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묵상/스티브 멕베이(Steve McVey)243

Heavenly Father, I Am Your Child Heavenly Father, I am Your child. (See John 1:12) You love me with an intensity that refuses to be diminished. (Song of Solomon 8:7) Your plans for me are good. (See Jeremiah 29:11) You love me because you have chosen to and not because of what I do or don’t do. (See Ephesians 1:4) Your goodness and favor will chase me down every day I live. (See Psalms 23:6) Every blessing in Christ Jesus is.. 2009. 9. 7.
Slow Down Hyperactivity is a curse on intimacy in our relationships. While people sometimes take pride in being a workaholic, it is, in fact, a sin because it reflects that the workaholic views life from the perspective that he is indispensable. Workaholics are deceived into believing that everything in life depends on them sacrificing themselves on the altar of constant activity. Chuck Swindoll tells a .. 2009. 9. 7.
Kudzu Christians “If we really are righteous, then why do we still sin? “ This was the question one man asked me after I had spoken about the believer’s righteousness in Jesus Christ. His question was a good one. Why do we still find ourselves committing sins at times if we have indeed been made righteous by the gift of God’s grace? (See Romans 4:5; 5:17,19; 10:4; 1 Corinthians 1:30, 2 Corinthians 5:21;.. 2009. 9. 7.
Your Father's Heart From the book of Isaiah... My dear child, I always long to be gracious to you, waiting to show you my compassion. (30:18) You are My servant and I have chosen you, not rejected you. Never be afraid because I am always with you. Don’t be anxious about things going on around you, because I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will uphold you with my righteous hand. (41:9-10) I am .. 2009. 9. 7.
Things I Never Said Someone came to me recently after I had spoken about our freedom in Christ and said, "I don't agree with you that it isn't important to read the Bible and pray." "I never said that reading the Bible and praying isn't important," I responded. "I said that when we turn those things into laws, we rob ourselves of the blessings we can know from the Bible and prayer." It always amazes me to see the .. 2009. 9. 7.
Rededication: The Most Subtle Form of Idolatry For years I rededicated myself to live for Jesus Christ. By rededication, I mean that I promised God that if He would help me, I would try harder to live for Him. In my understanding at the time, living for Him meant that I would behave in a better way. I would read the Bible more consistently, pray more earnestly, witness more boldly, give more generously, avoid sin more vehemently, ad infinit.. 2009. 9. 7.
One Of Those Days A brick mason was laying brick for a wall one day. He had reached the top when he finished and realized he had brought up too many bricks. He went down and hooked a barrel to a line and pulley. He pulled the barrel up to the top and then climbed back up. He then filled the barrel with bricks, then climbed down. When he reached the bottom, he took the line to lower the barrel. He forgot that the.. 2009. 9. 5.
Having A Form of Godliness The Bible talks about the days in which we live. Two thousand years ago, Paul warned Timothy that a day would come that he called "perilous times." Among many characteristics to identify that day would be a generation of people who would have "a form of godliness but deny its power" (2 Timothy 3:5). They would be religious people who look godly but deny the very power of authentic godliness. Wha.. 2009. 9. 3.
The Barnabas Touch I don’t think I would have enjoyed having the Apostle Paul for a friend. Does that sound wrong in some way? I don’t mean to be rude, but it’s true. Paul seemed to be the kind of guy who was too intense for me. Don’t misunderstand me. I believe that Paul is probably the most influential Christian who has ever set foot on planet earth. I look forward to meeting him one day in heaven. But t.. 2009. 9. 2.
Losing Your Religion I lost my religion years ago and I’m doing so much better now. I’m not exaggerating to make a point. I really mean it. Sometimes people will say to me, “What do you mean when you say you lost your religion?” The answer is simple. Understanding the true meaning of the word “religion” will help clarify my statement. The English word is taken from the Latin word relgio, originally meani.. 2009. 9. 1.
Just Trust Given the crisis our family has faced during the past week with the emergency we faced with our son's stay in the hospital, I was going back looking at articles I've written in the past about trust. In case there are those who read this blog who don't see my daily posts on FaceBook, I want to thank you for praying for our son, David, during this past week. We brought him home yesterday and he is.. 2009. 8. 31.
The Outlook Or The Uplook? If you've read my Facebook entries or seen the earlier blog this week, you know that our son, David, has been in the hospital since Saturday. He collapsed due to what they now believe was a blood clot in his lung. As of yesterday afternoon, the doctors say there is no trace of it having been there. We praise Him for that and appreciate those of you who have prayed for him. This past week has put.. 2009. 8. 28.
Our Family Would Appreciate Your Prayers Our 29 year old son, David, is in the cardiac care unit of a Tampa Hospital after having some kind of episode on Saturday that terrified us all. He had been acting totally normal, laughing and talking, when suddenly he made a guttural groan and fell backward to the floor. When I turned to look at him, he was having an indescribably horrible "seizure." It was horrifying to see. We called 911 and .. 2009. 8. 27.
When Hurricanes Come Remalia is a cab driver on the island of Anegada in the British Virgin Islands. I met her a few years ago after sailing there with a group of friends. As she drove us around the island, giving us “the grand tour,” I began to talk to her about her personal life on the tiny island. Anegada stands separated from the other islands in the BVI. It is only ten miles from one end to the other. Unlik.. 2009. 8. 26.
Cling To Jesus When you have a serious decision to make and aren’t sure which option to choose, cling to Jesus. When you read your Bible every day, but don’t seem to get anything out of it at all, cling to Jesus. When your bills are coming in faster than your paychecks do, cling to Jesus. When your children make decisions that contradict everything you’ve taught them their whole lives, cling to Jesus. Wh.. 2009. 8. 25.
The Candy Closet Our grandson was in our home when he opened the closet door in the kitchen. “Jonathan, what are you doing?” Melanie asked him. “I’m looking in the candy closet,” he answered in a matter of fact sort of way. His answer struck me as interesting. That closet was filled with a lot of different things. There were paper towels and napkins, steel wool and detergents. There were cans of beans .. 2009. 8. 24.
The Sea of Forgetfulness Imagine standing on the top deck of a cruise ship out in the middle of the ocean. It is night, but the moon is bright so that you can see the water. As you look around the horizon, you can see nothing but water in every direction. You reach into your pocket and pull out a marble and toss it over the side of the ship into the ocean. Ker-plunk. It hits the water and disappears into its depths as t.. 2009. 8. 22.
Who's Your Daddy? Almost three decades ago, I experienced a thrill that still leaves a smile on my face today as I think about it. Melanie and I have four children, all grown now. The first three all said the word, “mama” before I was ever mentioned. Not so with our youngest. I will never forget the day when Amber said, “da-da.” It was a thrill that I won’t ever forget. She didn’t say “mama” first.. 2009. 8. 21.
No More Score Cards I seldom play golf anymore. Occasionally, if I’m with somebody who loves the game, I’ll go to the course and we’ll play. Playing golf with me will test a person’s patience. You can learn a lot about a man playing golf with him. To some people golf is a game. Those are the ones who do okay playing with me. For the rest, it’s a sport. I drive those people crazy. They’re the ones whose .. 2009. 8. 19.
If The Pharasaical Shoe Fits . . . Stay with me on this until the end. This information is important in order to make my point. The word Pharisees (lat. pharisælus, -i) comes from the Hebrew פרושים perushim from פרוש parush, meaning "separated." (Ernest Klein - Comprehensive Etymological Dictionary of the Hebrew Language) There are two major characteristics of the Pharisees, their meticulous observance of ob.. 2009. 8. 18.
A Voice Whining In The Wilderness I guess the word for my feelings would be “amused” or sometimes “amazed.” I’m talking about my reaction to those pastors (it’s always pastors-thank God for the good ones!) who fancy themselves to be doctrinal watchdogs for the whole Christian world. They are the ones who write verbose articles against what other people are teaching, but have very little to say themselves. They projec.. 2009. 8. 15.
God Is For Me “God is for me.” Can you make that statement with a deep sense of certainty? He is, you know. When things are going the way you want, God is for you. When life seems to be falling apart, God is for you. When the Philistines chased David down in Gath, he wrote, “This I know, that God is for me” (Psalm 56:9). What a time to make a declaration like that! Many of us have found ourselves in a.. 2009. 8. 14.
Annuit Coeptis Take a one dollar bill and look at the back of it. Do you see the pyramid on the left, with the eye above it? Look at the Latin words bove that eye – “Annuit Coeptis.” Do you know what those words mean? “Our endeavors are favored.” That’s the meaning – our endeavors are favored! Favored by whom? You know who – God, of course! The word favor is a synonym for the word “grace.” .. 2009. 8. 12.
Conviction of Sin The ministry of the Holy Spirit in bringing conviction into our lives is one of the most misunderstood truths of the New Testament. Many of us have lived for many years with a viewpoint that suggests that one of His main responsibilities is to point out our sins so that we will abandon them. Many are surprised to learn that, while the Holy Spirit does indeed convict us, it isn’t about our sins.. 2009. 8. 10.
This is the view of Jesus many Christians have.... The video was made by and for a church youth group. It's intention isn't to criticize or make fun of Christianity, but to show the silliness of faulty beliefs about Jesus. (If you're looking for the blog on Being Out Of Fellowship With God, scroll down this page :) Some have emailed to say they can't find it) 2009. 8. 6.
That's My King (Tuesday, December 04, 2007) This is an excerpt from a message by S.M. Lockridge, a well known African-American pastor I loved to hear when I was a young pastor myself. I first heard him preach this message in the 1970s and to this day it still stirs me to hear his great description of our King. 2009. 8. 5.
Being Out of Fellowship With God - Not Possible It is impossible for a Christian to ever be out of fellowship with God. Do you believe that? I begin this article with such a bold statement because I want to shake you into serious thought. As we grow in our grace walk we sometimes find ourselves having to rethink some of the things we’ve heard all our lives. This whole concept of being “out of fellowship” is one of those things we’ve a.. 2009. 8. 5.
God's Grace Is Bigger Than Your Sin 하나님의 은혜의 가장 놀라운 측면 중 하나는 그것이 우리 삶의 지도에서 죄를 날려버리는 방식입니다. 오해하지 마십시오. 죄는 하나님과의 싸움에서 졌고 이제는 그리스도인의 삶에 대한 하나님의 목적을 막을 수 있는 능력에 있어서 무의미합니다. 우리의 죄에는 결과가 있습니까? 우리는 모두 그런 경우를 종종 보았습니다. 우리의 죄가 우리를 하나님께 사용되는 데 부적격자로 만들까요? 전혀 그렇지 않습니다.다윗은 밧세바와 잤을 때 끔찍한 죄를 지었지만, 그들이 결혼하고 하나님께서 성전을 재건하기를 원하셨을 때, 그 프로젝트를 성취하기 위해 그녀의 아들 솔로몬을 사용했습니다.베드로는 예수님을 안다는 사실조차 단호히 부인했지만, 오순절에 설교를 할 때가 되었을 때, 그날 하나님께서 사용하신 사람은 바로 베드로였습니다... 2009. 8. 4.
Grace Walk Experience - Part One(Tuesday, December 12, 2006) This video is the first of a five part series on "It's A New Day" in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Willard Thiessen is a friend who is excited about God's grace. I'll put up the other segments as I have the time to upload them to the Internet. 2009. 8. 3.
We Got Trouble Right Here In Sinner City In "The Music Man," Professor Harold Hill used fear to control the people of River City. Who would have known the Professor ultimately became "The Legalist Pastor?" :) If you're unfamiliar with it, watch the video first -then read the words beneath it. The Legalist Pastor: Well, either you're closing your eyes To a situation you do not wish to acknowledge Or you are not aware of the caliber of .. 2009. 8. 3.