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묵상/Daily Devotion

"7 / Eleven"

by 복음과삶 2010. 4. 8.

Scripture Reading: Matthew 7: 7-11
Scripture Text:"
If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him?" Matt 7:11 (KJV)

I'm not even sure there is a 7 / Eleven Store in existence anymore, but I can remember some 40 years ago that the 7 / Eleven was one of the very first "convenient" stores to make a splash in the "quick-stop" market category.

Merging a gas station with a grocery store - you could get everything there! Why, they even had elements of a department store, drug store and more.

I never noticed it before this series, but our Scripture passage falls somewhat into the same category on a "spiritual" plane - and it spans from verse 7 to 11: "interesting"... to say the least.

Matthew 7:7-11 is a unique passage in that it speaks of that all- encompassing "faith-stop" that fills you up, gives you strength, and keeps you going all day through. What's more... you don't have to get into the car and drive to it - you take it with you wherever you go.

Look at those verses with me real quickly if you will.

Mat 7:7 says "Ask and it shall be given you".

We're speaking of prayer here. We're speaking of asking God for such things as are "needed", such as food, clothing and shelter. Yet, it speaks of such things that are of a "spiritual nature as well - such as grace and wisdom to live as He would have us to live - towards God, as well as man. It is knowing that those who ask according to the will of God, and in the name of Christ - under the direction, guidance, and influence of the Spirit: asking "in faith" and with submission to the Divine will, shall have what they ask for; not because they deserve it, but as a free gift. "For everyone that asketh receiveth".

But there is a second element to asking. it says there in verse 7: "Seek, and ye shall find".

How do you seek God? We come to Him in the Name of Jesus - by His Spirit - which suggests prayer. You cannot seek God's favor unless you do so on His terms. And ALL who come to Him in a right way - diligently, and with their whole hear, shall find God. Proverbs 21:21 tells us:

"He that followeth after righteousness and mercy findeth life, righteousness, and honour."

Verse 8 tells us that, "...he that seeketh findeth".

So, what do we find when we seek Christ? We find Life, righteousness and honor. We find the grace and mercy of God, the kingdom of God, and His righteousness. We find the Favor of God. (ref., Matthew 7:11)

Lastly the 7th verse tells us to "knock and it shall be opened unto you".

Are you getting the Divine infrastructure of these verses and how they are all-encompassing to our faith? When you come to God's Storehouse - asking for something out of need, He's got it - and He has your Name on it, but you can't "buy it". You've got to ASK God for it... which puts you in a position of "seeking" God. What follows after is what? Life and  righteousness; mercy and honor.

Now, all the "Earthly" convenient stores want is your money. What God wants is for you to have life and to have it more abundantly (ref., John 10:10) HOW? Through His FREE GIFTS of GRACE AND MERCY, FAVOR AND HONOR. WOW! TALK ABOUT CLIPPING COUPONS!

Now you're ready to exit God's Storehouse through that "door of mercy" - but you have to apply that final principal of "knocking". Why is that important? Why couldn't we just have stopped at the asking and seeking and just call it done?

Just like any other store on Earth, you can't just go in with your shopping list of wants and needs and just load them all into the shopping cart and walk out the store. There has to be a medium of exchange. You have to deal with a representative of that company that will okay you to leave the store after you have satisfied their medium of exchange. You obtain that permission by surrendering to them a certain amount of money. once you have surrendered to them their required medium of exchange, you then have faith in that representative that they're going to let you walk out of the store with all of your items. Works pretty smoothly. You even get a written promise from the store that the transaction has been made for all time and eternity. The "stuff'" is yours.

Well, do I need to tell you that our medium of exchange is Jesus, and that nothing is done in the spiritual realm accept through surrender to him - not at a cash register, but at the mercy seat - which is the Cross of Calvary?

That's what the Knocking is all about. Men who have need of God need "stand and knock" at that door of mercy. For in so doing, they are surrendering their "Faith in prayer" as "the key" that opens the door to that "constant" throne of grace, (Hallelujah!) and he who "continues knocking" at the door of mercy will have no denial, it shall be always opened to him; and he shall have entrance into the holiest of all by the blood of Jesus.  "...and to him that knocketh it shall be opened." Matthew 7:8

That doesn't mean that you just stand there and knock and knock until you get an answer. God is not only willing but ready to forgive. For "whosoever calleth upon the Name of the Lord shall be saved". (ref., Romans 10:13) It means that you know the place you must approach whenever the need arises. It is constant and continuous as long as you apply it to your life through faith in Christ.

But verse 11 says it all... "If ye then being evil," (As all mankind in general are, both by nature and practice: conceived in sin, shapen in iniquity and transgressors from the womb) "...know how to give good gifts unto your children" (having it in the love of your heart to do so and power of your hands to provide for the support and sustenance of your children), "...how much more shall your Father, which is in heaven" (omniscient, omnipotent; knowing his children and what is proper for them) "...give good things to them that ask him?"

Jesus is your 7 / Eleven my friend. Instead of looking for help from friends and relatives who really can't give you what you really need anyway, come to Jesus and let Him build your faith as you learn the greatest lesson in life... A Simple Trust in God.

Let's pray:

Father: I come to you today with a simple trust in You alone. Teach me that I can, through faith in Your Word and the constant application of that WORD in my life - experience that Abundant life you spoke of. Teach me that it all begins with surrender Lord.. and I do that just now, In Jesus Name I pray, Amen.

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