Scripture Reading: Joshua 20: 1-6
Scripture Text: "Speak to the children of Israel, saying, Appoint out for you cities of refuge, whereof I spake unto you by the hand of Moses: That the slayer that killeth any person unawares and unwittingly may flee thither: and they shall be your refuge from the avenger of blood." Joshua 20:2,3 (KJV
Good morning and welcome to this Sunday edition of In The Garden. Let me ask you a question this morning... Have you ever felt like you just needed to "get away"?
I can remember the old Calgon commercial when I was a young lad that would push that idea by to the limit by showing a housewife or a mother going through a rough day with telephones ringing off the hook, kids screaming all around her; food burning on the stove; and with that stress-drawn look on her face - wiping off her brow with her apron she would anxiously proclaim, "Calgon, take me away".
Well, I'm going to speaking to you today about that Place of Refuge in just a couple of minutes - but before I do here's a great song by The Booth Brothers, entitled, "This is what Salvation's Done For Me". I'll be right back after the song with today's message.
There are a few of us in this modern day and age that I'm sure wish we had a place of refuge - a place to "hide out from the world" who seeks to exact their pound of flesh from us. Yet, there are very few that ever find that place - and for most... their city of refuge ends up being their own home; shades drawn, phones off the hook with the Television as their only companion.
Our text today speaks of an even greater need for refuge than what I just described. Our text and subsequent scripture found it ( ) describes entire cities - set aside on land divided amongst the 12 tribes and given to the tribe of the Levites. (Priestly tribe)
These “Cities of Refuge” (6 in all - ref., Numbers 35:6) were not an idea that came from the heart of man, but we see here that it was conceived in the very heart and mind of God. Turn with me to the Book of Numbers in your Bible if you will and look at the 35th Chapter and the 6th verse. We find there that it says,
”And among the cities which ye shall give unto the Levites there shall be six cities for refuge, which ye shall appoint for the manslayer, that he may flee thither…” (KJV)
That was the WORD of the Lord. He commanded that these six cities were to be cities of refuge; cities of safety for anyone who had accidentally - or in self defense... taken the life of another. These cities were a place where one could find protection from whom the Bible calls “the avenger of blood”, which referred to the relatives or friends of the slain person who would most assuredly seek revenge for their death. Yet, once inside the walls of the City of Refuge they were safe!
Oh I can't help but think of what a wondrous picture this paints of another “City of Refuge” that came from the very heart of God. You know what I mean. It was a city covered by the Blood of Jesus and when that old death angel would come passing by - pointing his old bony finger at you as one who had transgressed against God - your sin was covered by that cleansing Power of the BLOOD OF CHRIST. Oh praise His Name!
It has been said that from time to time - the people of these cities of refuge would be suddenly disturbed by a piercing cry of one under the attack of vengeance for the wrong they had committed... and just outside the gate of the city they would see the silhouette of a trembling soul making his way toward the gate - with his avenger striking at his heels with sword drawn. It has been said that once and a great while, that tired body filled with fear for his life would mistakenly think he reached the gates of that city and would sit down to rest - perhaps even collapsing at the gate; and then the avenger would seize the opportunity to spring on him and plunge the sword into his soul. Oh my friend, can you imagine getting "that close" and still losing your life?
In some instances it was said that one would get so close to that gate of the city and would stand hesitating at the entrance, doubting and afraid to go in. Trembling in fear - he makes the conscientious choice to stand and fight and try to stave of his attacker on his own. In most cases the result was that of breathing his last breath just outside the city walls! Again... can you imagine being that close to safety and losing it all?
Well, I know that you may not want to hear this today - but Hell is full of people who came “that close” to safety... and lost it all. If we could sneak a peak through Hell's relentless darkness and horror today - we would find all sorts of people who at one point "almost" received Christ.
Perhaps through billowing flames and the putrefying smell of sulfur and burning flesh, we would see an old country farmer who lived within walking distance from the church. And like a movie we would see how every week the country preacher would stop by and give him the plan of salvation - and that old farmer, eyes wet with tears, would tell that old country preacher, "Not today Preacher, Not today!"
Perhaps amidst the smoke and hellish screams you would find a young teenager whose cries reveal the agony of her rebellion. In constant horror she remembers going to church and God speaking to her heart - fully aware of the need of her own salvation - yet her response was, "I'm still young... I've got
plenty of time". "Not today Jesus". So close... but so far away.
Perhaps looking deeper into that flaming abyss of horror and cries of pain, you will find pew after pew those who sat through altar call after altar call while God the Holy Spirit tugged at their heart; yet they yielded NOT to the winnowing fan of the Lord as he went about separating the chaff from the wheat - merely because they were afraid of what people might think or what they would have to "give up" to follow after Christ. They were so close... but so far away.
Perhaps falling deeper into the darkness of Hell we would see an "overflow" section there in the halls of darkness where people would congregate before Satan himself - crying out for justice as they plead their case saying, "I went to church every Sunday and always paid my tithes..." yet, the old devil just leads his minions in a round of laughter as there was not enough evidence to convict them of being a Christian. You see, they never once asked Jesus into their lives, and to be "Lord and Savior". They were so close... but so far away.
We find others in the WORD who did the same. I mentioned just last week I believe about Paul leading King Agrippa to the very threshold of Grace and Mercy (Acts 26) yet, in the end, Agrippa's response would be, "Almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian!" So close... but so far away.
We find Judas the betrayer of Jesus when coming to the garden with the soldiers - kissing Jesus on the cheek to betray Him. Imagine it... Judas got so close that he would kiss the door of Heaven, and Charge through the gates of Hell that very night.
Oh My friend - are you hearing me this morning. There are so many today who are “almost persuaded”. They have came so close to the City of Refuge yet they still reside outside the walls.
There is an enemy after you today and his GREATEST desire is to DESTROY you - AND the onLY refuge; the onLY safety; is in that "GREAT CITY of REFUGE...which is Jesus Christ and Him crucified!
You see it would have been foolish and useless for a person to seek refuge in any of the other cities...they could only find safety in the Cities that God had ordained for a Refuge. So it is that it is USELESS and FOOLISH for anyone of us today to seek refuge, safety and /or SALVATION in any other PERSON than Jesus Christ! The Bible tells us He is the way the truth and the life. If you don't come through him “the door” you don't get in. You remain outside the gate and are in danger of losing your very soul if you stay there! And Listen while I tell you once again that "close" doesn't count. you are either all the way in or you are all the way out.
In closing today, I would like you to imagine, if you will, three people intent on saving the world who had but one obstacle away from keeping them from doing so. It was a 10 ft chasm between where they were which was certain death and starvation... to help and home and continued life just on the other side of that chasm - from the cliff they were on. What was below was a 1000 ft drop to their death.
The first decided that thinking about it wouldn't prove anything - so he decided to just give it all he had and go for it. He took off running toward the cliff and hurled his body with all of his might and 5 ft from the other side he began to fall to his death.
The second person a wee bit taller and having studied the need for more speed and a longer runway... backs way up... takes off all of his clothes (including his shoes) accept his under garments, walks back a good hundred feet and when ready takes off building as much speed as he can and just at the last minute hurling himself into the air and hoping that he would land on the other side. He made it exactly 7 ft... and fell to his death in that 1000 ft deep pit below.
The last guy said - "He could have made it if he would have ran up that rock (shaped somewhat like a ramp) and then hurled himself across. So, that being his plan - he undresses down to his undergarments and goes back 100 ft and takes off running - coming up the ramp-shaped rock and just at the apex of it - he hurls himself to the other side - missing it my 6 inches. Down he fell into the pit below.
Though they all performed at different levels - different technique (let's say, doctrinal beliefs), and they ALL got CLOSE...some closer than others, THEY ALL RECEIVED THE SAME FATE! They missed OUT on THE MARK. They thought they could do it on their own - and they missed the mark. Almost, but lost!
Oh My brothers and sisters today: "being close to the city of God does NOT count." only in the city of refuge (which is Christ) are we protected from the judgment to come. Let me tell you that judgment is coming my friend! It matters whether you are inside the City of Refuge today or on the outside looking in.
Jesus said, "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest."
Come to him today... you may not have a tomorrow. Just Pray this prayer after me and mean it with all of your heart.
Lord Jesus, I realize I am a sinner in need of that place of REFUGE. I accept the words of John 3:16 today that says, whosoever believeth in You - will be saved and I do that just now. I open my hearts door just now and I ask you to come inside and save me from all of my sin and make me clean inside. Become my Savior and my Lord from this day forward, and I will live for you all the days of my life. I receive you just now, In Jesus' Name, Amen.
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