by Topic/휴거(The Rapture and the Appearing2 The Coming of the Lord Uncorrected notes of an address on Luke 12. J. N. Darby. (Words of Faith, Vol. 3, 1884, page 141.) My purpose this evening is to speak of the coming of the Lord, but not in order to prove it from scripture, but to shew how it is interwoven with the whole fabric of christian thought, so that if you take it out you rend the whole fabric to pieces. I do not say that there may not be saints resting .. 2009. 8. 24. Is the coming of Christ for His saints the proper hope of the Church? J. N. Darby. <10017E> 257 I cannot but feel these tracts of T. M. remarkable, not by their intrinsic character (for their contents are merely a repetition of Mr. Newton's views on the subject), but as presenting afresh the views of his party at this moment, when the power of the evil of the last days is becoming so astonishingly manifested; when everything is gradually taking its own place.. 2009. 8. 22. 이전 1 다음