Scripture Text: "Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord." 1Cor 15:58 (KJV)
So you've been waiting for this day for a whole year - it's HERE and you're not going to waste it! GOOD FOR YOU! It was a day since 1882 that was designed for the worker just like you. Someone who never misses work and no matter what the job is that day or how much you may not like to do it... you not only do the job, but you do it better than anyone else could. Why? Because you have Pride! You're signing your name to that job and whether anyone else knows - you will.
Well, this is YOUR Day! This is a day to just relax and enjoy the labors of your work and the awesomeness of having a job in today's economy. Why, you ought to just clap your hands and pat yourself on the back for the work you have done and the witness you have been all year long for the Lord.
What? You'd rather not talk about it? Okay. Sorry. Just figured you wouldn't mind taking a couple of minutes in praise to the Father for blessing you for the way you have honored Him in your job.
Good... you're smiling again. Go ahead now and just clap as loud as you want and praise God for that job and for the good health he has given you - even the times he has healed you so you could get to the work the next day when you were down with a cold, or that time you twisted your back and didn't know if it would effect your work performance the next day. But you prayed and sure enough, he helped you through it! You have a lot to praise him for - so GO AHEAD! I would really let it ring out because I know the Lord is blessed by that 10% you place in the offering plate every week out of gratitude and love for all He has done for you.
What? you'd rather not talk about money and tithing? Too personal huh? Sorry, I was just certain that since you were praising him for the ways He had blessed you that you...
I understand...
Well, did you know that that in the beginning years of the Labor day movement, that they used to throw big parades and parties all over the country to celebrate the National Labor Day? No one know what really happened and why after 25 to 30 years the parades stopped and the parties died down... but they at least they kept the holiday alive for some 128 years... hmmm... sounds a bit like most churches doesn't it? We used to celebrate Our Faith with the remembrance of The Cross on Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday, but now even an hour at the cross in memory of our Lord's Supreme sacrifice is too much, and the cast of Resurrection Sunday has been re-written with the Easter Bunny and his multi-faceted chocolate eggs. I wonder what kind of outrage there would be if someone hung the Easter Bunny on a tree, and scattered his eggs and tried to do away with the Easter Bunny once and for all.
Of course there are those department stores and all of those restaurants every 300 ft down the main drag - who have the big LABOR DAY SALES. They have people who HAVE to work don't they? You'd think they'd give them a rest too wouldn't you? Well, maybe next year.
Some may say Brother Wayne, why'd you even bother with a devotional today? Well, I think that with the text from Paul and what was said in the devotional God has made His point. Don't shoot the Messenger.
Let's pray:
Father, everyday we have great men of God who are telling us that we are not talking about months or years before you return in the Rapture and the Church will disappear. It is my prayer today that every Christian uses this day of rest and relaxation as a time to focus in on the family they love and the friends they associate with and that they will be stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord! In Jesus' Name, I Pray, Amen.
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