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묵상/Daily Devotion

The World's Friend or Gods?

by 복음과삶 2009. 4. 14.

God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble. (James 4:6)


OUR DOG ALLISON is a good example of humility. When my husband and I go off to work, Allison spends the day alone. When we return, she wants love and attention. Yet if she senses that we are busy or tired, she meekly takes her medicine and goes to her bed for the night. Her attitude often causes me to think of Jesus, who totally submitted to the will of His Father. That is humility.


James calls us to be humble, saying that pride causes quarrels and fights and makes us a friend of the world. Worse, that pride equals hatred toward God. How can we overcome pride? We do so by humbling ourselves, as Jesus did, to submit to the will of the Father. That's a difficult concept to practice in a world that urges, "Look out for number one," and "Stand up for your rights!" We humble ourselves also by repenting, making a conscious effort to leave sinful thought and practice. "Wash your hands . . . and purify your hearts."


Ultimately, we must choose one way of living or the otherfriendship with God or friendship with the world. When we humble ourselves to obey God's commands, His grace will flow through our lives. Pride is deceptive and never proves to be a true friend. What company are you choosing?


Pat Estes


What will you do to choose God today?

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