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묵상/Daily Devotion

"The Dynamics of Pentecost"

by 복음과삶 2010. 11. 16.

Scripture Text: "And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of FIRE, and it sat upon each of them." Acts 2:3 (KJV)

We left our devotional theme yesterday speaking of the wind as a winnowing fan, blowing
away all of the cobwebs of fear, and the caked-on crust of uncertainty.

We established that what was at first the presence of the wind outwardly, soon became the inward rushing of new thoughts, emotion, and will. God's people were being stirred up, quickened, and brought back to life because He had come.

In retrospect of yesterday's thought using Luke 3: 16 & 17 - what sounds like a fierce  threshing floor, can also be to us a great promise. For the unquenchable flame of the Spirit will most assuredly burn out the chaff from those that have survived the winnowing fan - in fact, I couldn't help but to get excited when I even thought about it. Let me refresh your memory...

"John answered, saying unto them all, I indeed baptize you with water; but one mightier than I cometh, the latchet of whose shoes I am not worthy to unloose: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with FIRE: Whose fan is in his hand, and he will thoroughly purge his floor, and will gather the wheat into his garner; but the chaff he will burn with FIRE unquenchable". Luke 3: 16,17 (KJV)

In other words... for those who have how allowed the "wind" of God's Spirit to scrutinize  and convict, and to loosen all of the hardness of the past feelings, and anger of temperament, the "flame" of the Spirit can then burn them away, how does John say it,  "thoroughly purge his floor..."

What does that do in the life of those who receive Him? Well first and foremost they experience, "joy unspeakable and full of Glory". You see, when the Spirit of  God permeates your thoughts and your motives and the very intents of your once wicked heart, He burns away all that will debilitate us or prevent us from fully becoming the persons we were meant to be. He burns away all of that which separates us from God - or any other person for that matter. But Wait! we're not speaking of some hay-ride around the farmland here... we're talking about FIRE! HOLY GHOST FIRE!!! A FIRE that does more than burn away the chaff of your life, for He refines and galvanizes.

That word "refine" means that the dross is burned off, and only the pure metal is left. What  a Promise! IN CASE YOU DON'T KNOW... to "galvanize" in it's intransitive sense, means, to react as if stimulated by an electric shock. 

So first we are made pure by the blood of Jesus, set free from the tyranny of the infection
of sin in our lives, then we are "electrified" with new life, a new heart-beat if-you-will so that  we might bring forth a "New Offering". Look THE WORD says about that NEW OFFERING found there at Leviticus 23:15,16. It says there...

"From the day after the Sabbath, the day the bundle of grain was lifted up as an
offering, count off seven weeks. Keep counting until the day after the seventh Sabbath, fifty days later, and bring an offering of new grain to the LORD. Leviticus 23:15,16

"They began counting the day of the Sabbath, and were to count seven Sabbaths, and then the day after the seventh Sabbath they were to bring an offering of "new Grain" unto the Lord. Not a "new offering" of grain... but an offering of "new Grain."

You see, the Lord doesn't just clean you up and give you a second chance... HE MAKES
YOU OVER AGAIN A "NEW" VESSEL! (ref., Jeremiah 18:4)  HALLELUJHA!!!

That refinement and galvanization process of the "FIRE" of God The Holy Spirit - kindles
warmth, and enthusiasm, and spontaneity. Just as the "wind" of the Spirit stimulates new
thought, so the "FIRE" of the Spirit set the followers of Jesus on FIRE with an emotional
intensity that has been difficult to explain in the "regular" world.

Refinement... Galvanization... Oh I cannot tell you of those unwanted elements in my life that I cannot seem to overcome on my own. I cannot tell you of the times when everyday circumstance have so weighed me down that I could not PRAISE THE LORD let alone get into a time of worship. Do you feel that way? Have You Felt that WAY?

Now don't get me wrong here... The Holy Ghost should never be used to "HIDE" anything - as some ministries are doing today. The Holy Ghost was a FUSING if- you-will of the very core of the Human Mind and Spirit with the very HEART OF GOD;  and when that happens the body cannot help but to "erupt" with such intensity - that all who were filled literally CHANGED THE WORLD! You see, the Spirit of God never by-passes our humanity; that which is Wayne Clabaugh... He merely transforms that humanity, and then He begins to flow through it.

The greatest miracle of Pentecost was that the followers of Jesus, became capable of
warm "unencumbered" love. They no longer seen color or nationality - they were just so full
of God that they wanted to share His love with others, no matter what the cost.

We will continue this tomorrow - but for now . . . let's read this song together as our prayer.

Come Holy Ghost, Our Hearts inspire.
Let us Thine Influence prove
Source of the Old Prophetic FIRE
Fountain of light and love

Come Holy Ghost for moved by thee
The Prophets wrote and spoke
Unlock the truth, Thyself the key
Unseal the sacred book

Expand Thy wings, celestial dove
Brood o're our nature's night;
On our disordered spirits move
And let there now be light

God, Through Himself, we then shall know
If Thou within us shine
And sound with all the saints below
the depths of love divine.

In Jesus Name, Amen
Song written by Charles Wesley

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