Scripture Reading: Matthew 16: 13-20
Scripture Text: "And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God." Matthew 16:16 (KJV)
Following up on yesterday's devotional thought where Jesus asked the very poignant question, "Whom say YE that I am...", we find the Apostle Peter answering, "Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God."
That Revelation, although we know it to be correct, was a startling depiction of a man of faith... even though when Peter was later accused of knowing Jesus, He denied he ever knew him or having ever spoken with Him.
You know, we as Christians have just never "gotten it". We've just never received the "truth" about Jesus. We read about Him in the scriptures and we study about Him in our churches... but we've just never "got it" quite like Peter did that day.
Can you imagine having this "God-man" staring you in the face, and posing you the question to you, "Whom do ye say that I am?" If a modern day author was writing the story, we would probably hear some music begin to slowly build to Peter's definitive answer. The director I'm sure would focus in closely panning back and forth to get the look on Peter's face and then Jesus, Peter then Jesus... while yet another camera would be doing a pan of the whole group showing a throbbing vein in one man's neck, and the sweat beads flowing off the face of another, while yet another peers at Jesus, and then back at Peter, and quietly awaits his response. Ha... such is the Hollywood depiction of any such event - and oh how we love it when they bring it all to life. But it was nothing like that. According to the Word, Peter didn't have to think about it. There wasn't time for any panoramic group shots or any music for that matter. Peter was certain within his heart of hearts that this "was" the Son Of God, and He wasn't afraid to proclaim it.... this time.
So, you find it strange that the same man Jesus knew would deny Him, was the very one He would call on to declare "who" He was? This would have been the perfect time for Jesus to say, "Oh really Peter?" You say that now, but what about when I will need you most? What about in my darkest hour?
But Jesus knew the man. He knew what he had received from their fellowship together, and He knew that while Peter would betray Him, deep within "the MAN" was the fortress of a rock that would one day even be beaten for the sake of Christ; and when the time came, Jesus knew that he would give his life for the cause of Christ, begging to be crucified upside down - as he believed he was not worthy to die like His Lord.
Jesus knows you and me too my friend. He knows everything about us, and while He sees each and every time we're going to let him down, He still calls us aside and asks us the question, "Wayne (place your name here), do you love me?" "Yes Lord, You know that I love you." "Work for me Wayne (place your name here). Get 'hold of who I am in your life, and what I can do through you just as you are... and feed my Lambs." "But Lord, I have this condition." "It doesn't matter Wayne. I need you just as you are." "Do You Love me?" "Lord how many times do I need to tell you that I love you?" "You know that I love you Jesus". "Feed my Lambs.
There is no other purpose that you and I were placed here on this earth, than to share with one another "who Jesus is". Not the idea of Jesus, nor the facts about Jesus or His history (although those things are good to know, and bless us), but to really "share Jesus". When you are filled with "HIM" everyone you meet will know it. They will sense a "presence" that is more than they can understand, and they will want Him too.
Let's Pray,
Father, I do feel that presence of Your calling and that reminder that I have a purpose - we ALL have a purpose on this Earth of telling out the sweet story of Jesus, and how when we were at our worst, when we were at our weakest, He died for us. That crimson flow of His blood at Calvary became our strength and our everlasting hope of Mercy and Grace and Pardon. We thank you for that today O Lord and we give you praise... in Jesus' Name, Amen.
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