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생명의 말씀/F.B.Meyer7

"Filled with the Holy Spirit" What may not one man do in one brief life, if he is willing to be simply a living conduit-pipe through which the power of God may descend to men? There is no limit to the possible usefulness of such a life. There is, on the one hand, the oceanic fullness of God; on the other, the awful need and desolation of man; guilty, weak, bankrupt, diseased: all that is required is a channel of communicatio.. 2023. 4. 14.
A perfect and an upright man. Job ii. 3. EVEN God spoke of Job as perfect. Not that he was absolutely so, as judged by the perfect standard of eternity, but as judged by the standard of his own light and knowledge. He was living up to all the requirements of God and man, so far as he understood them. His whole being was open and obedient to the Divine impulses. So far as he knew there was no cause of controversy in h.. 2018. 1. 15.
(5) One verse more. Gal_4:19 : "My little children, of whom I travail in birth again until Christ be formed in you." You know, of course, that an egg has in it a little embryo of life, and the nutriment, the viscous fluid upon which it shall grow; and every day the little life germ pecks into this more and more, and the chick is formed in the shell. Until now there has been a good deal more of other elements in your life tha.. 2009. 10. 7.
(4.) Gal_2:20 : "Christ liveth in me." One day when traveling by train, a young man sat opposite me in the car, reading Thomas a Kempis' "Imitation of Christ." I knew the book, and sat beside him and said: "A grand book." He said: "Yes." Said I: "I have found something better." "Better?" "Yes." "How?" "Better for me, because I was always a poor hand at imitation. I imitated the minister with whom I settled from college, and nobody b.. 2009. 10. 7.
(3.) Gal_2:8 : "The same was mighty in me." Hudson Taylor told me that on the threshhold of his great life work God came to him and said: "My child, I am going to evangelize inland China, and if you like to walk with me I will do it through you." "Mighty in me." I cannot take that Bible class, but Christ is in me, and HE can. I cannot conduct that mission, but Christ is in me, and HE can. I cannot assume these responsibilities, but halle.. 2009. 10. 7.
(2.) Gal_1:24 : "They glorified God in me." Some young men belonging to the Salvation Army came to old Andrew Bonar, and they said: " Dr. Bonar, we have been" all night with God. Can't you see our faces shine? " The old man said: "Moses wist not that his face shone," When you have got the real article you do not need to advertise it, the public will come for it; but the man who has got what we call in England, Brummagem ware, a sham, mus.. 2009. 9. 4.
(1.) Gal_1:15-16 : "When it pleased God, Who separated me from my mother's womb, and called me by His grace, to reveal His Son in me, that I might preach Him among the heathen; immediately I conferred not with flesh and blood." "It pleased God to reveal His Son in me." Now, " to reveal" means "to undrape." There is a statue. It is covered with a veil. It is there, but hidden. I take off the veil, and you see it. When you were regenerat.. 2009. 9. 2.