“As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.” (John 20:21)
The room smells of roses. You look around. No vase. Not a single flower is in sight. Soon you secretly make the discovery. Plugged into a wall outlet nearby is a room deodorizer. The fragrance is driven by electrical power.
Jesus, the rose of Sharon, brought the fragrance of heaven to a needy world. He made it possible for us to be rid of the stench of sin when he wore it on the cross. Then He ascended into heaven and sent His Holy Spirit to us. His powerful current flows through those who give themselves fully to Him. And the resulting spiritual fragrance is emitted—the source often unseen.
When Jesus ascended, He gave His disciples the task of being heaven's fragrance in the world. It was a challenging assignment. And it still is. We are called to carry the fragrance of heaven wherever we go—to be puffs of grace, to be heaven's fragrance to people searching for someone who will understand, who will forgive, who will have compassion, and who will love without wavering.
The assignment is not greater than the resource: “He breathed on them and said, ‘Receive the Holy Spirit'” (verse 22). He is the power source. Connection to Him makes our connection to others a sweet smell.
―Jerry Brecheisen
Let your life smell like heaven to those who are living a hell.
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