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묵상/Daily Devotion


by 복음과삶 2005. 7. 13.





. . . you have taken off your old self . . . and have put on the new self . . .
(Col. 3:9-10 NIV).


I read somewhere that fifty million adults in America profess to be born-again Christians. The obvious question is, where are they? Are they obvious on the streets and in the stores? Can they be seen in the school rooms and shops?


Are they recognizable along the assembly lines and in the marketplace?


The image of Christ should be seen in every Christian. The world took note of the early Christians that they had been with Jesus (Acts 4:13). Are modern Christians walking the highway of holiness with Christ long enough, and often enough, to be recognized as His disciples?


I heard about a clergyman whose friend was an actor. The actor was drawing large crowds of people while the clergyman was preaching to just a few in his church. He said to his actor friend, "Why is it that you draw great crowds and I have practically no audience at all? Your words are sheer fiction and mine are the unchangeable truth."


The actor said, "I present my fiction as though it were fact, and you present your truth as though it were fiction."


Are we as Christians demonstrating in our lives a denial of what we profess in our testimony?


Life response: "Lord, help me to demonstrate my testimony."

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