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묵상/Daily Devotion

Disciplining spoiled children

by 복음과삶 2007. 10. 30.


오늘의 묵상 (렘7:3~7)



3. 만군의 여호와, 이스라엘의 하나님께서 이렇게 말씀하셨다. 너희의 길과 행실을 바꾸어 올바른 일을 하여라. 그러면 내가 너희를 이 곳에 살게 하겠다.


4. 이것이 여호와의 성전이다. 이것이 여호와의 성전이다. 이것이 여호와의 성전이다. 하는 사람들의 거짓말을 믿지 마라.


5. 너희는 너희의 길과 행실을 바꾸어 올바른 일을 해야 한다. 이웃끼리 정직하게 살아야 한다.


6. 나그네와 고아와 과부를 억누르지 마라. 이 곳에서 죄 없는 사람을 죽이지 마라. 다른 신들을 섬기지 마라. 거짓으로 말하는 그들은 너희의 삶을 망칠 뿐이다.


7. 그렇게 하기만 하면 내가 너희를 이 땅, 곧 내가 너희 조상에게 영원토록 준 이 땅에서 살게 하겠다.









Reform your ways and your actions, and I will let you live in this place. (Jer. 7:3)



A recent talk show focused on the actions of a twelve-year-old boy, who was making his family's life miserable. His demands ruled his parents' lives, and he felt he had no obligation to do anything in return. They were completely bewildered by this greedy tyrant in their home. The counselor pointed out that only they could correct the problem through loving but firm parental discipline.


How quickly privileges turn into rights in the minds of the blessed! The Israelites believed that the presence of the Temple insured the safety of Jerusalem, despite the threat of invasion. They thought they had evidence, a massive building, that the Lord had chosen them as God's people and dwelled among them. Resting on the blessings of the past, they were confident that their behavior toward each other and toward God no longer mattered. As a result, they behaved like spoiled children, taking what they wanted by any means, stomping on the rights of others, and ignoring their generous Parent, in fact giving credit to other gods for God's blessings. Eventually, after many warnings, God had no choice but to exert the promised discipline, and the Israelites were sent into exile, away from their beloved land and ruined Temple: a test of faith and a terrific jolt to national pride.


—Tamara Flinchum



Are you relying on your “rights,” not appreciating God's blessings?


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