of prayer.

Let's pray.

Oh loving Heavenly Father, I do love you. I love you so much. You are always there when I need you. Thank you for my grandson Jacob who out of the innocence of his life moved us to the remembrance of the "JOY" we can find in the fellowship of Your Presence. Oh Lord I come to YOU this morning opening my heart - filled with all that stuff LIFE pours on me to try and mess me up and make me want to "give-up"; and I bring forth My Prayer of Joy this morning and say, "Hallelujah...", "Hallelujah...", Praise Your Holy Name. And it is in that Name of Jesus that I pray, AMEN.



출처 : http://inthegarden.us/devo2010/itg082610.htm

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