생명의 말씀/A.B.Simpson365 The people shall be [a freewill offering This is what the term consecration properly means. It is the voluntary or self-offering of the heart, by the constraint of love, to be the Lord's. Its glad expression is, I am my beloved's (Song of Solomon 6:3). Surrender must spring, of course, from faith. There must be the full confidence that we are safe in this abandonment, that we are not falling over a precipice or surrendering ourselves .. 2009. 11. 27. The peace of God, which passeth all understanding It is not peace with God, but the peace of God that [keeps our] hearts and minds. The peace which passeth all understanding is the very breath of God in the soul. He alone is able to keep it, and He can so keep it that "nothing shall offend us." Is this your experience? God's rest did not come until His work was finished. Nor will ours. We begin our Christian lives by working, trying and strugg.. 2009. 11. 27. The Lord will give grace and glory This word glory is a very difficult one to translate, define or explain. But there is something in the spiritual consciousness of the quickened Christian that interprets it. it is the overflow of grace; it is the wine of life; it is the foretaste of heaven; it is a flash from the Throne and an inspiration from the heart of God which we may have and in which we may live. The glory which thou gav.. 2009. 11. 27. the Lord God of Israel was their inheritance The procedure was very significant. God gave the land to the other tribes of Israel, but He gave Himself to the Levites. There is such a thing in the Christian life as an inheritance from the Lord, and there is such a thing as having the Lord Himself for our inheritance. Some people receive a sanctification from the Lord that is of much value, but variable and often impermanent. Others have lea.. 2009. 11. 27. The little foxes, that spoil the vines There are some things good without being perfect. You do not need to have a whole regiment firing outside your room to wake you. It is quite enough that your alarm clock rings. it is not necessary to fret about everything; it is quite enough if the devil gets your mind rasped with one little worry, one little thought which destroys your perfect peace. It is like the polish on an exquisite table.. 2009. 11. 27. The law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free The life of Jesus Christ brought into our heart s by the Holy Spirit operates there as a new law of divine strength and vitality. it counteracts, overcomes and lifts us above the old law of sin and death. Let us illustrate these two laws by a simple comparison. By the law of gravity my hand naturally falls upon the desk and lies there, attracted downward by that natural law which makes heavy bo.. 2009. 11. 27. The Larger Life "Be ye also enlarged." 2 Cor. vi: 11. The law of growth is a fundamental principle of all nature and redemption. Whatever ceases to grow begins to die; stagnancy brings corruption; the corpse belongs to the worm; a self-contained pool becomes a malarious swamp. Vegetation springs from a seed, the seed grows into a tree, and the tree into a forest. Human life commences in infancy and develops to.. 2009. 11. 17. The Joy of the Lord "The joy of the Lord is your strength." Neh. viii:10. There is no more pointed difference between Christianity and all other religions than the element of joyfulness. The natural countenance of heathenism is gloomy, and often profoundly sad. The true expression of a consecrated face is radiance and gladness. True, this is not always realized as it ought to be, but when the Holy Spirit shines in.. 2009. 11. 17. The government shall be upon his shoulder You cannot make the heart restful by stopping its beating. Certain drugs will do that, but that is not really rest. Let the breath of life come-God's life and strength-and there will be sweet rest. Home ties and family affection will not bring it. Deliverance from trouble will not bring it. Many a tried heart has said: "if this great trouble were only gone, I would have rest." But as soon as on.. 2009. 11. 17. The God of Israel hath separated you The little plant may grow out of a pile of refuse and be surrounded by filth and covered with the dust that floats on the breeze, but its white roots are separated from the unclean soil, and it leaves and flowers have no affinity with the dust that settles upon them. After a show of summer rain they throw off every particle of defilement and look up as fresh and spotless as before. Their intrin.. 2009. 11. 17. The glory of the Lord shall be thy rereward He comes by our side as our helper. More than that, He comes to dwell within us, to be the life in our blood, the fire in our thought, the faith within us, both in inception and consummation. Thus He becomes not only the recompense of the victor, but the resources of the victory. He is the Captain, the Overcomer and the Rear Guard in our lives. The help that relieved us on that particularly tro.. 2009. 11. 17. The glorious, liberty of the children of God Are you above self and self-pleasing in every way? Have you risen above circumstances so that you are not influenced by them? Are you above sickness and the evil forces around that would drag down your physical life into the quicksands? These forces are all around and if yielded to would quickly swamp us. God does not destroy sickness or its power to hurt, but He lifts us above it. Are you abov.. 2009. 11. 17. The furnace for gold; but the Lord trieth the hearts Remember that temptation is not sin unless it is accompanied with the consent of your will. There may seem to be even the inclination, and yet the real choice of your spirit is fixed immovably against it, and God regards it simply as a solicitation and credits you with an obedience all the more pleasing to Him because the temptation was so strong. We little know how evil can find access to a pu.. 2009. 11. 17. The fulness of the blessing of the gospel of Christ Many Christians fail to see all the blessings that are centered in Christ. They want to get the blessing of salvation, but that is not the Christ. They want to get the blessing of His grace to help, but that is not Him. They want to get answered prayer from Him in order to work for Him. You might have all that and not have the blessing of Christ Himself. A great many people are attached to the .. 2009. 11. 17. The fruit of the Spirit is . . . goodness Goodness is a fruit of the Spirit. Goodness is just "Godness." it is being like God. And godlike goodness has special reference to the active benevolence of God. The apostle Paul gave us the difference between goodness and righteousness in Romans 5:7: Scarcely for a righteous man will one die: yet peradventure for a good man some would even dare to die. The righteous man is the man of stiff, in.. 2009. 11. 17. The faith of the Son of God Let us learn the secret of our faith. It is the faith of Christ, springing in our hearts and trusting in our trials. So shall we always sing, The life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me (Galatians 2:20). If we keep looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith (Hebrews 12:2), we shall discover that instead of str.. 2009. 11. 17. The earnest of the Spirit in our hearts Life in earnest-what a rare, what a glorious spectacle! We see it in the Son of God; we see it in His apostle; we see it in every noble, consecrated and truly successful life. Without it there may be a thousand good things, but they lack the golden thread that binds them all into a chain of power and permanence. They are like costly and beautiful beads, that fall in confusion from a broken stri.. 2009. 11. 17. The disciple whom Jesus loved . . . leaned on his breast An American gentleman once visited the saintly Albert Bengel. He was very desirous to hear him pray. So one night he lingered at his door, hoping to overhear his closing devotions. The rooms were adjoining and the doors ajar. The good man finished his studies, closed his books, knelt down for a moment and simply said, "Dear Lord Jesus, things are still the same between us" and then quietly fell.. 2009. 11. 17. The Death of Self "Not I, but Christ." Gal. ii: 20. The story of Abraham, Ishmael and Isaac is a parable, illustrating this text. The casting out of Ishmael is most clearly declared in this very epistle to be an allegory setting forth the spiritual experience of the believer when he dies to the law and sin through the cross of Jesus Christ, and comes into the resurrection life of his Risen Lord. But there is som.. 2009. 11. 17. The carnal mind is enmity against God The flesh is incurably bad. It is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be. It can never be any better. It is no use trying to improve the flesh. We may educate it all we please. We may train it by the most approved methods, we may set before it the brightest examples, we may pipe to it or mourn before it we may treat it with encouragement or severity. But its nature will always be .. 2009. 11. 17. The body is . . . Just as it was Christ Himself who justified us, and Christ Himself who was made unto us sanctification, so it is only by personal union with Him that we can receive this physical life and redemption. indeed, it is not a touch of power upon our bodies which restores and then leaves them to the mere resources of natural strength and life for the future. Rather, it is the vital and actual union of.. 2009. 11. 17. The battle is not yours The thing is to count the battle God's. The battle is not yours but God's. We shall not need to fight in this battle. As long as we count our dangers and responsibilities, we shall be distracted with fear. But when we realize God is bound to take care of us as His property and His representatives, we shall feel infinite relief and security. If I send my employee on a long journey, I am responsi.. 2009. 11. 17. The ark of the covenant of the Lord went before them God does give us impressions but not with the intent that we should act on them as impressions. If the impression comes from God, He will Himself give sufficient evidence to establish it beyond the possibility of a doubt. We read of the impression that came to Jeremiah concerning the purchase of the field of Anathoth. Jeremiah, however, did not act upon this impression until after the following.. 2009. 11. 17. The anointing which ye have received Divine anointing is the secret of the deeper life, but that ye [may be] rooted and grounded in love (Ephesians 3:17) is the substance and sweetness of it. The fullness of the divine love in the heart will make everything easy. It is very easy to trust those whom we love, and the more we realize their love the more we will trust them for it. This love is the source of healing. The tide of love f.. 2009. 11. 17. That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us In our earlier experiences we know the Holy Spirit only at a distance, in things that happen in a providential direction or in the Word alone. But after a while we receive Him as an inward Guest, and He dwells in our hearts. He speaks to us in the innermost chambers of our being. The external working of His power does not cease; rather, it increases and seems even more glorious. The Power that .. 2009. 11. 17. That take, and give unto them for me and thee There is a beautiful touch of loving thoughtfulness in the account of Christ's miracle at Capernaum in providing the tribute money. After the reference to Peter's interview with the tax collector, the Scriptures add, when he was come into the house, Jesus prevented him (17:25); that is, anticipated him, as the old Saxon word means. Jesus arranged for the need before Peter had to speak about it .. 2009. 11. 17. That in the ages to come he might show the exceeding riches of his~ That in the ages to come he might show the exceeding riches of his grace Christ's great purpose for His people is to train them to know the hope of [their] calling, and . . . the riches of the glory of their inheritance, . . . and what . . . the exceeding greatness of his power to usward who believe (Ephesians 1:18-19). Let us prove, in all our varied walks of life and scenes of conflict, the f.. 2009. 11. 17. That I might finish my course with joy This is a most serious thought, this thought of finishing our work. There is nothing in the Christian life quite so sad as unfinished work. As I look over the work of God, I see strewn all along the way this curse of incompleted work. The book of Judges tells us of five hundred years of declension because God's people did not complete their work when they were in possession of Canaan. They conq.. 2009. 11. 17. That I may know him Better to know Jesus Himself than to know the truth about Him, for the deep things of God are revealed to us by the Holy Spirit. Paul's great desire was, that I may know him. Not just know about Him, or the mysteries of the wonderful world, or even the deeper and higher teachings of God, but to enter into the Holy of Holies where Christ is, where the Shekinah is shining, making the place glorio.. 2009. 11. 16. That good thing which was committed unto thee keep by the Holy Ghost God gives to us a power within which will hold our hearts in victory and purity. That good thing which was committed unto thee keep by the Holy Ghost which dwelleth in us. It is the Holy Spirit; and when any thought or suggestion of evil arises in our hearts, the quick conscience can instantly call upon the Holy Spirit to drive it out, and He will expel it at the command of faith or prayer and .. 2009. 11. 16. 이전 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ··· 13 다음