by Topic432 Eternal Life - Dabby John 6 J. N. Darby. {Notes of Addresses Vol. 2.} It is remarkable the way in which the Lord here shows the source and power of eternal life, and how closely they are connected with Himself. How entirely He takes us in the power of eternal life out of the place of nature, and brings us into fellowship with the Father and with the Son. The Word of God holds this remarkable place, as the instrument.. 2009. 8. 22. On Christian Experience J.G. Bellett. Pub: Cameron, Edinburgh. CBA4441 I believe that there should be much more of simple Divine experience in our souls than there is. Some have been rather turned from this by certain abused methods of speaking on Christian experience, arising, I judge, from misapprehension on the subject. "Come, ye that fear God, and I will tell you what He hath done for my soul." I might take that pa.. 2009. 8. 22. The new Birth J. N. Darby. <10010E> 188 I desire to meditate a little on John 3, and its connection with some other parts of scripture; more particularly in reference to the new birth. I desire to do so for the profitable understanding of what the new man is; and the place in which we are set as made partakers of it, as we now are in Christ. I shall necessarily go over some ground with which Christians .. 2009. 8. 22. Justification by Faith J. G. Bellett. Article 46 of 47 Short Meditations (Cavenagh, 1866.) In the dispensation of His grace, God provides the sinner with an answer to His own demands upon him. He gives him security in the day of the judgment of righteousness. For He judges sin. Surely He cannot pass it by. Righteousness calls for the judgment of it. But He, in grace, provides the sinner with an answer and a shelter: a.. 2009. 8. 22. Letter on the Divine Inspiration of the Holy Scriptures J. N. Darby. <23001F> 1 Introduction The letter of Mr. Scherer to Dr. M. d'Aubigne having been communicated to me by a third person who desired to have my opinion of it, I answered with all freedom, without meditating any future publicity. I spoke severely in several places, because I judged severely that which I criticized. The Christian's faith is something too precious not to oppose cle.. 2009. 8. 22. The Love of Jesus N. Anderson. (Extracted from Scripture Truth Vol. 41, 1962-4, pages 126-7.) The home at Bethany comes before us in John 11 as a place where the love of Jesus was known. There they knew how to rely on it with natural, simple confidence at every season. Individually the members of the little household are marked out as its objects. "Now Jesus loved Martha, and her sister, and Lazarus," as if to te.. 2009. 8. 22. The Sufferings of Christ (1) J. N. Darby. From the "Bible Treasury," 1858-9. <07008E> 139 {file section a.} Preface to the First Edition The numbers of the "Bible Treasury" containing the papers on "The Sufferings of Christ," having been widely sought after, are out of print, and not to be had. Recently, an attack has been made on the doctrine contained in them, and in other articles to which I will just now refer. Th.. 2009. 8. 22. Jesus Christ come in flesh J. G. Bellett. BT vol. 6 p. 56. The ark and the camp were, in some sense, necessary to each other during the journey through the wilderness. The ark, seated in the tabernacle on which the cloud rested, had to guide the camp; and the camp, in its order, had to accompany and guard the ark and all connected with it. This was the business of the camp. There was to be subjection to the will of Him wh.. 2009. 8. 22. The Person and Deity of the Holy Ghost J. G. Bellett. Section 4 of: Musings on Scripture Vol. 3 My Dear Sir, I felt myself much drawn to you from the little intercourse we had on Sunday, so that the apprehension, as it grew upon me, of anything that might prove a necessary hindrance to further intercourse, I need not say, was painful to me. I have since further meditated on the subject that was then between us, and have committed the.. 2009. 8. 22. We beheld his glory John 1: 14 N. Anderson. As occupying ourselves with such a theme we are in good company. the Psalmist said, "My meditation of Him shall be sweet" (Psalm 104: 34). The remnant of Malachi's day were distinguished in the Spirit's record as being those "that feared the Lord, and that thought upon His Name." The remnant of early incarnation days had an Anna who "spake of Him to all them that looked f.. 2009. 8. 22. Fellowship with the Father and the Son 1 John 1 J. N. Darby. <28021E> 253 The great purpose of God, in all His dealings in grace, is to bring us - and to bring us individually too - into fellowship with Himself. "Truly our fellowship is with the Father." Thus we have the full knowledge of God, as far as it can be known by men, and that in full communion with Himself: not in the way of creation - that is, not merely as creatures.. 2009. 8. 22. God in His Essence and Attributes J. N. Darby. <32001E> 1 What is fundamental in speaking of attributes, is inherent in the very term itself. It is not the being in its essential nature, even though always found there, but what is rightly attributed to the being as such; and in speaking of God this is not without importance; and the difference will be found very simple. Attributes are relative; hence God, who is absolute, .. 2009. 8. 22. 이전 1 ··· 12 13 14 15 다음