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묵상/Daily Devotion

Nursing a grudge

by 복음과삶 2008. 1. 10.


오늘의 묵상 (막11:20~25)



20. 아침에 지나가다가, 제자들이 무화과나무가 뿌리부터 말라 버린 것을 보았습니다.


21. 베드로가 생각이 나서, 예수님께 말했습니다. "선생님, 보세요! 저주하셨던 무화과나무가 말라 죽어 있습니다!"


22. 예수님께서 대답하셨습니다. "하나님을 믿어라.


23. 내가 너희에게 진정으로 말한다. 누구든지 이 산을 향하여 '뽑혀서 바다에 던져져라'하고 말하고, 마음속에 아무 의심 없이 말한 대로 될 줄 믿으면, 그대로 이루어질 것이다.


24. 그러므로 내가 너희에게 말한다. 너희가 기도하고, 구한 모든 것은 받은 줄로 믿어라. 그러면 이루어질 것이다.


25. 너희가 서서 기도할 때, 다른 사람과 원수된 일이 일으면, 그를 용서하여라. 그래야 하늘에 계신 너희 아버지께서도 너희의 죄를 용서하실 것이다."










If you hold anything against anyone, forgive him, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you. (Mark 11:25)


“My aunt is still mad at another relative for something that happened over thirty years ago,” Emily told our Bible study group. “That's longer than I've been alive!


Emily continued. “One day she called and unloaded on me. From my point of view, she has more to ask forgiveness for than the other person, yet she continues to nurse this grudge. She's unhappy all the time. Her lack of forgiveness is hurting her more than anyone else.”


We have probably all experienced the physical effects of allowing anger or hurt feelings to linger-that heaviness in the pit of our stomachs, a loss of sleep, and an unsettled feeling. But when we fail to forgive others for an extended time, our faith begins to wither as a result, just like the fig tree Jesus cursed. Holding a grudge not only separates us from our family or friends, it separates us from God.


Sometimes forgiving someone is the hardest thing we have to do. But forgive we must. Thankfully, we do not have to forgive in our own strength. The same God who can command a mountain to throw itself into the sea can help us let go of our unforgiveness and reunite us with our loved ones. More importantly, He can restore us to himself.


- Tracy Crump



Demonstrate the fruit of your faith by forgiving someone today.

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