Scripture Reading: 2 Corinthians 13 1-5
Scripture Text: "Wherefore I give you to understand, that no man speaking by the Spirit of God calleth Jesus accursed: and that no man can say that Jesus is the Lord, but by the Holy Ghost." 1 Corinthians 12:3 (KJV)
Friend, do you ever wonder if God is with you? Have you had those moments when you felt as though your life circumstances may have pushed God out and as you walked this road of life you walked alone? Maybe there's someone out there thsi morning who has backslidden and you know you need to get back right with God. Well friend, Jesus is right there with you even now... and he will go with you Anytime and Anywhere. That's the song I've chosen to open today's program with and I want you to listen to the words and know that despite your situation, God loves you today, and he wants to go with you "Anytime, Anywhere". Let's listen together, and then I'll be right back with today's message.
"Knowing God"
I. To Know God means to "Draw Nigh to Him"
When I study this portion of the Epistle of Paul to the Church at Corinth, I am always intrigued. I can't help but think of the many Bible Characters who against all odds believed in the voice within as God's voice ...and then obeyed.
I think of Samuel who heard God's voice to anoint David as King rather than Jonathan, Saul's Son. Jonathan had shown himself to be "king material", and was mighty in battle and loved the Lord. Yet, God chose David. Think of the ramifications in the United Kingdom should Queen Elizabeth announce that a lowly Newsstand boy was to become the next King in place of Prince Charles.
What about the covenant that God was arranging with Abraham? We know that God had told Abraham that he would have a son by Sarah his wife, and of course we know that they tried to help God out by the substitution of one of Sarah's handmaidens (Hagar) which brought forth a son by the name of Ishmael. In fact when God re-established the covenant with Abraham again in the 17th and 18th chapters of Genesis, Abraham now 99 years old and Sarah being 90, believe that God is speaking of fulfilling His covenant with Abraham through Ishmael. While God says He will bless Ishmael, and that many Kings and many Nations shall come from him, He is very explicit of the fact that His covenant would be with the Son born to Abraham and Sarah. . . for His covenant would be with Isaac, not Ishmael.
Speaking of trusting against all odds, I think of the moment when God told Abraham to sacrifice Isaac on the mountain of Moriah. (Gen 22:2) Verse 1 there tells us that God was testing Abraham's Faith and obedience. Now, what would it take for a Father who had waited so many years, under such excitement and stress waiting for God to make good on His promise of a son, to now take that son which God promised would be the means by which Abraham's seed would be multiplied like the stars in the sky, and believe that this same God was now telling him to sacrifice him as a burnt offering unto the Lord? I have to confess that I would be questioning whether or not I needed some counseling.
We could actually go on and on and on; and each of us would have similar stories that we have read that would defy the "belief system" of our modern-day cultures. Think of it, if you and I were to be the ones today to introduce circumcision to the families, legal proceedings would quickly be brought against us, and we would be locked up. Our wives would call the white coats and say, "Come and get him, he's flipped his lid."
I had a gal tell me the other day that she was gloriously saved, and that she was so happy in the Lord. A few days later she wrote back and said, "Brother Wayne, I don't know what to do." I said, "What's up?" She said, "This couple that took me to this church where I got saved, have now been telling me that the Lord told them, that my husband and I are supposed to give them money". Apparently, the couple had been hearing voices, but I don't think they were godly voices. So anyway, my advice was to tell them, "You know, I think that it's marvelous that God speaks to you in such a way, but I'm new at this, so when I get as 'spiritually matured' as you are, and God tells me to do just that - I'll be right over with the check-book". She actually went and told them that, and of course they were flabbergasted - but it got them off of her back.
You know that makes me think of the Apostle Paul. He became very concerned about the misuse of the spiritual gifts. There was a great deal of "Thus saith the Lord" going on that was injuring the body. People were using "supposed" messages from the Lord just like what I mentioned to you a bit ago, and causing divisions within the church. But Paul wanted them to see, that these gifts were given to unite the body - not to split it.
It behooves each of us here today to take a quick inventory of the voices that you hear everyday. Vices like the radio; the television; co-workers; the spouse; the children; ...maybe even your precious cat "Whiskers" speaks to you. But what have you heard from God Lately? When was the last time you spoke to Him?
The first lesson about "Knowing God" is found in James 4:8a:
"Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you."
In drawing nigh (close) to God, we need to also focus in on the second part of that verse as well. You see, God is Holy, and those that come to Him and expect to hear from Him, must be circumcised. Not the way that Abraham did it, but as Paul said it in Romans 2:29
"circumcision of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter (or of the flesh); whose praise is not of men, but of God."
How do we do that? James tells us to, "Cleanse your hands, and purify your hearts," James 4:8b
A while back the Lord gave me a poem that I think fits well for with this portion of today's message and I would like to share it with you. Since it is a prayer, let's take a moment here to actually allow the words of this poem to speak to God on our behalf.
How can I know thee O sacred flame?
Thou who hast called me to live by thy Name.
Given me pardon from my guilt and my shame
O God, I draw nigh to Thee.
Quicken within me thy sweet gentle voice
I now and forever make Thee my Choice
Hold me, embrace me, make me anew
O God, I draw nigh to Thee.
I am surrendered to thee alone
I have no other kingdom, but bow at Thy Throne
Command what you will, I will humbly obey
O God I draw nigh to thee.
The power of drawing nigh unto God brings us into a place of expressing Him in our relationship to others.
II. To "Know God" Means to experience Him in our relationship to others
As I said just a short while ago, Paul was concerned about the misuse of the spiritual gifts. There was a lot of "Thus saith the Lord" going on that was injuring the body. People were using "messages from the Lord" allot like what I mentioned yesterday, and causing divisions within the church. But Paul wanted them to see and us), that these gifts were given to unite the body - not to split it. If we look at the 21 and 22 verses we read:
"And the eye cannot say unto the hand, I have no need of thee: nor again the head to the feet, I have no need of you. Nay, much more those members of the body, which seem to be more feeble, are necessary:" (v.21,22)
Paul is getting ready to explain to the body of Christ in Corinth about the "special abilities" given to man (both male and female), by God the Holy Spirit. But because of the reports that he had been receiving with regards to the "schisms" (or the divisions) within the body, Paul masterfully maps out what place these wonderful gifts have within a body that "flows" as one.
Now the core of this message is, that a body cannot fight against itself. In other words, if your healthy brain tells your body to walk, it's not going to sit down is it. And if your healthy body being tired needs to sit down and rest - your brain is not going to tell it to sleep standing up - right? A body works in harmony with all of it's parts. That just had not been the case with the Church at Corinth. There had been a great deal of dissension amongst some who believed they were of "higher esteem" than others because they had been baptized by Apollos; and others felt they were of higher esteem because they had been baptized by Paul, and so on. Even though Paul had already handled this in the first few paragraphs of his letter to the Church at Corinth, this one area of contention within the group had affected all others. It was like a virus that needed to be attacked by the most potent of all antibiotics.
Now, let me stop here and mention that an antibiotic is a two-edged weapon. In one sense, it acts as a protector, and defender of life; but it's soul-purpose is to destroy the life of the disease that has caused the body to become sick, and unable to function at optimum level. In some cases, the body has become so sickly that it will actually reject the antibiotic, or build immunities to it.
So Paul quickly mentions the different gifts of the Spirit - but he wants the Church at Corinth to be a mature body of believers, so he first takes them to the "two-edged sword", that "Holy Ghost" antibiotic that kills all sickness that would attack the body, and brings vibrant life, and abundant joy. What is that two-edged sword? It's God's WORD. Let's look at it. Verse 31:
"And in any event, you should desire the most helpful gifts. First, however, let me tell you about something else that is better than any of them!"
Then , leading directly into Chapter 13 we find:
"Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing. And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing. Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil; Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth; Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things." 1 Corinthians 13:1-7 (KJV)
In light of these very powerful words we see what Paul was referring to in verse three of Chapter 12. when he said,
"So I want you to know how to discern what is truly from God: No one speaking by the Spirit of God can curse Jesus."
You see, Knowing God means to know His love. If we speak by the Spirit of God, and live by the Spirit of God, and walk by the Spirit of God, we will do so in love. Cursing Jesus would literally be a death sentence, and we would definitely be in danger of Hell fire. But many of us curse Him through the way we talk about others, or even to others. We are infected with a virus that is set on killing and destroying the body. For if we hurt one, we hurt the whole body. (Chapter 12:26)
But when we take up the two-edged sword which is "love" (God's Word) and thrust it deep within the heart of man, (let's say our own heart) the curse of hatred or indifference is abated, nullified, annihilated, exterminated, and blotted out forever. We then can begin to truly Know God.
III. Knowing God through our expression of His Name.
If we look at that last portion of our text for today, we see that the last part of the verse says"
"no one is able to say, Jesus is Lord, except by the Holy Spirit."
If we read that in the Amplified Bible it translates this way:
"And No one can [really] say Jesus is [my] Lord, except by, and under the power and the influence of the Holy Spirit".
Now Paul was an evangelist as well as an Apostle, and having been an evangelist for a few years myself, I believe Paul would have stated it a little closer to what the Amplified version reads. This is not taking anything away from the authorized text, but it is revealing the heart of a man who knows and who has experienced a deeper walk with Christ as Savior and Lord. Let me read it again:
"And No one can [really] say Jesus is [my] Lord, except by, and under the power and the influence of the Holy Spirit".
It's more personal, more descriptive; more like Paul. I believe that's the way that I would say it too, and here's why. There are a whole lot of people saying Jesus is Lord, and watching "R" rated movies, and extremely questionable TV. "Oh Brother Wayne - you can't watch a movie without seeing some of that in it."
Well friend, who said it was necessary for you to watch that movie at all?
I'll never forget a young man coming into my house one time and he was as I said "young" and yet he was VERY Spiritual. He was looking around the house and he happened to fasten on our Television and the entertainment center and he just couldn't take his eyes off of it. I finally asked him is there a game or something on that you're missing? He kind of hung his head a bit sheepishly and said, "No." I said well I just seen you looking around the room and then kind of centering in the Television and if you're wanting to watch a Game or something we can see if it's on there. He said something I will never forget for the rest of my life. He said, "No brother Wayne, I am just surprised at how your living room is set up. Everything centers around the Television. It's like it is the Central attraction of your home rather than God. I mean I see only one picture of Jesus in the room and it's not that big. I was shocked and I began looking around the room and I asked him how he would set it up. He said that at his house the T.V. Is in the basement. WHOA! I thought what is he telling me here. A minute ago I was ready to toss the Television and the NEW entertainment System (both of which we ended up giving away) out the window, and nail a bible to the middle of my living room wall with nothing else anywhere in site except that, and now he is telling me that he puts his T.V. in the basement. I didn't say anything then, but I wish I had. I wish I would have inquired as to why he put his T.V. in the basement, and I later found out that this "very spiritual" young man was deep into porn-sites on the web, and would even order the pay-per-view stuff on the T.V. at home. His wife was devastated about it and it made her feel as though she wasn't attractive enough for him.
What I'm trying to say is, If Jesus is "MY" Lord as Paul says in the text above - we will not need to turn on a television to pass the time of day. And if we do, and we will, there are plenty of shows that do not feed the flesh if we actually look for them.
But that's the problem with our society today. There are a whole lot of people who are saying Jesus is Lord, and are harboring secret sins that they will not surrender even to Him. There are a whole lot of people saying Jesus is Lord, who are with-holding their tithe money, and their offerings because they don't "buy-into" that whole tithing thing anyway.
The text directly relates to how we express the name of Jesus not in words alone, but in actions. Oh let's look at Paul's words again and say it aloud together shall we:
"And No one can [really] say Jesus is [my] Lord, except by, and under the power and the influence of he Holy Spirit".
What does it mean to be "by" and "under the power" and the influence of the Holy Spirit"? It means that we are so on fire for God, that when they are about to shut the door on our lives because we have inoperable cancer that we don't just call the relatives, but we call on the Name of Jesus.
It means that when our children have shut the doors of communication, and are sucked into the swirl of bidders that call out for their souls, that we begin speaking the name of Jesus.
I've mentioned this before, but when our kids were growing up and bringing in the TRASH CD's that hey purchased with their own money, dad was going in and pulling a MOSES! HA! I went in and began breaking the CDs in half. I was angry and maybe even righteous indignation may have been a good excuse at the time, but my little wife would wait 'til the wee hours of the morning when they were fast asleep and she would go in and anoint them with oil and begin speaking the Name of Jesus over their lives. Oh, we knew what they were going through with the peer pressure to smoke and drink and do drugs, BUT WE WEREN'T ABOUT TO GIVE THEM UP! We watched while our son turned his back on God, and began living a life-style that was not what he had been taught in our home, and every time he would drop in long enough to leave off some of his clothes to be washed, his mama would speak the Name of Jesus over his clothes and anoint them with oil and he just thought she got some really neat Fabric softener. But that little woman would stand around that old washing machine and she would have church - singing praise choruses and continually speaking the Name of Jesus. And then as she laid her hands on each pair of jeans and each shirt, with every fold she would call on God to save him. I can remember her sitting upright in bed one night and just blurting out, "STOP HIM LORD!!!" Then she began to pray, and she told the Lord if it meant for him to be arrested by the Police, "DO IT!!! But STOP HIM NOW!!!" He did! Our son is still working out the consequences of his sins, but he will pray every night for God to save Him. He wants to do right and he wants to live for God. And let me tell you that every time He comes home and mama gets close enough to him I smile because as she lays her hand on him I know it's not for the sake of bonding, but it is for the sake of "binding" every demonic force that would take his life and try to destroy him. That's her expression of how she knows God - and what she knows he can do.
The Bible tells us that
"At the Name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth;" Philippians 2:10
Jesus Himself said
"And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it." John 15:13,14 (KJV)
Saying, "Jesus Is Lord!", under the power and the influence of the Holy Spirit, takes on a whole new meaning. It is the single greatest expression of "Knowing God". Demons will tremble, and the very Gates of Hell will convulse at the mention of His Name.
Paul said it this way,
"That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death; If by any means I might attain unto the resurrection of the dead. Not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect: but I follow after, if that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus. Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus." Philippians 3:11-14 (KJV)
What do you count as loss today for the sake of Christ? What is your expression of His Name and his power in your life? Is it possible that your expression may speak so loudly to the negative, that no one can hear what your saying? Is it possible that what they see in you, they cannot see in Christ. Is it possible that what they do not see in you - is Christ?
Let's pray.
Father. I want my life to be an expression of your will in me. I want to show forth the beauty and the joy and the happiness that there is in following You. I want to show forth the power of your WORD and the power of your living Sacrifice in me in all that I do. I want to be an expression of Your Name. I Pray this in the Name of Jesus, "My" Lord. Amen.
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