Scripture Text: "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, To preach the acceptable year of the Lord."
Luke 4:18,19 (KJV)
I have been in a season of having dreams where just weeks ago I was yet in a season of having visions. I would guess that the Lord is telling me that I am now passed the Young Man stage and moving into that stage of being an "old man" according to Acts 2:17 where Peter says,
"And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams: " (ref., Joel 2:28)
While we are yet in the church age, we are fringing upon the "beginning of sorrows" that many of you have heard me speak of so often in my prophecy notes... and every born again believer is being challenged to step into that "rite of passage" from what was supposed to be a time of REVIVAL and a time of Great Evangelism, into a time of re-digging the well of deliverance in the power and authority of Jesus' Name. It is time to stop seeking the leisurely "spiritual coasting" of middle-age or old-age or even your golden years, and begin taking stock in what matters for eternity. I cannot stress it enough: you are have been chosen to be here at this point in time - and God has "willed" for you to be one of the many who will "tidy-up" the church and be about the invitation of the lost along life's highway and set them back on the path of righteousness. No, you
are not one of the 144,000... that is not your distinction - we will speak of who they are later in our Prophecy Notes lessons (make sure you sign up FREE). Your distinction and purpose in these last days before the Return of Christ (Rapture), is to prepare the body who has been systematically dismantled by the Governments - WORLDWIDE, and to do that you must begin re-digging the well of deliverance for those to whom God has placed in your path.
I believe that just now when I made that last statement - God placed someone in your mind that He wants you to begin with. Now, for those of you who read or listen to the In The Garden Broadcasts - this in and of itself doubles or even triples - QUADRUPLE... depending how many people actually read the email you are receiving. If there are a thousand people who read this email that means instant there were a thousand people (at least) who were just placed in the mind of the reader as one of those "wells of Deliverance" that need re-digging and sponsored by the reader - to set them on the Path toward the Kingdom of God. If there are two thousand who read this email - that means there will be two thousand "wells of Deliverance" that need re-digging in the Name Of Jesus to do as John The Baptist put it
"Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight." Mark 1:3 (KJV)
Friend, it is time to STOP living in the limbos of politics and the FOX NEWS. It is time to STOP living in a dry place and allowing the devil to hold your supply captive. You and I have the Power and The authority in Jesus' Name to re- establish the Faith and the Hope and the LIFE of some dear saint who has become confused and even discouraged by their current life situation.
Now, you may be thinking this morning - Brother Wayne, I do feel the witness of God's spirit in me that what you're saying is for me. I feel that tugging at my heart to be one of those who help to re-dig the Wells of Deliverance and get ready for Christ's return - I just don't know where to start. In fact, I feel the same way as you described some of those I know I am to help return to the Lord and to re-establish their lives - but how can I help someone else when I feel like I do today?
Here's the answer to that question and it isn't a simple fix. Why? Because many cannot nor will not take time away from the Television or their summer activities, or I'm sorry folks, the computer games... Farmville, YoVille, and some of those other things that are on Facebook. If that's all your going to do on Facebook... shut the thing off! Forget IT!!! You're not doing anyone any good. Who cares if you went through this level or that level or that you killed some rattle snake or caught yourself a cow? Who Cares? Start putting stuff on there about the Lord Jesus Christ and begin preparing the WAY OF THE LORD and MAKE HIS PATHS STRAIGHT! If you're going to be on there - use it for the glory of the Lord - not for some stupid games. I'm sorry but I feel the Unction of God's Anointing to say that this morning. You're wasting your time! And that's why I say this is not an easy fix because many cannot - nor will not take time away from their Television or their summer activities to "tarry" for God's Anointing".
If you're one who is serious about this - if you really feel that God has called you to make a difference, you will know it! In fact, you may have known it for quite some time but didn't know where to start. You can start right now by getting alone with God and seeking His "FRESH" anointing on your life. Listen, I believe that the Lord is so serious about this that I have witnessed "His WORD" in my spirit that He WILL COME and He WILL DELIVER YOU FIRST: from your own lack; from your own fear of death and the grave; from your own physical maladies and financial situations and begin to show you that YOU are to MOVE BY HIS SPIRIT into this new realm as a RESTORER OF THE BREACH. That word breach means: the act or a result of breaking; a rupture; the violation of trust, faith, or promise; the gap made in a wall, whereby - by your efforts in Christ's Name YOU become the fortification; that, which is Holy and right and FULL OF MERCY.
You will no longer be bound in any area of your life, but you will be "...anointed to preach the gospel to the poor;" to become His hand extended, "...healing the brokenhearted," through the Holy Spirit, "to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, and to set at liberty them that are bruised," and to, "preach the acceptable year of the Lord."
That's talking about Prophecy my friend! You will begin to move in the realm of the Prophetic if you get on your knees and ask God to move on your life so that you might become that Restorer of the BREACH that we're talking about here today.
It is time to get to work. Are you ready? Start Digging!
Let's pray.
Father, I have delivered Your Word this morning by the Spirit and I ask that those You have called to this end-times ministry will begin stepping out and ministering to those You have already laid on their hearts and minds. Father, may there be a great awakening of the Holy Ghost and Power in these last days and may it begin in those you have called to re-dig the wells of deliverance - In Jesus' Name, Amen.
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