Scripture Text: "And he cometh unto the disciples, and findeth them asleep, and saith unto Peter, What, could ye not watch with me one hour?" Matthew 26:40 (KJV)
Jesus Soul was crushed with grief - his heart and mind in deep agony and pain - yet His "faithful" followers - one of which had just hours before expressed his undying love for His Master - saying that he would "not only fight but even die for Him" (ref., Matthew 26:35), now lay sleeping from sorrow from what their Lord had told them. He was going to be leaving them: He had to leave them but for a season... but He was coming again to receive them unto Himself, so that where He was they would be forever. (ref., John 14:3)
There are so many believers today who fallen asleep in their pain and sorrow of what their lives have become. They too were asked to "watch and pray and yet the waiting game has never been a good trait for humans. To "watch and pray"... why, that's just thinking outside the box. Surely there is something else we could be doing, some place we could be going, some one we could be dealing with on your behalf Master. If you remember, Peter tried to do just that. When the Soldiers did come to take Jesus away, Peter drew out his dagger and cut off one of the soldiers ears. Oh that Peter might have heard Jesus warning...
"Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak." Mat 26:41 (KJV)
Yet even today there is a lack of "spiritual heat". All that remains are cold embers where fiery souls were once WHITE HOT on FIRE for God. Yet Christ is still asking us to “keep watch” with Him, because we do not know the day or the hour he will return. (ref., Matthew 26:38).
Ah sister, are you willing to watch with Him? Oh brother, are you willing to pray with Him? Church of the Almighty God, are your prayers in line with the expressed will of God, or have they been diluted to nothing more than agendas and masking the Truth that it is by the BLOOD OF CHRIST ALONE THAT WE CAN BE SAVED? Are you willing to set aside time to press on in prayer? Or are other things more important?
Christ expects and He takes note whether or not we as a Church are praying. You may think that you are getting by and that no one knows what you do or do not do in the privacy of your Home - but God Knows and He's writing it down all the time. It is time to my friend to re-dig the well of
prayer. Will you watch and pray?
Let's pray now shall we?
Father God, Our hearts and minds are lost in the torrent fray of a mighty whirlwind that would seek to kill, steal - and rob of us of our Joy. Teach us through this WORD today and throughout all of life that unless we learn to pray - to "watch and pray"... we "will" enter into temptation. Help us stir up those embers that have all but gone out and bring them to WHITE HOT COALS through Watching and praying" - for we know O Lord, the time is short. In Jesus Name Amen.
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