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출애굽기 14:13~14 (쉬운성경, NASB)
13. 하지만 모세가 대답했습니다. "두려워하지 마시오! 굳게 서서 여호와께서 오늘 여러분에게 베푸실 구원을 보시오. 오늘이 지나면, 이 이집트 사람들을 다시는 보지 않게 될 것이오.
But Moses said to the people, "Do not fear! Stand by and see the salvation of the LORD which He will accomplish for you today; for the Egyptians whom you have seen today, you will never see them again forever.
14. 그저 가만히 있기만 하시오. 여호와께서 여러분을 위해 싸워 주실 것이오."
"The LORD will fight for you while you keep silent."
MOSES SPOKE THESE WORDS right before God told him to stretch his hand out over the Red Sea. Pharaoh and his men were closing in and the Israelites were frightened.Most of us know what happened after that. The Red Sea parted, the Israelites crossed to the other side safely, and Pharaoh's chariots and horsemen were swallowed up in the water. "The LORD will fight for you" must have been comforting for the Israelites to hear; especially since they were homeless. They were probably an easy target for not only Pharaoh, but any other army they might encounter. And God did fight for them. Pharaoh was left on the wrong side of the sea and the Israelites were able to continue their journey to freedom. God showed His faithfulness to the Israelites over and over as they wandered the desert. These days, we may not need to be rescued from an army of chariots and horsemen, but isn't it good to know that our God is capable of such a feat? God is powerful. He can do anything, anytime, anyplace. Our God is mighty. He's proven himself in the Scriptures. He's proven it today as He works in our lives. Next time you're facing a Red Sea moment, take a time out. Remember that God loves you and is powerful enough to help you in your situation.
Tami Stevenson
How did God fight for you in a Red Sea moment?
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