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by Topic/교회(The Church)53

The Body, the Church. W. Kelly. Jesus had shed His blood, was risen, and by the right hand of God exalted. If God had been glorified in Him, He also glorified Him in Himself, and this straightway. The Son of Man ascended up where He was before. He was glorified with the Father's own self, with the glory which He had with the Father before the world was. Nor was His glorification without result to others. If on earth .. 2009. 10. 28.
The Spirit's Presence in the Church Notes of a Lecture in 1860, on 1 Samuel 6 and 2 Samuel 6. J. N. Darby. {Christian Friend 1883, pages 74-79.} The ark, the symbol of God's presence, is the great thing here - the symbol of the Spirit's presence in the Church, not in heaven but on earth. The grand argument of the apostle in urging us to cleanse ourselves, etc., is the divine presence in our midst (1 Cor. 3: 16, 17; 2 Cor. 6: 16, 2.. 2009. 10. 19.
Is the "One Body" the ground of gathering? J. N. Darby. <33004E> 31 "Is the 'one body' of Ephesians 4: 4 the divinely constituted ground of gathering?" A small paper with this title has been sent to me, signed C. E., initials with which I am not acquainted. The reply is very simple. It is. A very little attention to the passage itself and others which I shall cite, will prove it to every spiritual mind. It is, Christ being the cent.. 2009. 10. 19.
Brief remarks on the Spirit and the Assembly J. N. Darby. <20029E> 363 "Now concerning spiritual operations [or, manifestations]": this word is preferable to that of "gifts," because here it includes diabolical demonstrations, as well as operations of the Spirit; and we do not like to call that which is really the working of the devil a "gift." Such is the meaning of desiring the "best gifts." They might desire spiritual manifestatio.. 2009. 10. 14.
Churches and the Church J. N. Darby. <20025E> 318 (The following paper was written in the Western States of America but not published; as the principles apply everywhere, and some have wished it, the hesitation of the writer has been overcome.) You ask me, Were there not churches in scripture? I answer, there were; but what are churches? The effect of the question is to bring out the state of the mind. Most Chris.. 2009. 10. 14.
What is the Unity of the Church? J. N. Darby. <20023E> 296 I should never have spoken of Mr. F.O.'s pamphlet if there had not been in it very decided principles upon some important points, and an object which all do not perceive. If it were only the desire to cast contempt upon his brethren which was manifested in it, nothing would be easier than to pass on. Every one can judge how far Mr. O. has profited by the light of .. 2009. 10. 13.
The Church which is His body A letter on A.R.D.'s few thoughts as to the position of saints gathered in the Name of the Lord. J. N. Darby. <20014E> 209 My dear brother, Somebody has sent me A.R.D.'s tract. It produces upon me the painful effect of one who has learned a great many truths, but has not the centre which binds them together: they have not been inwrought into his conscience to meet the need of his soul. It .. 2009. 10. 13.
On Ecclesiastical Independency J. N. Darby. <14010E> 301 1 The point I take to be fatally dangerous is confounding private judgment and conscience. We see the full-blown fruit of it in the present state of Protestantism, where private judgment is used to authorize the rejection of everything the individual does not agree with. The difference is plain in the case put. A father's authority is admitted. Now if it be a matt.. 2009. 10. 13.
What the Christian has amid the ruin of the Church; being a reply to certain articles in the Jamaica Magazine J. N. Darby. <14009E> 272 There is no harm done by the renewed attacks, made in various places, on those called Plymouth Brethren. It furnishes an occasion to bring scriptural truth before those who are honest enough to hear what they have to say. The questions stirred in the Jamaica Magazine have been discussed long ago in Switzerl.. 2009. 10. 13.
The Church - the House and the Body J. N. Darby. <14004E> 91 It seems to me that a few words now as to the Church, though not bringing forward anything entirely new, will be opportune. The question of the Church is agitated in every sense; and those who favour the popish or high-church view of it profit by certain expressions which some find it difficult to explain. My notice of the subject will be brief. There are two point.. 2009. 10. 13.
What is the Church, as it was at the beginning? and what is its present state? J. N. Darby. <14003E> 76 We may consider the Church in two points of view. First, it is the formation of the children of God into one body united to Christ Jesus ascended to heaven, the glorified man; and that by the power of the Holy Ghost. In the second place, it is the house or habitation of God by the Spirit. The Saviour gave Himself, not only to save per.. 2009. 9. 10.
The House of God; the Body of Christ; and the Baptism of the Holy~ The House of God; the Body of Christ; and the Baptism of the Holy Ghost. J. N. Darby. <14002E> 15 You have asked of me some account of the historical development of a false notion on which I have often spoken, and already written briefly in the "Present Testimony." The practical importance of this notion had caused my mind to be occupied with it, and led me to entertain the thought of purs.. 2009. 9. 9.
On Gifts and Offices in the Church. J. N. Darby. Originally written in German. <14001G> 1 It is far more happy to be occupied in considering the riches of the grace of God and of the love of Christ than to be discussing questions of offices and of institutions. It is however at times necessary to speak about these also, when they are put forward with a view of troubling the peace of Christians and of exciting their minds, as.. 2009. 9. 9.
On Ministry: its nature, source, power, and responsibility. J. N. Darby. <01013E> 206 The state of the church of God sufficiently, it seems to me, points out the usefulness of the following observations on ministry, which are not presented with a view to controversy, but to throw light on a subject on which much controversy has been expended. It is a subject, moreover, of sufficient dignity and interest to lead us above the mists of theological di.. 2009. 9. 9.
Some further development of the principles set forth in the pamphlet,~ Some further development of the principles set forth in the pamphlet, entitled "On the Formation of Churches" and reply to some objections made to those principles. J. N. Darby. Geneva, 1841. <01012F> 156 Introduction The edition of the little tract "On the Formation of Churches" being at present exhausted, instead of publishing a second I give some explanations, called for alike by the ci.. 2009. 9. 9.
On the Formation of Churches J. N. Darby. <01011F> 138 Published originally in French, in Switzerland, about 1840. In English it has been entitled, "Reflections on the Ruined Condition of the Church; and on the Efforts making by Churchmen and Dissenters to Restore it to its Primitive Order." Aim of this Essay Circumstances have latterly drawn the attention of many Christians to the question of the competency of believ.. 2009. 9. 9.
Principles of Gathering J. N. Darby. <31037E> 381 I write for both, because I hardly know who is in the place, indeed for all as to my heart's desire; and you will not be astonished at my being interested in the assembly there. I have heard from one, and also through another, only one side of course of the circumstances; and consequently I say little of them. N., indeed, alluded to the question raised, but not to.. 2009. 9. 9.
Power in the Church; or, not imitation, but obedience in the sense of present ruin. J. N. Darby. <31022E> 297 I feel a little difficulty, my dear friends, in taking up a subject in which my mind is exercised with you all. There is exceeding grace of expression in that word in Nehemiah, "The joy of Jehovah is your strength." The mere principle of imitation, as regards power, is very mischievous. When the church.. 2009. 9. 9.
Church and Privileges J. N. Darby. <31020E> 281 Things, truths, not words, are my objects. I had supposed that kuriake was the source of kirche in German, kirk and church. "Kyroike" I never heard of; it may be all right. Some philologists now say that this is all wrong, and that kirk, or church, comes from the Saxon. I can only say I really do not know, nor have at this moment the means of ascertaining, if inde.. 2009. 9. 9.
What is the Church? J. N. Darby. <03011E> 358 This is a question raised in many hearts by that which is passing around us — a question of the deepest interest in itself, even though circumstances did not make one feel the need of a clear and satisfactory answer. But the state of the professing world, now so much agitated on the question of the Church in every form, and in which a multiplicity of movements (.. 2009. 9. 9.
The Bride of the Lamb. J.G. Bellett. Extracted from "Collectanea" Subtitled, "Being some of the subjects considered at Leamington on 3rd June and four following days in the year 1839." Published unrevised in 1882 by J. S. Robertson, Edinburgh. The Lamb's bride is distinctly the heavenly Jerusalem, the heavenly companion of her Lord, quite distinct from Messiah's kingdom. Jerusalem is the earthly counterpart of the Lam.. 2009. 9. 9.
The Heavenly Calling and the Church J. G. Bellett. Article 18 of 47 Short Meditations (Cavenagh, 1866.) The heavenly calling has been known from the beginning. The earth having been, in every age, a scene of Divine disappointment, (to speak after the way of men,) and the elect being therefore strangers and sufferers in it, the heavens have been disclosed to them as their place of rest and inheritance. Abraham desired a heavenly co.. 2009. 8. 24.
The Church of God by T. B. Baines. Section 3 of: The Lord's Coming, Israel, and the Church. 4th edition, evised and enlarged. Broom, 1881. Part Third. THE CHURCH OF GOD ________ CHAPTER I. THE KINGDOM AND THE CHURCH. We have now briefly traced God's dispensational ways. Up to the cross He was unfolding His plan of earthly government, trying man, first alone, then with Christ in his midst, to see whether he could.. 2009. 8. 22.