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묵상/Daily Devotion

Holy One of God

by 복음과삶 2006. 2. 8.

We believe and know that you are the Holy one of God.   (John 6:68–69)

Holy one of God


Both disciples and demons recognized Jesus. He was (and is!) the Holy one of God. In the church today, we think of holiness in terms of ethical characterrighteousness, goodness, and perfection. This meaning has merit. But at the root holiness is an even simpler concept.


Holy means set apart, separate, consecrated especially to God. Jesus applied this basic meaning in John 10:36 when He described Himself as the one whom the Father set apart as His very own and sent into the world. Jesus was set apart by God Himself, consecrated to a particular mission, the redemption of the human race. In that sense He was wholly other, completely unlike any who had come before or would follow after. He was and is the Holy one.


But the title has even deeper significance, for it seems to correspond to an Old Testament title for God Himself. The title Holy one of Israel was a favorite of Isaiah’s, used twenty-nine times in his writings. For I am the Lord, your God, the Holy one of Israel, your Savior. . . (Isa. 43:3). Isaiahs designation of the Holy one of Israel comes in the context of a passage about the God who created His people, has redeemed them, and calls them by nameone who delivers His people because of His love for them. When Jesus is given the title the Holy one of God, then, it is almost certainly a messianic reference to the one who will be the deliverer of His people. Isaiah said the Holy one of Israel was your Savior. Ultimately, use of this title is an acknowledgement of Jesus divinity. He is one who comes as our Savior, our Redeemer, the one who calls our name. He is the one who has the words of eternal life. In His righteousness and holiness, He is the judge who destroys evil and demonic things. But He is also the one who holds eternal life before us—the only one to whom we can go.


The choice is ours!                —Mari Gonlag

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