다비86 The Aaronic and Melchisedec Priesthood J. N. Darby. Notes taken at a meeting of brethren in London, 1841. (extracted from Simple Testimony, 1845) The Aaronical priesthood is provisional for evil without reference to judgment. In it we have purity, discerning between good and evil, entering into the holiest, intercession, and blessing by virtue of sacrifice before Aaron came down. Lev. 9: 22. This Christ is now, as to service, while H.. 2009. 8. 24. Will J. N. Darby. <41009E> 161 (Notes and Comments Vol. 1.) What is will? I have often thought and yet do not know, I mean have not sufficiently analysed. There is, strange to say, unconscious will - a dead, or better a sleepy man tumbles down, or even an animal in many respects does not act on his muscles. At any rate man - he holds himself up - asleep, he does not. Take a dead bird, its wings.. 2009. 8. 24. Scripture: the place it has in this day 2 Timothy J. N. Darby. <23005E> 115 Allow me to say a few words to you, in which there will be nothing very new, on a subject on which simplicity and decision are of the utmost importance in these days. The Second Epistle to Timothy presents to us, as long ago observed, the ruin of the church in its earthly standing, and the heart of the apostle deeply affected by it, as would be the case,.. 2009. 8. 24. The Sufferings of Christ (2) J. N. Darby. From the "Bible Treasury," 1858-9. <07008E> 139 {file section b.} 173 The sufferings of our blessed Lord are too solemn, too holy, a subject to dispose one who feels he owes his all to them, to make them a subject of dispute or controversy. It is my desire to avoid this, yet not so as to let disastrous and fatal error overcome my heart. I judge, too, that it is much to be desi.. 2009. 8. 24. The Ten Virgins J. N. Darby. Matthew 25: 1-13 <12002E> 12 Notes of Sermons These first thirteen discourses were delivered without any thought of extending them beyond the immediate congregation to whom they were addressed. They were taken down by one of the congregation, and are now at the desire of a brother made public, with the permission, but without any revision of the preacher. Dublin, 1838. [The Ed.. 2009. 8. 24. On the Apostasy - What is Succession a Succession of? J. N. Darby. <01008E> 112 I propose saying a few words on the very solemn subject of the apostasy of the dispensation, suggesting the scriptural statements concerning it, rather than making any comment. This subject has been touched upon connected with the calling of Paul, with the raising up of an extraordinary messenger of grace upon Israel's rejection of the testimony of the Holy Ghost .. 2009. 8. 22. Address to his Roman Catholic brethren by a minister of the Gospel J. N. Darby. <18001E> 1 Brethren — The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ would ever make to whom it was given anxious to declare it to others. I have been deeply anxious concerning you from the day I came amongst you; and as I did not know how to leave the labour I was engaged in to turn to you, I cannot but see the hand of God in thus taking me from it for a while. I shall be glad to disch.. 2009. 8. 22. Remarks on the Seven Churches J. N. Darby. <05041E> 252 I have a few remarks to make on the churches. The object in view being their judgment, it is not the power which produced blessing that is presented to us; but the state in which the church is found when the blessing produced has been left in men's hands, as an effect - the state after the spiritual energy has been at work. Another thing it is well to remember - t.. 2009. 8. 22. Is the coming of Christ for His saints the proper hope of the Church? J. N. Darby. <10017E> 257 I cannot but feel these tracts of T. M. remarkable, not by their intrinsic character (for their contents are merely a repetition of Mr. Newton's views on the subject), but as presenting afresh the views of his party at this moment, when the power of the evil of the last days is becoming so astonishingly manifested; when everything is gradually taking its own place.. 2009. 8. 22. General Remarks on the Prophetic Word J. N. Darby. <30026E> 163 1. Old Testament. There is at the outset a great distinction to make between the prophets. Some wrote before the captivity and called the Jews to repentance, as hoping that they might still heed the warning, whatever the solemn light on the future judgment, but with blessing at last. The others wrote a little during or after the captivity on the basis of the judgm.. 2009. 8. 22. Miracles and Infidelity J. N. Darby. <32008E> 163 I send you some remarks on the scriptural view of miracles, from which infidels and the defenders of Christianity seem to me to have alike wandered. As to infidels, any moral apprehension of what miracles are, or anything else is, of the misery of man, or the love of God, or the power and value of the truth, is absent from their minds. Exalting man as he is, the .. 2009. 8. 22. A Letter on Separation J. N. Darby. <01018E> 350 I write rather because of the importance of the point than for any immediate occasion of circumstances: I mean leaving an assembly, or setting up, as it is called, another table. I am not so afraid of it as some other brethren, but I must explain my reasons. If such or such a meeting were the church here, leaving it would be severing oneself from the assembly of G.. 2009. 8. 22. Reflections on Mixed Marriages J. N. Darby. <16020E> 171 [The following remarks were made on a particularly solemn instance, where a young sister (converted in 1853) fell into the snare of accepting an offer of marriage made by a worldly man. This she had contrived to conceal from the assembly of Christians where she lived; but a delay, which arose out of seemingly accidental circumstances, gave occasion to a brother's.. 2009. 8. 22. The Service of Women J. N. Darby. {From a card printed by Morrish.} We find that the service which would commend widows to the bounty of the church were these: "If she have brought up children, if she have lodged strangers, if she have washed the saints' feet, if she have relieved the afflicted, if she have diligently followed every good work." (1 Tim. 5: 10) All are not qualified for teachers or church office; but .. 2009. 8. 22. Propitiation and Substitution J. N. Darby. <29009E> 286 My intercourse with saints, and especially with those who preach, has led me to discover that a good deal of obscurity in their manner of putting the gospel (and I may add a good deal of Arminian and Calvinistic controversy) arises from not distinguishing propitiation and substitution. I am not anxious about the words, but about the practical distinction, which is.. 2009. 8. 22. The Atonement J. N. Darby. <29008E> 241 There is in John 3 a twofold aspect of Christ presented to us, as the object of faith, through which we do not perish but have everlasting life. As Son of man, He must be lifted up; as only-begotten Son of God, He is given by the infinite love of God. Many souls stop at the first, the Son of man's meeting the necessity in which men stood as sinners before God, and.. 2009. 8. 22. Law J. N. Darby. <10001E> 1 My dear brother, I am not sorry to know with some distinctness what the views of those are who maintain the law to be the Christian's rule of life; and what the arguments by which they maintain their opinions. I desire, but without controversy, to consider the subject, which is really an important one, as calmly as I can. I make allowance, or would endeavour to do s.. 2009. 8. 22. Brief Scriptural Evidence on the doctrine of Eternal Punishment~ Brief Scriptural Evidence on the doctrine of Eternal Punishment, for plain people. J. N. Darby. <07001E> 1 The doctrine of everlasting punishment having been much called in question, and the minds of the simple shaken, and the faith of some overthrown (though I have been occupied with the subject, more at large, for some time back, with the purpose of writing on it), I have thought it wel.. 2009. 8. 22. Hints on the Feasts of Jehovah J. N. Darby. <19018E> 255 The feasts of Jehovah are given full in Leviticus 23, and again the chief ones in Deuteronomy 16. There are two different ways of viewing the seven feasts. We may take the Sabbath day by itself, and then begin again, reckoning the Passover and unleavened bread as two feasts, or we may reckon the Sabbath day first, without separating those two. The idea of these fe.. 2009. 8. 22. Letter on Free-will J. N. Darby. <10009E> 185 Elberfeld, October 23, 1861. Very dear brother, I had a little lost sight of an important subject of your last letter but one, solely through the multitude of my occupations. This fresh breaking out of the doctrine of free-will helps on the doctrine of the natural man's pretension not to be entirely lost, for that is really what it amounts to. All men who have nev.. 2009. 8. 22. Eternal Life - Dabby John 6 J. N. Darby. {Notes of Addresses Vol. 2.} It is remarkable the way in which the Lord here shows the source and power of eternal life, and how closely they are connected with Himself. How entirely He takes us in the power of eternal life out of the place of nature, and brings us into fellowship with the Father and with the Son. The Word of God holds this remarkable place, as the instrument.. 2009. 8. 22. The new Birth J. N. Darby. <10010E> 188 I desire to meditate a little on John 3, and its connection with some other parts of scripture; more particularly in reference to the new birth. I desire to do so for the profitable understanding of what the new man is; and the place in which we are set as made partakers of it, as we now are in Christ. I shall necessarily go over some ground with which Christians .. 2009. 8. 22. Fellowship with the Father and the Son 1 John 1 J. N. Darby. <28021E> 253 The great purpose of God, in all His dealings in grace, is to bring us - and to bring us individually too - into fellowship with Himself. "Truly our fellowship is with the Father." Thus we have the full knowledge of God, as far as it can be known by men, and that in full communion with Himself: not in the way of creation - that is, not merely as creatures.. 2009. 8. 22. God in His Essence and Attributes J. N. Darby. <32001E> 1 What is fundamental in speaking of attributes, is inherent in the very term itself. It is not the being in its essential nature, even though always found there, but what is rightly attributed to the being as such; and in speaking of God this is not without importance; and the difference will be found very simple. Attributes are relative; hence God, who is absolute, .. 2009. 8. 22. John Nelson Darby J N DARBY was the youngest son of John Darby of Leap Castle, King´s County. The year of his birth, at Westminster, was 1800; that also of E. B. Pusey, who was to champion Anglo-Catholicism; and the career of each ended in the same year. The name "Nelson" was derived from the connection between his uncle, Henry Darby, commander of the "Bellerophon" in the battle of the Nile, and the famous adm.. 2009. 8. 22. The Woman of Samaria John 4: 1-26 J. N. Darby. <12001E> 1 Notes of Sermons These first thirteen discourses were delivered without any thought of extending them beyond the immediate congregation to whom they were addressed. They were taken down by one of the congregation, and are now at the desire of a brother made public, with the permission, but without any revision of the preacher. Dublin, 1838. [The Editor .. 2009. 8. 21. 이전 1 2 3 다음