Scripture Text: "We having the same spirit of faith, according as it is written, I believed, and therefore have I spoken; we also believe, and therefore speak;" 2Co 4:13 (KJV)
I've had a few inquire as to my statement regarding Rick Warren. They want to know why I believe that he is a False Prophet. Well I have many reasons that I believe that way but let me just mention a few.
Let's begin with Pastor Rick's Claim to Fame, "The PURPOSE DRIVEN LIFE". The very title of the book tells you some-what of where he is Coming from. God doesn't ask us to be "purpose driven"... He asks us to be Led by His Spirit and "doing the work of an evangelist"! Listen, you can be "purpose driven" if you're
changing a light-bulb. What's your purpose? Changing the light bulb! You can be "purpose driven" by watering the lawn. What's your purpose? A greener lawn. You can be "purpose driven" taking out the garbage - and I think there's a few people who bought into this lie that need to load up a few of his books if not all of them and take a trek to the backyard disposal and become FREE from the weight of such nonsense and get back to basics. What am I talking about? I' so glad you asked.
I'm talking about the Blood of Jesus! I'm talking about the efficacy of atonement - which means that Jesus' Blood Saves TO THE UTTERMOST - and while he's at it - He Heals as well!!! I'm talking about the fact that there is Heaven to Gain and a Hell to shun: which is something you never hear from most pulpits anymore. We've all become "seeker-sensitive" you know, and we don't want to offend anybody.
Rick Warren's whole tone of the Gospel is so watered down - that there is never a mention of Hell and never a mention of REPENTANCE! He makes the very act of coming to Jesus like a decision to brush your teeth. You know it will do you some good... but if you need to you can always get them worked on later on.
The most recent thrust by MAJOR POWERS WORLDWIDE... to not only launch Tony Blair's "International Faith Foundation" of which Pastor Warren is a Member of the Advisory Board, enacts what they term as the "Faith Acts" which in their words seeks to push faith out the window and find a "common" ground for raising awareness of their Foundation first of all, and raising funds to fight deaths by malaria and other such diseases. Yet, there is never any mention that the common ground they're speaking of is NOT GOSPEL-BASED... but it is again "purpose-driven". It is not the seeking of salvation and the ministering to those very souls they are trying to reach with the Gospel of Tony the way, that's one of the things Pastor Warren left out of His Book while speaking of a "purpose" driven life message.
As I explained in my devotional yesterday... Tony Blair and Bill Clinton who is a Trustee of the Foundation, begin this new-age movement that is utilizing many of the more Prominent Ministries of the day to propagate a "dummying-down" of "Faith in Christ" through their lack of a "call" to repentance and their lack of the "importance of the resurrection" in the life of a new convert. These things are categorized as "bi-products" to the faith. In fact, Rick Warren has said (and it has been captured on video) that, "...all God expects of us is to try". "When we do Good, God Says, 'atta-boy'"! And Warren does it with so much passion as he puts his left fist into his right hand almost with a tear in his eye.. yet he very conveniently stops there and does not say what happens when we don't do good: when we sin. There is no mention of Judgment and Hell - because again, he is a "seeker-sensitive" preacher and he doesn't want to offend.
This is the church we are seeing emerge in this country and in these last days before Jesus comes. Why? Because it's convenient and it doesn't offend people. It takes the onus "off the believer" to have a "personal relationship" with Jesus.. and ultimately with God. This NEW WORLD RELIGION accepts the faith of ISLAM, Buddhists, Catholics.. EVERYONE IS WELCOME TO COME ALONG AND BE A PART of this Man to Man "movement" as Tony Blair puts it on his very own web-site. It is in and of itself a NEW WORLD RELIGION. It seeks, just as every religion does, to make converts, but it is in the NAME of God only; and I want to make it perfectly clear that what they are doing is not invoking the Name of God but Provoking God Himself because they are taking His Name in VAIN. In Other words they are cursing the Name of God with their very existence! They are the "wolves in sheep's clothing" the Bible speaks of and let me tell you that the way they will deal with those who are speaking the truth about them is to call us extremists. In fact, on Tony Blair's Web-site, he has a warning for al of those who do. He says...
"In today's religious world, religious faith can play a positive or negative role. Thos who try to "use" religion to promote conflict may be small in number, but they are well organized and often effective. We need to ensure that those who seek peace and harmony between religions are organized and vocal enough to tackle this 'threat'."
he Goes on to say...
"We have seen throughout history and today we still see how religious faith can be distorted to fan the flames of hatred and extremism".
Interestingly enough, that word (extremist) is what we've heard President Obama call the Tea-Party movement and anyone that disagrees with what he is doing to this country.
I am well aware that this message does not fit the candor of a normal devotional. But friends, we are not living in normal times and YOU NEED TO KNOW what YOU believe and NOT ALLOW ANYONE to talk you out of it, or to lay it aside for some idealistic goal to unite the faiths of this world to serve side by side. The only way that can happen is to do what they are advocating... and that's leaving your faith at home forgetting the clarion call of Jesus to:
"Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover." Mar 16:15 (KJV)
Lets' pray.
Father God, Thank you for stirring us up and reminding us of Your Word that calls us to choose this day whom we will serve. Therefore O LORD, we come ready and willing to serve You, in sincerity and in truth. We put away the gods we have made with our hands and have worshipped with our eyes and covenant to serve You and You alone. on this day O Lord, May 5, 2010, we declare that we will not break away from our Faith in Christ to go with the gods of the Amorites; the Perizzites; the Anaanites; the Hittites, or the Girgashites or the Hivites: but we will declare this day, " for me and my house, we will serve the LORD"!
O Come Lord Jesus and Heal our Land: for You have chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty; the base things of the world, and things which are despised, have You chosen, yea, and things which are not, to bring to nought things that are: that no flesh should glory in YOUR presence. COME LORD JESUS, COME! In Jesus' Name we Pray, Amen. (Ref., Joshua 24:14-16)
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