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by Topic/신약인물(New Testament Characters)9

The First Martyr. Acts 6 and 7 Hamilton Smith. (Extracted from Scripture Truth Vol. 42, 1965-7, pages 118-21) In the touching story of Stephen, the first of a long line of martyrs, we see the complete exposure of the wickedness of Israel on the one hand, and the display of the blessedness of Christianity on the other hand. In the course of his address, Stephen recalls the history of Israel to show that the flesh,.. 2010. 3. 5.
Simon Peter. H. Rossier. Translated from the French. Christian Friend vol. 17, 1890, p. 1 etc. Simon Peter's history is deeply instructive, and portrays, in the main, that of every Christian, from the first step in acquaintance with Christ to the state — alas! so rarely attained or maintained — in which the Holy Ghost can without hindrance show forth His power. During this interval the full energy of gr.. 2010. 3. 5.
John the Baptist. H. Rossier. Christian Friend vol. 14, 1887, p. 15 etc. (This instructive little work is translated from the French.) Chapter 1. The Nation and the Remnants. Luke 1 - 3. The title of this little book might mislead the reader; its subject is not so much John the Baptist as Christ. All-important and interesting as his personality may be, John can only be like the background of a picture intended t.. 2010. 3. 5.
Saul of Tarsus C. H. Mackintosh. In contemplating the character of this most remarkable man, we may gather valuable principles of gospel truth. He seems to have been peculiarly fitted to show forth, in the first place, what the grace of God can do; and, in the second place, what the greatest amount of legal effort cannot do. If ever there was a man upon this earth whose history illustrates the truth that "salv.. 2010. 3. 5.
John the Baptist — only "a voice" Questions and how to meet them. C. H. Mackintosh. I have been very much interested of late in looking at the excellent way in which John the Baptist met the various questions which came before him; for, alas! there were questions in his day, as there are in ours. What I specially refer to now is presented to us in John 1 and John 3. The first question which this dear and honoured servant of Chri.. 2010. 3. 5.
Simon Peter — His life and its lessons. C. H. Mackintosh. Part 1 We propose, in dependence upon the Spirit's guidance, to write a few papers on the life and ministry of the blessed servant of Christ whose name stands at the head of this paper. We shall trace him through the Gospels, through the Acts, and through the Epistles, for he appears in all the three grand divisions of the New Testament. We shall meditate upon his call, upon h.. 2010. 3. 5.
Simon Peter — Apostle and Living Stone. W W Fereday. Foreword. Reading of a biographical character is always interesting, and it is frequently profitable. But the Spirit of God, when recording the life-stories of men, differs from all others in the line that He pursues. Human biographers aim at presenting the commendable side of the characters with which they deal, and they either draw a veil over their ugly features, or touch them li.. 2010. 2. 18.
Peter Luke 5: 1-11; John 21: 1-14. J. G. Bellett. Christian Friend vol. 17, 1890, p. 225. (Although a paper with a similar title and on the same scriptures is in print, the notes of this address have not been before published. — Ed.) The soul has its history as well as the body. The soul takes its journeys at times as well as the body. This we know and have experienced. Peter's spirit took a wondrou.. 2009. 8. 24.
Mary and Martha Luke 10: 10: 38-42. J. G. Bellett. Christian Friend vol. 14, 1887, p. 191. The little scene which closes this chapter is peculiar to Luke, serving his general purpose of instructing us in great principles of truth. The two sisters here introduced were differently minded; and, being brought to the trial of the mind of Christ, we get the judgment of God on matter of much value to us. The house whi.. 2009. 8. 22.