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묵상/Daily Devotion


by 복음과삶 2006. 3. 21.



Point of Hope

Lord of lords and King of kings, Christ will reign forever. I watched day after day as Bert trudged endlessly through our house between his office and the kitchen. once so energetic and efficient, now he was fragile, ceaselessly occupied with the demands of an inflexible medical schedule. Besides the pain of injections, his fingertips stayed sore from constant blood tests. Often weary, he suffered frequent headaches. Was there ever a time when he felt good?  Dear Jesus, will it always be so? The Spirit’s hushed voice echoed gently inside my head. “No, because I make all things new.” Someday Bert would stand before the Lord in his glorified body, and the pain would be gone. It was clear then that the Lord’s will was not to heal Bert in this life. But the one who sits on the throne and declares that He makes all things new is the same person who said, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” (Matt. 11:28). At that moment I realized that Bert rested his soul in the Lord now, and someday his body would rest also. Indeed, O death, where is your victory (1 Cor. 15:55)?


Point of Help

I will hold firm in the hope of the Resurrection.

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