생명의 말씀/A.W.Pink110 Prayer - 1 Peter 1:3-5, Part 2 "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope." Let us begin this chapter with a continuation of our examination of the ascription of this doxology. God the Father is here viewed as the covenant Head of the Mediator and of God’s elect in Him, and is thus accorded His distinctive Christian title (see, fo.. 2010. 2. 10. Prayer - 1 Peter 1:3-5, Part 1 Certain extremists among the Dispensationalists assert and insist that the last seven epistles of the New Testament (Hebrews through Jude) pertain not to all those who are members of the mystical body of Christ, but are entirely Jewish, penned by the apostles to the Circumcision and meant for them only. Such a wild and wicked assertion is an arbitrary invention of their own, for there is not a .. 2010. 2. 10. Prayer By the words “believe that ye receive them”: we understand, expect God to give them to you. But it is at this point that so many of God’s people fail oftenest in their prayer lives. There are three chief things to be attended to in prayer. First, make sure that you are asking for something that is in accordance with God’s Word: see 1 John 5:14. But right here, the devil will foil you un.. 2010. 2. 10. Practical Godliness It is much, very much to be thankful for when the Holy Spirit has illumined a man’s understanding, dispersed the mists of error, and established him in the Truth. Yet that is only the beginning. The Holy Scriptures are "profitable" not only for "doctrine" but also for "reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness" (2 Tim. 3:16). Observe well the order there: before we are ready t.. 2010. 2. 10. Poor Yet Rich One of the prayers which the Lord teaches His people to pray is, "Bow down Thine ear, O LORD, hear me: for I am poor and needy" (Psa. 86:1). Empty professors filled with pride, by their very attitude and actions, boast that they are "rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing" (Rev. 3:17). But the real child of God, whose eyes have been opened by the Holy Spirit to see his utter w.. 2010. 2. 4. Personal Holiness By our fall in Adam we not only lost the favor of God but also the purity of our nature and therefore we need to be both reconciled to God and renewed in our inner man, for without personal holiness "no man shall see the Lord" (Heb. 12:14). "As He which hath called you is holy; so be ye holy in all manner of conversation (behavior); because it is written, Be ye holy for I am holy" (1 Pet. 1:15,.. 2010. 2. 4. Perfect Peace Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Thee: because he trusteth in Thee" (Isa. 26:3). What is signified by a mind "stayed on" the Lord? At least three things. First, to make the Lord the Portion of my soul. All around us are those vainly seeking contentment in things: such as money, and what it can buy, social prestige, fame, pleasures, etc.—all of which are broken cist.. 2010. 2. 4. No Condemnation "There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus" (ROMANS 8:1) "(There is) therefore now no condemnation." The eighth chapter of the epistle to the Romans concludes the first section of that wonderful epistle. Its opening word "Therefore" ("There is" is in italics, because supplied by the translators) may be viewed in a twofold way. First, it connects with all that has .. 2010. 2. 2. Mourning "Blessed are they that mourn" (MATTHEW 5:4). Mourning is hateful and irksome to poor human nature. From suffering and sadness our spirits instinctively shrink. By nature we seek the society of the cheerful and joyous. Our text presents an anomaly to the unregenerate, yet is it sweet music to the ears of God's elect. If "blessed" why do they "mourn"? If they "mourn" how can they be "blessed"? On.. 2010. 2. 2. Love of the Truth or For the Truth It is not simply a knowledge of the Truth that saves, but a love of it that is the essential prerequisite. This is clear from 2 Thessalonians 2:10, "Because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved..." Since then there is love for the Truth in contradistinction from a love of the Truth, and a natural love for Christ in contrast with a spiritual love of Him, how am I to .. 2010. 2. 2. Last Things Last We opened the year by writing upon “First things First,” so it seems appropriate that we should offer a few remarks upon Last things in this closing issue of 1939. The subject suggested by this title could be dealt with in various ways. We might, for example, consider that procrastinating tendency of fallen human nature to put off till later things which ought to be seriously attended to no.. 2010. 2. 2. Knowing God God can only be known by means of a supernatural revelation of Himself Apart from the Scriptures, even a theoretical acquaintance with Him is impossible. It still holds true that 'the world by wisdom knew not God' (I Cor. 1:21). Where the Scriptures are ignored, God is "the unknown God' (Acts 17:23). But something more than the Scriptures is required before the soul can know God, know Him in a .. 2010. 2. 2. Keeping the Heart In Christendom today there are thousands of professing Christians against whom little or nothing in the way of fault could be found so far as their outward lives are concerned. They live moral, clean, upright, honest lives while at the same time the state of their hearts is totally neglected. It is not sufficient to bring our outward deportment into harmony with the revealed will of God. He hol.. 2010. 1. 28. It is Finished How terribly have these blessed words of Christ been misunderstood, misappropriated and misapplied! How many seem to think that on the cross the Lord Jesus accomplished a work which rendered it unnecessary for the beneficiaries of it to live holy lives on earth. So many have been deluded into thinking that, so far as reaching heaven is concerned, it matters not how they walk provided they are ".. 2010. 1. 28. I am the Way, Truth Life "I am the way." Christ spans the distance between God and the sinner. Man would fain manufacture a ladder of his own, and . . . climb up to God. But that is impossible. That is the way which seems right unto man, but the end thereof are the ways of death (Prov. 14:12). It is Satan who would keep the exercised sinner on his self-imposed journey to God. What faith needs to lay hold of is the glor.. 2010. 1. 28. Hungering "Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness; for they shall be filled" (MATTHEW 5:6). In the first three Beatitudes we are called upon to witness the heart exercises of one who has been awakened by the Spirit of God. First, there is a sense of need, a realization of my nothingness and emptiness. Second, there is a judging of self, a consciousness of my guilt and sorrowing o.. 2010. 1. 28. Heart Purity "Blessed are the pure in heart; for they shall see God" (MATTHEW 5:8). This is another of the Beatitudes which has been grossly perverted by the enemies of the Lord; enemies who have, like their predecessors the Pharisees, posed as the champions of the truth and boasted of a superior sanctity to that confessed by the true people of God. All through this Christian era there have been poor delude.. 2010. 1. 28. Have You Truly Come To Christ By the way of introduction let us bring before the reader the following Scriptures: 1. “Ye will not come to Me, that ye might have life” (John 5:40). 2. “Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28). 3. “No man can come to Me, except the Father which hath sent Me draw him” (John 6:44). 4. “All that the Father giveth Me shall come t.. 2010. 1. 25. Gospel Preaching Commanded There are those who misrepresent the doctrine of election in this way. Here I am sitting down at my table tonight with my family to tea. It is a cold winter’s night, and outside on the street are some hungry starving tramps and children, and they come and knock on my door and they say, "We are so hungry, Sir, Oh, we are so hungry and cold, and we are starving: won’t you give us something to.. 2010. 1. 25. God's Inheritance "For the Lord's portion is his people; Jacob is the lot of his inheritance" DEUT. 32:9 This verse brings before us a most blessed and wonderful line of truth, so wonderful that no human mind could possibly have invented it. It speaks of the mighty God having an "inheritance," and it tells us that this inheritance is in His own people! God refused to take this world for His inheritance-it will y.. 2010. 1. 25. God's Agency in War By George Lawson, 1811. (edited by Arthur Pink, 1941.) Does God punish nations for their wickedness under the Christian dispensation as He did during Old Testament times? If He did not we should have to discontinue the use of many of the Psalms in the praise of God. David often speaks of the righteousness of God’s judgment against the nations, and if it were a glorious expression of the Divin.. 2010. 1. 25. Godly Companions In the above verse we have a description of God’s people according to the course of their lives and conduct. They are a people marked by two things: fear and submission, the latter being the fruit of the former. Regenerated souls obey God conscientiously out of reverence to His majesty and goodness, and from a due regard of His will as made known in His Word. The same description is given of .. 2010. 1. 25. God Securing His Inheritance "He found him in a desert land and in the waste howling wilderness; he led him about. He instructed him he kept him as the apple of his eye" (DEUTERONOMY 32:10). In the previous verse we have the amazing statement that the Lord's "portion" is His people, and that there may be no misunderstanding, the same truth is expressed in another form: "Jacob is the lot of his inheritance." Here in our tex.. 2010. 1. 22. First Things First The dawning of a new year is a fresh call unto each of us to put first things first, and it is only by heeding this call that we are prepared to start it aright. The greatest tragedy of life is that the vast majority of our fellows are dissipating their energies on secondary things, spending their strength for that which satisfies not. Alas, how much time have we wasted in the past! But a new y.. 2010. 1. 22. Family Worship There are some very important outward ordinances and means of grace which are plainly implied in the Word of God, but for the exercise of which we have few, if any, plain and positive precepts; rather are we left to gather them from the example of holy men and from various incidental circumstances. An important end is answered by this arrangement: trial is thereby made of the state of our heart.. 2010. 1. 22. Faithfulness “It is required in stewards that a man be found faithful” (1 Cor. 4:2). From the preceding verse it is clear that the Apostle was having reference to the ministers of Christ, those whom He has appointed to act as officers in His churches. Other virtues are desirable, but fidelity is imperative. No matter how gifted a man may be, if he is untrue to this trust, he is an offense unto Christ an.. 2010. 1. 22. Faith The linking together of these verses shows us the worthlessness of all religious activities where faith be lacking. The outward exercise may be performed diligently and correctly, but unless faith be in operation God is not honored and the soul is not profited. Faith draws out the heart unto God, and faith it is which receives from God; not a mere intellectual assent to what is revealed in Holy.. 2010. 1. 22. Experimental Salvation Salvation may be viewed from many angles and contemplated under various aspects, but from whatever side we look at it we must ever remember that "Salvation is of the Lord." Salvation was planned by the Father for His elect before the foundation of the world. It was purchased for them by the holy life and vicarious death of His incarnate Son. It is applied to and wrought in them by His Holy Spir.. 2010. 1. 22. Evangelical Preaching The question which is before us for consideration and (attempted) elucidation really concerns the preacher's efforts to "win souls" (Prov. 11:30), and as to how far the Word warrants him going towards the realization of his longings to see sinners converted under his ministry. And here, it seems to the writer, there are two extremes to be guarded against. On the one hand, we believe those preac.. 2010. 1. 22. Does First Corinthians 12 Mean the Universal Church For almost ten years after his regeneration the writer never doubted that the "body" spoken of in 1 Corinthians 12 had reference to "the Church Universal." This was taught him by those known as "Plymouth Brethren," which is found in the notes of the Scofield Reference Bible, and is widely accepted by evangelicals and prophetic students. Not until God brought him among Southern Baptists (a high .. 2010. 1. 22. 이전 1 2 3 4 다음