묵상1364 TAKING A RISK TAKING A RISK Whatever was to my profit I now consider loss for the sake of Christ (Phil. 3:7 NIV). When I was a boy, my friends and I often played "Follow the Leader." We formed a line and everyone had to do what the leader did — run, jump, swing from a limb, balance on a ledge, jump over the creek. I remember sometimes hesitating before some particularly daring feat, while those who.. 2005. 7. 18. ARE YOU COMMUNICATING? ARE YOU COMMUNICATING? I hope to visit you and talk with you face to face, so that our joy may be complete (2 John 12 NIV). The most frequent complaint heard by marriage counselors is "my spouse won't talk to me." As one pastor was counseling a married couple, the wife kept shouting at the husband and he kept shouting back — with neither one listening to the other. The pastor took the.. 2005. 7. 16. ADMIT IT! ADMIT IT! If we claim we have not sinned, we make him out to be a liar. . . (1 John 1:10 NIV). A woman came to the hotel where a well-known pastor was to speak and asked if he could help her husband. The man was weak, sick and depressed. The pastor invited the man to his hotel room to talk with him. After he listened to the man tell about his physical ailments, he said, "All right, now tell me .. 2005. 7. 15. WIN THE INNER WAR! WIN THE INNER WAR! What causes fights and quarrels among you? Don't they come from your desires that battle within you? (James 4:1 NIV). Two little boys were fighting in the school yard. One boy finally got on top of the other and was holding him down. But at the same time, he was yelling loudly for help. A passerby stopped and asked, "Why are you the one calling for help? You've got him down.".. 2005. 7. 14. FACT OR FICTION? FACT OR FICTION? . . . you have taken off your old self . . . and have put on the new self . . . (Col. 3:9-10 NIV). I read somewhere that fifty million adults in America profess to be born-again Christians. The obvious question is, where are they? Are they obvious on the streets and in the stores? Can they be seen in the school rooms and shops? Are they recognizable along the assembly lines and.. 2005. 7. 13. A GIFT FOR EVERYONE A GIFT FOR EVERYONE We have different gifts, according to the grace given us (Rom. 12:6 NIV). The first church I pastored was a little frame building in a patch of woods at the end of a dirt road. We began with just a handful of common, hard-working folk. I'll never forget those precious people, and I'll always be indebted to them. What I lacked in experience, I tried to make up in enthusiasm &.. 2005. 7. 12. DRESS FOR SUCCESS DRESS FOR SUCCESS Put on the full armor of God (Eph. 6:13 NIV). Years ago the popular book, Dress For Success, made an impact on the business community. It describes how dressing effectively can aid in climbing the corporate ladder. According to this book, every item of attire should be chosen and coordinated carefully to impress people and project the proper image. No matter what your calling .. 2005. 7. 11. USE YOUR SENSES USE YOUR SENSES He that hath an ear, let him hear . . . (Rev. 2:7 KJV). Helen Keller was one of the most remarkable people this world has ever known. Blind and deaf from infancy, she was able — through the untiring love and discipline of her teacher, Anne Sullivan — to learn to understand the world around her. Through smell, touch and taste, she became aware of the beauty ar.. 2005. 7. 9. HEAVENLY TREASURE HEAVENLY TREASURE ‘ . . . lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven . . . where thieves do not break in and steal'(Matt. 6:20 NKJV) While living in an eastern city many years ago, I discovered one morning that someone had broken into my garage and gone through my car. Since nothing of value had been left in the car, nothing had been taken. But I soon learned that every garage on our street ha.. 2005. 7. 8. SOW SEEDS OF FORGIVENESS SOW SEEDS OF FORGIVENESS Be kind . . . to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you (Eph. 4:32 NIV). World-famous engineer Peer Holm later came to failure and returned to the village of his childhood with his wife and little girl. His neighbor owned a fierce dog but was contemptuous of those who warned him that the dog was dangerous. One day, the dog killed Peer Holm'.. 2005. 7. 5. CAESAR OR GOD? CAESAR OR GOD? "‘Give to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God what is God's’" (Matt. 22:21 NIV). Christians have dual citizenship — on earth and in heaven. Both kingdoms have authority over us. The question is, which has final authority? In the nineteenth century some taught that man would eventually build his own heaven here on earth, a man-made utopia. But stark reality has crush.. 2005. 7. 4. "HELP ME, GOD!" "HELP ME, GOD!" God be merciful to me a sinner (Luke 18:13 KJV). A story in a religious magazine dramatically illustrates God’s miracle power. It tells how a forty-year-old man, rough and wicked, came to know God. Profane, mean-spirited, this man loved to drink and fight. His pastor tried to convert him to no avail. "God means nothing to me," the man would say. He went from bad to worse, from.. 2005. 7. 3. UNNAMED? UNNAMED? Who am I, that I should go unto Pharaoh . . . (Exod. 3:11 KJV). Like many today, Moses felt like a nobody. Often people have a sense of worthlessness because they see themselves as insignificant, unimportant. They think of themselves as pygmies in a land of giants. All around them they see heroes and rising stars destined for success. But with God, there are no unnamed. He knew who the.. 2005. 7. 3. ARE WE ALL TALK? ARE WE ALL TALK? Faith without works is dead (James 2:20 KJV). An evangelist told of his mother-in-law’s concern for his safety as he traveled thousands of miles each year. She had read statistics which explained that, per passenger mile traveled, the airplane was the safest form of transportation. She told him of the comfort and speed of air travel and the time he would save. She sounded lik.. 2005. 7. 2. 이전 1 ··· 43 44 45 46 다음