Scripture Text: "The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world."
John 1:29 (KJV)
I don't know what you're holding into this morning but I'm here to tell you that all you need to do is to turn it loose. First lay your sin at the foot of Calvary and then take that new Spirit that has energized your Spirit and Mind and Body - and tell someone about it.
Good morning this is Pastor Wayne coming to you from In the garden Ministries in Saint Joseph MO and I've entitled today's Devotional
Can you imagine being one of those who were present when in the distance John sees Jesus approaching and he declares, "Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world"?
Oh how the church of today needs to hear that on a personal level!
"Behold the Lamb of God, which alone can wipe the slate clean in your life and give you a new start." Hallelujah to The Lamb!
Do you know how many people would give anything to hear that and be able to believe it? Oh, I know they can, and some do, yet there are others who are looking at the church of today and they're saying, "Well that isn't any different than my bowling league"; or, "Today's church isn't any different than my club meetings."
It's true! Many of those same people didn't accept Jesus as Saviour and Lord 25-30 years ago either... and they'll admit that. But you know what they say? I know this to be a fact! They say that at least 25-30 years ago the church "looked" like the church. They were different and they lived different! You could tell the difference between a "churchgoer" and a regular Joe back then.
Friend, It's time for the people of God to wake up and recognize what is going on in the church. Every day the enemy keeps gnawing away at our morality and deceiving us into accepting one lie after another, luring us into believing a compromised gospel. In fact they have so compromised the gospel of Christ that the diluted body we "call the church" has become pleasing to everyone except for God!
Where are the preachers who aren't afraid to point out the transgressions of the church both on a corporate and individual level. I know that nobody likes to talk about sin - especially if you're going to point out "their" sin - yet listen preacher... sin stops your flock from receiving all God has for them, and it prevents you from growing as a church.
Now, you may not quite understand what I'm going to say next so listen closely. The message of sin is a message of hope. Let me say that again. The Message of sin is a message of hope. How can that be? I'm so glad you asked that. You see there isnt one single person who has not sinned. If ever there was a match made in Heaven it is GRACE for the SINNER and that spells HOPE! Remember the text for today? Jesus Christ is the Lamb of God who came to take away the sins of the world! We don't need any gimmicks - we just need to give them Jesus. We don't need any fancy brochures or fancy calling cards - we just need to give them Jesus. It is time that we stop shrinking from calling sin what it is, even at the risk of being rejected and ridiculed. The Bible says, "The Soul that Sinneth, it shall die!" If that's the case and sin can be smashed by the GRACE and MERCY of A Loving Heavenly Father... it stands to reason that the Message of Hope in Christ and SIN are made for each other.
Tell somewhat about the Hope you have within you today will you, and remember, there will always be some who will turn away when confronted with their sin, but many will be saved.
Let's pray.
Father God... convict me of the unconfessed sin in my life Lord, and I ask that by your Spirit, you will give me the boldness and courage to confront those in my sphere of influence who are so lost in sin and have no Hope, about the SAVING GRACE of JESUS to someone. Help me to introduce to them the SMASHING GRACE OF a Loving God - who loved them so much that He gave His only SON to die on the cross for their sins. In Jesus' Name I pray, Amen.
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