Dear [Contact.First Name],
"A bruised reed shall he not break, and smoking flax shall he not quench, till he send forth judgment unto victory. And in his name shall the Gentiles trust." Mat 12:20,21 (KJV)
Smack in the middle of a book of healing we find a prophetic utterance that I believe reflects the "last days" church. Notice I did not say the church of the Latter Day Saints... that's quite another animal that I don't believe fits this verse at all. I am speaking here of the church of Laodicea. This passage I believe, shows the awesome care and love of our Lord for His Saints - even the "flaxen smoke" kind... and I'm going to get to that in a minute or so, but look with me right now at the book of Revelation 3, verses 15 and 16. It says there:
"I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth." Rev 3:15,16 (KJV)
So is this a contradiction of terms considering our text for today? No, I don't believe so... because even in the Church of Laodicea, which I believe represents the Church of today, we find "a remnant" that still find themselves on their faces before God; a remnant that still loves God with a passion - though they do not give him adequate worship; a remnant who still cares for the work of evangelism - though they may not support it as they should nor become as active in it as they should; a remnant that deeply LOVES GOD and wants to do better and be better in their worship of Him - yet their bodies are tired out from their jobs and form the lingering stress of the threat of a Global economic collapse.
I believe that these verse here in Matthew speak not of a time anywhere relevant to the disciples current-day situations, but speaks of a coming world of "Gentile" believers whose "reed" or basic stem or "belief" system, has not been tarnished by the emergent church of these latter days. While they possibly may not worship in a church building for various reasons which we do not have time to elaborate on here today... the GREAT INTERCESSOR, "...upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high;" (ref., Hebrew 1:3), and is " also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them." (ref., Hebrews 7:25)
I believe that He sees these precious souls lost in the cracks of mediocrity and little hope, some near being broken to pieces; wounded in their spirits; hearts broken and contrite; living under a sense of their sinfulness, vileness, weakness, and unworthiness; and He(Jesus) being the great Shepherd desires nothing more than bind up their broken hearts, heals their wounds, and restore comforts to them - which I believe becomes a reference to the "smoking flax".
Now, that reference takes into consideration the stem or wick of a lamp, when just being lit at the first, seems to have a tendency to want to go out, not giving out much light with only a little fire in it, but the two mixed together makes the lamp "smoke". Oh My Friend, are you seeing the beauty in all of this? I didn't think it was possible, but it makes me love Him so much more. You see, that little flicker of light is still there: a faint light encumbered by the shadow of darkness creeping in, yet the embers of the that "would be" flame represent the knowledge of God; and the faithfulness of God; the comfort of God even amidst a great deal of darkness and infirmity. Many of us could well relate to this in our own lives I'm sure, but watch this... it is those flickering embers that - even though they have all but gone out; flow upwards "like pillars of smoke, perfumed with the frankincense of desire and a continual passion for God"; which Christ can not deny or reject. But Wait! Even that's not the end of it my beloved. Those pillars of smoke upon reaching the heart of Jesus, are bellowed by the wind of God's Holy Spirit "spark of Grace", into a flickering flame that when released, will become a ROARING FIRE. Hallelujah!
But there's more... Look at that second portion of that verse
"...till he send forth judgment unto victory."
Friend, we're talking about REVIVAL! We're talking about a RENEWALof such PASSION for God - that those that would ordinarily be judged by the lackadaisical passion of the Laodicean church, will not be left to be judged with the rest - but that Great Mercy and Grace of God is once again sent into
their hearts (a fanning of the flame if you will), accompanied with His mighty power - enlightening their understandings, exciting their will to the purpose of the Cross; bringing them an emboldened resolve for revival; sanctifying their souls under the influence of His Spirit and Grace to carry on of the work of grace "in
them" to the end; and making them even more than conquerors, through He that has loved them.
What an exciting revelation - recorded as a blessing for those who at this time in their lives can see no hope and are lost in the growing lethargy of unbelief and feigned religion. No Soul Left Behind is the Cry of the Savior, and He is even now interceding for you.
Let's pray,
Oh Mighty God, what an awesome WORD - a nugget of gold dropped into our hearts through the medium of your WORD. Those who have been disenfranchised by their very own denomination and left behind because they didn't want to play the game of the new WORLD RELIGION have not been forgotten, but they are, we are that bruised reed that bound by the hand of your grace and mercy become a sweet smelling savor in the nostrils of God as we still seek to bless you and to honor you and to find you in every life situation. We love you Lord and bless you in this hour as we know that we are yet on your mind and in Your heart and you have great things in store for us even yet. We praise you and thank you for your Son Jesus in whose Name we pray this prayer today, Amen.
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